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Everything posted by one_ian_taylor

  1. And he might do still. Could understand why he would leave, but an injury to either Watkins or Ings would mean no striker to bring on if we're chasing a game or need to change shape (at least until Davis is fit). I'd prefer to keep him around until January
  2. I'd be happy enough with all of that. And funnily enough, I think Grealish leaving makes all of that more likely
  3. It's the excitement that worries me. I think we'll be decent, should be too 10, but Europe feels too far
  4. Will never forget Alan Wright outjumping Steve Bould to make an amazing headed clearance in the six yard box - or did I just dream that?
  5. To prove your point, I give you "My first my last, my Danny Ings" (Barry White). Works also for Tyrone Mings
  6. Says that Villa have "exposed their project" to him according to Villa report
  7. Had to go back and watch that goal again. Amazing technique, but so much of it is him having a sharp mind. Ings also a very clever player. Amazed we have signed him in many ways
  8. Funnily enough this signing has made me think about Luc Nilis and waht3 could have been. Some similarities - technique, composure, great goaol scorers (and scorers of great goals), but offer so much more in terms of all round play. Hope he manages a fair few more games than Nilis though
  9. Can clearly see where this rumour came from. Journo 1 sees a picture of Dean standing adjacent to Martimez and Buendia, says "You know what that is? It's an Emil-Smith row". Journo 2 grts3 the wrong end of the stick.
  10. Well, less than 18mins when the trains are running properly. But I have spent too many an evening waiting, and waiting, and waiting on a platform at East Croydon to know that's not always the case. But my point was about the Iylo building, which is a decent walk from the station, so half an hour is possible, but then marketing guff always pushes the boundaries of plausibility
  11. Pretty sure I remember the Iylo building in Croydon being marketed overseas as being half an hour from Central London. Which I suppose it is, if you walk really really fast, and Southern trains are on time. But... ... it's on a roundabout. Literally in the middle of a roundabout, not even a good one. So ridiculous that when construction stopped during the crash, the building even had its own Twitter account Edit: I should add that I feel about people knocking Croydon as I do about them knocking Birmingham. That is, give it a go and you'll like it (are you reading this Milot?). Friend of mine once described Croydon as "really nice - just like Birmingham before they ruined it with the new Bull Ring"
  12. I'm not so sure - he'd certainly be an upgrade on our current wingers, has great technical ability and end product too. He would definitely improve us. But the reason I'd prefer Rashica (and this is only going of highlights) is that he looks a lot more direct. Great technically and with the knack of shooting or crossing early. You don't get much time on the ball in the Prem, and that's why I'd prefer him
  13. Interesting idea you've floated there. But no, maybe just fishful thinking. I just want to start herring that there's some actual movement on this one. Think he's exactly the tope of player we need and I'm sure would net a few
  14. While I've been a regular observer, I haven't posted here for literally years. But the chance to be part of history by posting in this thread was too good to pass up... ...and it would be nice if the signing happened too
  15. Yup, I was about to post my shock about Guzan being number 10. THen I managed to save a modicum of embarrassment.
  16. I still think it's one for Evans - the number of steep hills suits him better, although hopefully Wiggins will have learned the lessons of the Angliru last year. Amazing ride by Wiggins yesterday though - best of the contenders without the pressure of the yellow jersey. Just back from the Dunwich Dynamo and settling down to watch stage one
  17. So there really have been a couple of tourists in Croydon
  18. Agreed. Adds credence to the journo (Father Abraham?) on twitter who mentioned about the 40 points threshold for compensation. The word "terminated" suggests to me that AMcL was deemed to be incompetent and dismissed without a pay-off. If this is true then miracles do happen!
  19. Dougie Freedman at Crystal Palace has shown how a returning former hero can have a positive impact, so I suppose Salifou would be the logical choice.
  20. He wasn't originally a fullback though, he was just crowbarred into that position when we were hopelessly short. He is (and always has been) a midfield player. I remember seeing him playing sweeper for the reserves, but I'll take the point on Herd. Still 6 defenders.
  21. Before he came to us, I had an image of a reasonably plucky but basically downtrodden loser. Not I just think of him as a broken man trying to justify an untenable position. If he doesn't have the decency to jump before he is pushed, then my opinion will go down even further. Worst manager I can remember at Villa. Can't think of many more disastrous tenures in the premiership. Can't wait for him to leave. I made it 7 defenders in the starting line up yesterday (if you count Herd as originally a full back).
  22. No, come on, if you're being chauffeured round in some hefty limousine guzzling plenty of petrol, that' probably perfectly logical. He could probably get some unemployed guy to don a uniform and run behind the car, acting as a filler upper every time it stopped, giving him some "work experience", helping fix broken Britain and giving the economy a good old boost.
  23. I'd start MP3 - so many club DJs use MP3 anyway - takes a lot of the skill out of it, but it does allow you to be more creative quickly, nice and portable, doesn't take up a lot of space. For house and electro, I don't think you need vinyl - it's not like hip hop.
  24. disagree with this, if you buy anything other than 1200's or 1210's you will end up replacing what you bought with 1200's or 1210's within a year or so. Their accuracy is 2nd to non which is why they are the industry standard. The torque on them is pretty impressive - probably I haven't used them enough to appreciate the full beauty
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