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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Do you wonder as I sometimes do about the news extracts and adverts within the film "Robocop" ? (Original Version) ? How over time these once seemingly whimsical snapshots of a nightmare future have since become more true to life the longer we live, I think these and news clips of that ilk are now showing live on CNN. Will our current nightmare of mass shootings and terrorism be looked on as a saver place for people as they look to history for answers ? I remember watching this film and these clips and thinking, "fools", they are way off there. I thought it was going to be like BTTF2 everywhere and so it. There are films in this era where the "Big Crime" is someone doing a lot less than the bloke in Vegas the other day. I don't know what all this means but it's not good.
  2. It's a bullet situation then I suppose and at a very basic level, the energy = mass times maximum speed, squared never helps either. If only they had more candles and notes on the pavement as close as they can get to the mass killing site then that would be great & in combination with more prayers they might have a chance.
  3. And thus so it was written and "Escape from New York" came to pass. With chandeliers and everything.
  4. Behind the fact that people have guns or that one bloke ? Both equally mental I think you would agree ?
  5. By design, I think we are on the outside of a ***t filled box looking in unfortunately. "Outside of the box that would be a penalty!!" would fit nicely here.
  6. Does these mean you burnt the Christmas decorations and tied the Fireworks to your kids or have I made a horrific error somewhere.
  7. I don't think Paul understand's. Less Tweeting and more praying is what Paul should be doing right now. Logically they / someone is either not praying correctly and need to try harder or praying might not work at all. unless they all do it about the same thing and time ? There has been other shootings in church as well in the past there. So I conclude that there is absolutely zero chance of being saved in church by the church but an increasing chance you might get shot. The American response to this is to pray more. They will go on the TV on CNN and say "In a house of the Lord, Lordy Lordy" or something similar, this means nothing, a 10 year old child can point at their little pet gerbils in their cage and say "That is a cage of Fitness, great food, great weather and quiet Meditation for everyone". It does not make it so.
  8. The Queen stuff within this is a bit pathetic but I suppose news worthyish. It's the amounts and who controls it and where they live that is the problem here I think. Do the Queen need to or want to know where all here money is. I think you are correct, she pays voluntarily. More than a few Lords put together I suspect.
  9. The symptoms are very much like a total League prolapse I suppose, especially at this stage in the season.? I 'm no medical expert as I am sure you would agree but it looks bad for little small heath.
  10. These are all blending in well and offering loads to the overall set up down there or it might have gone well wrong
  11. For me and I suspect you as well, I would like to be involved with that at some point if my idea ever gets off the ground. If they go to 2 divs down I think the combined user savings on here alone could buy the bucket of sick that is small heath. They don't have many fans left nowadays anyway but their actual existence perturbs me somewhat that is all. + If I can stop 1 person dressing up like the clown in the pub on the previous page in the future I actually think I should be given a M.B.E or similar. Not biggin it up or anything though.
  12. Whats the minimum they can get do you think out of them ? If they get less than X then they are F**cked so to speak ?
  13. I am having a rough time of things currently. I went to bed early after we went 2 up. I resolved to check the small heath when I got up. I am so happy today, work was OK and the travel. Thanks small heath, even after 18 years away from Brum my hate for them is strong. Real strong. The more unhappy they are the happier i am. I hold onto the the dream they will fall through and be buyable and then a consortium of Villa fans can buy it and destroy it over a decade. Change their home colour to pink and so on. Move the Ground out of a B postcode (there is only one team that can have that) would be first thing to do also, near Coventry would be best but south of the M42 to make it harder,. Earlier in the thread there was a word removed dressed up as a small heath in a pub. He's there new manager and he has to dress like that all the time. and so on. They cant even spell Villa FFS.
  14. This can seem bad initially and that's expected, but they do this to you with drugs. labelled as other things. Bad ! When they get the test results back and eventually tell you you have "Bad Aids" it's not such a big blow to you or the medical staff involved. Quite nice of them if you think about it ?
  15. That's a worry right there. It's who they employ to get this multitude of dirty and filthy houses in order is my worry in all of this. Petrol on the fire IMO.
  16. I don't usually like holidays that much but Australia is something else. Took this from a small plane a couple of days ago by Shark Island. 800 ft up. (Surprise trip). I felt a bit Indiana Jones tbh My daughter (Where I am staying in Perth) just pasted her driving test and got a OK for her pregnancy tests. All OK. What's not to like ?
  17. I am going to Australia (Perth) tomorrow to see one of my kids. Never been before. Me going for 2 weeks , Mrs going for 4 weeks.
  18. The best ones are when they run out of space so the the last part of the placard is a bit s*** and small
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