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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Makes it all the more brilliant if true. Nothing like wasting your army for nothing and losing the ground back.
  2. I thought it was a good question, until it wasn't. Thanks for good info. Airbus and Boeing should say they are going to do it anyway(Even though it cant be done (We know that) , the idiot Russians will pull all the cables out hopefully or keep them in a faraday gage.
  3. The actual war aside, we have the economic sanctions. Putin appeared on TV and said the following "Russia has lost nothing and will only gain from the special needs operation in Ukraine" Once the Oil & gas is turned off to the EU and surrounding countries they are in serious trouble from that day onwards for exports. They have allready managed to lose 70% of their export market for anything they make or produce. For the oil and gas, this is a problem as they can't sell enough of it after that, to who ? at what discount and how do they get it there ? They can't, it's impossible from what I can see. How do you get oil to India in uninsured non existent ships ? (70 day round trip with unloading bottlenecks). Imports, they dissolved 60--70 % of their import partners overnight. No spare parts or anything of any really value to them (Processors chips from China are no good for what they need). The planes are all Western, no spare parts. Most of the oil fields can only be reached by plane to deliver spare parts they don't have in planes that are falling apart. (Why cant Boeing / Airbus over the air kill the planes on the ground via software ?)
  4. It depends on how the general voting public view it. I suspect it will be like furlough or sending arms / money to Ukraine, the public will just put it in a "Had to be done" box and they will forget it soon enough. People will see the headlines only and not understand how it was achieved.
  5. He does a fantastic impression of a little kid wanting his go on the PlayStation though. It is 12 years becasue Labour are not good enough, sneaky enough or politically competent enough to get into power. Do we need him popping up telling us how long it is since Labour had a go ? He is relying on pity more than anything now.
  6. 1. There is no mention of "Bickster" in the supplied text. 2. I don't know your real first name. 3. @bickster Well done Jayne
  7. My apartment block is on the one of the Webcams for The Dutch grand Prix today where the train station is.
  8. All we needed to do was get them all in before the first game, settled squad to start. Maybe pay a premium price but I doubt we would be on 3 points either. They gamble for bargains towards the end of the window, this is fine but if you sit on 3 points after 4 games and unrest allready on the terraces then, as you say, players look elsewhere for a more stable long term option. They are signing 4 or 5 year deals, The Villa doesn't look a great option at the moment compared d to other teams around us.
  9. WFH today. Next door are Hammer and chisel the brickwork behind my monitor for 3 hours. Taking tiles off it seems.
  10. Neither, they are both utterly stupid and won't achieve much in the big scheme of things. Rate rise against 11 % inflation, its created globally so I don't understand. Cut VAT by 5%, primarily chosen by her becasue its sounds good but her main concern is that business still get their invoice paid so putting money in no ones pocket. Like magic. Business also get to keep their estimates this year with goals still achieved and bonusses paid.
  11. A bit of a side step but the 25 million people Russia lost in the 2nd world war can still be seen in the population figures even up to this day. Every 20 or so years there is a noticeable dip and this will carry on for a long time yet. It is because all the children never born to the 25 M would for example now be having great great great grandchildren but all of those births wont ever happen (Or something like that). It's interesting as the tax, population and overall loss cannot be accurately modelled but it continues to hurt Russia all these years along.
  12. What could the UK have done the same as these countries to improve from 10 to 6 ? What didn't the Tories do that was so easy for France and Germany for example. I don't know how they did it?
  13. Agree with all of the post apart from these 2. No matter who was in power for however long these would exist in there current form. The alternative is not being in the war but still have the inflation as this is dictated by world markets. Not preventable or avoidable in my opinion. Historically the way to tackle inflation of this size would be to push interest rates to a untenable level but becasue its global it would not work as expected so all countries are on a defensive footing financially. The UK is there or thereabouts at the moment with almost everyone else for inflation in the EU and wider, Turkey or Argentina is inflation where the Governments can be blamed directly.
  14. Allready cosy, no need for any of this surly ? You might lose some cosiness seeking out more cosiness when you are allready cosy ?
  15. "Shoot to kill" tends to calm things down considerably over time I would guess.
  16. At a guess, This is aimed directly at kids I suspect. The one thing the Police need to be is approachable by children, given what happened over the 70's and 80's where kids told people of abuse but were not believed. It could be the difference for a child that is literally life changing / life saving. Even if its just one kid, they can do stuff like this IMO.
  17. The car bomb was amusing. A terrorist got terrorised and now his family are in bits.
  18. Pizza is rubbish. Get rid of the bread and the toppings are ok. No-one Would add bread. Absolute tat that costs pennies to make for a reason.
  19. It's like IKEA stuff, made to appeal to the many. Wet bar of soap car design 101, make that a bit smooth on the corners, that'll do. Gold cost, Pound shop design. Tat. My brother has got a Taycan, different potatoes.
  20. He wont sign a new deal so I think they had no choice. 45 M is nothing to Chelsea.
  21. Is it correct that Russians cannot leave anymore to Europe. Putin has not got long left now I suspect. A nicely caged population unable to visit family or emigrate. Brain drain is almost at 500k allready the silly man.
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