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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Playing 4 strikers and no wingers to feed them is mad. The balance is all wrong in this side.
  2. He hasn't looked like an upgrade on what we have as yet but it is too early to make a judgment. He will need a run in the team and time to get to know his teammates.
  3. We also have trouble stopping goals going in at the other end. I agree though if we could work out how to score goals and prevent the opposition scoring so many we might start winning some matches
  4. Be careful, you will be addicted before you know it!
  5. We don't look like a relegation side to me because we have dominated possession a few times already but we have enough problems to keep us from the promotion places as it stands.
  6. Spent more than Real Madrid but we are struggling in this league.
  7. The top 6 are pulling away. We really need a win to keep in touching distance.
  8. One thing his tweeting does do is takes a lot of the focus off of the manager.
  9. It was a 3-3 draw with Fulham at Craven Cottage in 2005. Luke Moore and Liam Ridgewell were the scorers with O'Leary in charge as manger. I had scored a ticket in the members area at Fulham and was sat just behind AlFayed and Doug Ellis. We went back to the 'Chairmans lounge' after the game and Martin O'Neil was there. Perhaps a sign of things to come.
  10. We all want more information from the club and what is going on. The owner letting us know that Gabby has been disciplined or that the club has deemed Gabby's behaviour unacceptable and wished to move him on is one thing, that is information we would all be interested in hearing about. However, the owner calling him names is not information, it is a case of pandering for likes to a section of the fanbase who will lap that up.
  11. Lets face it, he could have done all of that in person with Gabby and/or the rest of the squad behind closed doors. The reason he has done it in public on Twitter is because he likes the attention. However, other than some of the more ill advised tweets I am very happy with the way the club has been run so far.
  12. I don't think it is moot. This time it applies to Gabby, next time it could be another player, or at least that's what other players will be assuming. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by starting a public Twitter spat with one of your employees and a lot of professional credibility to be lost. Stay professional and keep that rubbish in house. It seems like the Twitter fan attention he is receiving has clouded the owners professional judgement.
  13. I think people might be getting the wrong idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think snowychap was suggesting Xia should not lay the smack down on Gabby. Just that we should not be airing our dirty laundry over Twitter like that.
  14. He is a good player and should thrive in a settled side.
  15. Airing your dirty laundry in public is never a great look.
  16. Oh no! Don't let them try before they buy!
  17. That's ironic considering you have moaned pretty consistently about virtually everything else for the last few years
  18. It is always a massive risk signing a player for big money after one breakout season, especially when they are in the latter half of their 20s. On the other hand he is a type of player we lacked, a pacy direct forward is someone we have been crying out for. Lets hope he tears it up for us!
  19. I am pretty sure we were trying all window and didn't leave it late at all. I think we are up to our plan 'G'
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