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Everything posted by GREAT_BEARD_OF_ZEUS

  1. He is indeed and yes that's exactly what we need. Davis showed yesterday that we've missed that type of player - and whilst it was a good display from him, we can't rely on just him to do that for another 40 games this season. Snodgrass i'm not bothered about. Coming off some poor form plus he looks slow, would prefer a more pacey winger instead.
  2. Sadly I think that was the case Just with he'd be straight up with his tweets right now rather than the cryptic crap, that way we're not left misreading things like this. It's fun when it comes to transfers but in this situation i think its a bit disrespectful.
  3. And boot high balls to him like he does with Elmo... It's so horribly predictable isn't it
  4. I genuinely had to check on the official site to check this wasn't a wind up (sorry VB). He doesn't have a clue does he! Even if his approach was to just try and randomly change things to see if they work - don't admit that you fool! And what the heck does "Maybe we're not ready to play strikers again" even mean? I was totally willing to give him time before the season started but his rap sheet in the last few weeks has been unforgivable: Poor results, same poor standard of football, already making excuses to the press, now these sad ramblings.
  5. If a relegated Newcastle with Mike Ashley in charge can tempt Rafa Benitez then i'd say we stand half a chance. It'll be down to whether we want to spend the money on one. Whether the people in charge of the club are capable of spotting a world class manager is another question!
  6. Has to be Slaviša Jokanović. It's a no brainer! Got Watford promoted. Has turned Fulham around from relegation candidates to playoff contenders Plays exciting football Isn't entirely happy at Fulham Has a beard Let's stop wasting millions on has been strikers or Premier League journeymen, and instead pay whatever it takes to get him in. I really think, with the money available to him once we're back in the top league, he could be the next great Aston Villa manager. Stick an offer in, turn his head... plus it'd screw Fulham over in the process and we owe them one for selling us that dud McCormack!
  7. Play as big and physical team as possible for an hour, give them the fight they want. Then bring on Green, RHM and Hogan to run at them in the last 30 mins!
  8. Just finished season one of Ozark... LOVED IT!!!! Very much in the mold of breaking bad, dialogue is superb and it has a fair few unexpected twists along the way.
  9. Very interesting! Could he be referring to Sam Gallagher? Plenty of Shearer similarities with him. Makes sense, we need a more physical fwd without Kodja avaialble. Gabby can't last 90 mins and Davis doesn't appear ready for this level.
  10. Delivery from set pieces is slightly above average. But other than that I agree.
  11. Come on Czechlad, very good? I'll cut him some slack but he literally had their players passing to him in that first half! They were all over the place. I hope he makes me eat my words, but right now I don't think he's the player for that position.
  12. His problem on Saturday (and why so many people think he had a bad game) was that every time he did something decent, he'd go and ruin it by playing an absolutely abysmal pass and losing possession. His passing just isn't good enough to play in the centre of midfield, even at this level. The reason he keeps getting played is that ironically he has a combination of assets which are pretty vital to our team and that none of our other midfielders have: good energy and work ethic, reasonable physicality and the ability to run past a player and advance us up the pitch. Bruce said that last season he threw him in the side just to change things up and it worked (sad indictment of our manager that he had to rely on a fluke decision like that instead of recognising the actual reason for the change first - but that's a different post for a different thread) and it's because we need that type of player - albeit one with better passing ability. How we've got to this stage of Bruce's tenure, with all the signings he's made and we're still relying on Bacuna in that role, well the mind boggles doesn't it. I only hope that it's simply because we couldn't find the right player or perhaps we were waiting to see if Tshibola got his act together (because he's one who I thought could perhaps solve that problem). I also hope that Josh Onomah has been signed to play that role - because that's where he played in the U20 world cup, and he played it very well - not as an attacking mid or no.10!
  13. I'm very confused as to what his plan is for our midfield if i'm honest and until we get some clarity then it's impossible to see where he fits in. Are we mainly playing 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1? Either way he's probably back-up to Lansbury as it stands and i can't see Bruce playing them both in either formation. Also, where does he see Onomah playing? I'm hoping he's come in as a (much better) Bacuna replacement - so a more agile partner to Whelan/Jedi if we play two holding mids.
  14. Everyone says he needs to play further forward but sorry I just don't see it. Thought he slowed things up a bit playing that advanced yesterday. I actually think him and Whelan are the best central midfield pairing if we go with a 4-4-2, they both have enough energy and all round quality to do it. In a system where we play with 3 midfielders: 2 holding and 1 attacking like yesterday, I think he's either best used as a deep lying play-maker (not the popular opinion I know) or not at all.
