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Everything posted by thejoker

  1. I thought we were comfortable today (before the sending off), there wasn’t anything between the teams, and I don’t think we were out of second gear. I don’t think we have anything to fear in the playoffs.
  2. I was thinking about the Derby situation earlier (the owner buying Pride Park and leasing it back). Would there be anything to stop our owners doing the same, but then sell Villa Park back to the club for £1? It would certainly be a good way to get around FFP if we stay in The Championship for the next few years. I’m sure Steve Gibson would approve.
  3. Or maybe Dean Smith will find the ‘next’ players rather than blowing our budget at Brentford. The 5 Brentford players mentioned above would probably cost £50m. I can’t see us spending that sort of money just because Smith has worked with them before. There will be better value elsewhere.
  4. We haven’t even failed FFP, and the club seems confident of passing the regulations. What exactly are the EFL suppose to investigate? Nothing to see here.
  5. Isn’t it amazing what a bit of coaching can do? He looks unrecognisable compared to any point during Steve Bruce’s reign.
  6. They’ve already started making signings for next season. There is no way they will sack him in the summer. If we are still playing like this in October/November then I think questions will need to be asked, but not yet. Lets not forget that Smith has produced our (probably) 2 best away performances since relegation at Derby and Middlesbrough.
  7. What else is he supposed to say? He’s stuck with these players until the summer, can’t hang them all out to dry. He did have a slight dig when he said “Brentford have the players for pass and move” and “Brentford have been playing like this for four years”.
  8. Except when he turned Walsall from certain relegation to promotion contenders (and would have almost certainly gone up if he had stayed) on a budget of 0.
  9. They are not his players. The team that just played us off the park was Smith’s team. It’s going to be hard, but we’ve got to give him time.
  10. Disagree on this point. He has encouraged Jack to get in the box more, resulting in him scoring 2 goals (against Blues and Bolton) from inside the area. Those goals wouldn’t have happened previously because Jack was never in the box.
  11. Smith not doing great right now, but the majority of these players aren’t good enough. We need a massive overhaul in the summer. Smith is a good manager as he has proven in the past. We must hold our nerve.
  12. We have the perfect manager for the task then.
  13. Considering we have no good wingers, dreadful fullbacks, and not much in central midfield (without Grealish) I think Smith is doing about as well as he can right now. I think we’ll be a completely different team next season when Smith has had a summer transfer window.
  14. I presume going back on loan was the only way Caen would agree to this now, and I guess we wanted to make sure we didn’t miss out in the summer. It is frustrating that we have to wait, but better than missing out altogether (providing he turns out to be decent!).
  15. Good. It would be a huge waste of money for 4 months. We’d be back to square one in the summer with £1m less in the bank.
  16. I’m not too bothered if we don’t sign anyone else until the summer. We’re not getting promoted this season either way. I’d rather we wait and get the right players in than buy for buying sake.
  17. I think that just highlights what a mess Dr Tony and Keith Wyness made of it. Spending the money we have should have virtually guaranteed promotion within 3 years. But we’ve wasted so much, and it can’t continue.
  18. Dean Smith has never been a ‘quick fix’ manager. Look at his record. It took him 4 years at Walsall before they looked like promotion contenders in League One. At Brentford, it took him 2 years (whilst selling all his best players) to start seriously challenging for playoffs. If our owners got Dean Smith as a quick fix, then they have made a big mistake. I still firmly believe he will get it right but it might take 2 years to change the culture at the club. I still think we need to change 80% of our squad. One thing Dean Smith must sort out short term though, is how to play without Grealish.
  19. We need to find the next Maupay. We can’t keep throwing money around in The Championship. It hasn’t worked.
  20. Completed according to John Percy on Twitter.
  21. Performance wise, Smith has done an exceptional job in 2 weeks. Tonight’s performance was a huge improvement on anything a Steve Bruce team would have produced. Yes, it’s frustrating that we lost, but the improvement in 2 weeks has been massive. Smith now has a full week to prepare for the next game, and I’m looking forward to another improved performance (and hopefully the result to match).
  22. You won’t find me arguing, he is an awful player. Not sure why he is still in our team to be honest. I would have hoped that Smith had been more radical with the team early on. Still looks like a Bruce team on paper.
  23. I’ve always thought JT would make a good manager (natural leader, etc), but for some reason it seems like much more of a gamble than Henry to me.
  24. I was really annoyed when they kept Bruce in the summer (but could see why they did it). Most of us could see this coming though and it seems like a big wasted opportunity now.
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