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Everything posted by PaulTheVillan

  1. Why does Rupert the Bear wear checked trousers?!! Because he's a clearing in the woods.
  2. They're very good. I've had mine since the start of August. 95% of my memory is full of music, I've about 1200 songs on there, and thats enough for me as most of the time I listen to my portable DAB, and I get easily bored with too much music and skip every other track. The following applications I'd recommend. m-Box Mail (Hotmail application £5.99 - Very worth it if your Hotmail is your main personal email) eBay WikiTap Where Google Earth My Football BBC Reader Memory Stick Palringo (IM Messenger) Photobucket Traffic Info
  3. Do you have to have a Mac to have remote? Is there an app to view phpBB forums? Wondering if theres one to make viewing here & others easier.
  4. I don't mind having one, some people will be making a mint out of selling fakes.
  5. BOF What shall I have from the sandwich trolley today?
  6. Yes IF he hands in a written transfer request
  7. c-krulak I think its about time you chose an Avatar.
  8. Agents working on behalf of Barry and Liverpool met and agreed personal terms a couple of months ago. This was all done using agents with no "official" link to either party so that no FA Laws were broken. These terms are no way legally binding but will be the terms used in the deal if/when a price is agreed.
  9. Depends on the final circumstances of how he leaves.
  10. Thanks General. A big villa fan of mine has a spare room, he said he'll put you up
  11. General I was asking that surely you take lots of flights from the US to the UK, so surely you have a large carbon footprint which is bad for the environment. Do you have any plans to move to the UK?
  12. General What size is your............. Carbon footprint?
  13. Newcastle Blues will go down sooner or later. Newcastle could turn it around
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