  15. Thing with the loan market is that unless it's a player who is solely going out for experience i.e. the club don't want to sell him (Tammy Abraham for example), a lot of players will be held onto until late on in the window, in the hope of a cash sale first. Case in point being our own Ross McCormack - pretty sure we've got a few loan offers in for him already, but we're hanging on to see if anyone will take him permanently first. Given that we've tried and failed for some of those afore mentioned 'development players' already, I think we'll now need to wait until the end of the window until we see any loans incoming. It's a good thing for me, gives time for us to have a few games, see if there's any glaring needs without jumping the gun. I mean right now i think we could do with a replacement no.10 for Jack more than anything... but Hourihane might start in the no.10 role and start bagging goals and assists for fun, meaning we can adjust our targets and go for a left winger or another striker perhaps.
  16. This is how we should start then: I'd prefer to see Bree instead of Hutton obviously, but like the set up overall. If Kodjia was fit to replace Gabby, this would be a very strong and attacking line up.
  17. Hope so, said we miss that target man option upfront and this guy could certainly fill that role. And at that price he's a snip!
  18. They are all a million miles away in my view. I think we'll be buying quite a few centre backs before they come into contention. Bedeau (17) and Suliman (19) have plenty of time on their hands and need a lot more experience out on loan. Toner's still only 21 but I've not seen/heard anything to get me thinking he'll end up as a first teamer.
  19. Wasn't sure where to post this, but seeing as I've used it to highlight where I think there are a couple of final gaps in the squad I suppose this is the right thread. I'm sure this will cause great debate as we all see certain players in slightly different lights but for my money this is how our squad looks in terms of the roles each player can/will perform this season. Some of the definitions I've clearly stolen from Football Manager, but I think they help explain the role a bit better than position alone. I initially started this to show how much more balanced we are and that (as many have already pointed out) we're not in huge need of any further additions. Obviously the players missing from this are ones which are either on their way out or surplus to requirements. As I've already alluded, it also shows show a couple of positions that I think we do lack: 1. A proper no.10 - McCormack was the closest we had to it but I don't think was mobile enough to play it. I do think if he's still with us in a few years time, this is where Jack will end up but not right now. 2. A tall, powerful, great in the air, target man - Kodjia and Gabby to an extent can play up top on their own and hold the ball reasonably well, but I think we're missing someone who can act as a plan B. Leicester in their title year showed that despite the success of their high energy, direct style of play, they sometimes needed to throw Ulloa on upfront and mix it up a bit. I can see a lot of sides sitting deep against us this year, especially at Villa Park, so having an extra dimension like this wouldn't hurt at all. If we were to spend big money (not saying we will) I'd hope it was for one of these roles. * Damn it, Baker had to go and bugger it all up didn't he!
  20. Ok sorry, it is shades you're right - but for me it's at a much, much lesser level. Cahill was sold when he was 22 and showing promise as a Premier League defender. It was utter madness that we sold him. Nathan whilst being with the club a long time and playing a lot of first team games, is still at 26 seen as a decent back-up. Be honest, if we go up and Terry/Samba leave, would you be happy going into that first season in the Prem with a centre back pairing of Chester and Baker? Or is it more likely that Chester is kept as the constant and we sign a new CB?
  21. McCormack? Possibly if he sorts his personal issues aside and moves to a team where he's the main man, but how long before age becomes an issue or those demons return? Elphick was riding the Eddie Howe train and because of his leadership qualities and work ethic he clung on until the prem - reality is he's a bottom half Championship player who performs well in less pressured surroundings. Gabby for me still has a use (plus he's un-sellable). He can play up top on his own so let's use him as back up to Kodjia when we need a player doing that role. Hutton managed to have his one 'not quite as awful' season last year. He's not coming good anywhere else that's for sure!
  22. At the age of 26 Cahill signed for Chelsea... Baker at 26 is signing for Bristol City. Love the guy, but this isn't even shades of the Cahill situation for me.
  23. I bet that's not far off what we started last season with!!
  24. Given that he's now 26 and looks to be 4th choice CB behind Terry, Chester and Samba, it wouldn't surprise me if he's asked for a move. Personally I'll be sad to see him leave, once upon a time I thought he was a Villa legend in the making - but he's no longer a young player and still struggles to remain fit for a full season. I'd be angling for Flint coming the other way if I was SB
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