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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. He won’t even do that. He’ll essentially borrow the money with his assets as collateral to put up the appeal bond.
  2. It does look worse in that still though. He cleared the ball and followed through on the player with a swinging foot. The still makes it look like a flying karate kick
  3. Chelsea have been heading in the right direction lately. You get the feeling they will be back up amongst it next season. Still have a young squad so not very consistent but they are getting better.
  4. Ukraine claiming three jets downed this morning
  5. I presume there will be a lengthy appeal process
  6. A potentially more interesting thought is what might have been had there been a Starmer Labour 5 years ago instead of a Corbyn Labour, fighting that crucial election against Boris Johnson. Would Labour have possibly won 5 years ago? The Tories seemed a chaotic mess at the time. If Labour had won would the UK perhaps even still be in the EU in some form today?
  7. The right wing media are just clasping at straws now. I think a lot of voters actually think he handled it well. Also this point is probably relevant:
  8. I remember when Ferguson was still active as Man U manager and people were loathed to give him any acknowledgment or credit as well. It’s only when he retired and was no longer managing a rival team that opposing fans were able to eulogise him. There will be another hated manager in 10 years time who fans will all be unwilling to give any credit to and will argue he’s not a patch on the great managers of the past like Guardiola or Klopp
  9. As one door closes another one opens
  10. I’m not going to accept that he didn’t have a positive impact on developing those players to be the force they became. He even promoted some of them from the Barcelona B team.
  11. Even if Man City are guilty of spending more than they were allowed he still created a dominant side on a budget smaller than Chelsea or Man U’s. Also, when you talk about him being given world class players at Barcelona, surely they only became world class because of his coaching?
  12. Apparently the other members of the audience started joining in and abusing the guy until he left the show. His only crime was not wanting to stand and applaud the Palestinian flag. Grim.
  13. They are also quite problematic logistically apparently and very finicky to operate and maintain. I read the giant air intake under the front sucks up debris into the engine so they need long pristine runways to launch from and Ukraine currently doesn’t have any. Furthermore any preparation works to bring the runway up to the required standards and to build the required maintenance sheds they need would become an easy target for the Russians who only need to damage the runway with debris. One military analyst even went so far as suggesting they will never actually fly during wartime and the Ukrainians might in fact be trying to get them donated now rather than buying them post war. I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out and whether they arrive and can be used effectively. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-may-spot-ukrainian-bases-preparing-for-f16s-expert-says-2023-4?amp
  14. Yes exactly, and he also managed them brilliantly. Isn’t that what we are saying here? That they are both brilliant managers in the modern era and arguing about which one is best is probably something for the Manchester supporters to take up their time with?
  15. I can’t understand how you’ve arrived at this conclusion. There are plenty of racists who are also antisemities, Neo-Nazis being a famous example.
  16. This take says to me that you might need to do a bit more research. I would count all the points in rebuttal to this in Roman numerals but it would take me too much time.
  17. Ferguson was also pretty lucky to inherit the youth team that came through though. Ultimately they are two very good managers and the red and blue Manchester fans will be arguing it back and forth for years.
  18. The retaking of the Kharkiv region and the liberation of Kherson / the right bank were more than marginal gains the Ukraine achieved after the first two weeks. The Kharkiv counter offensive occurred in September 22 and the liberation of Kherson was November 22. Since the winter of 22/23 the front line has been heavily mined and is now largely fixed in place.
  19. Na, not too worried about Newcastle. They are the one team with more injuries than we do
  20. I’m still confident we can get 6th but Man U and Spurs will have a much stronger finish to the season.
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