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Everything posted by StewieGriffin

  1. I understand they dont like what I wrote - hardly the smartest thing to have done, and I didnt exactly use formal language to express my thoughts. I do feel its just a sit down chat which will result in a severe telling off/warning, but the missus is adamant that because the letter has come through HR im going to get the sack
  2. Obviously Im guilty - it was written on Facebook for people to see (which raises a different personal question of finding out who went to tell my store manager behind my back). I have no intention of "fighting it" or kicking up a fuss - my anger is directed at myself for being such a tit. Will happily accept any outcome that isn't me getting the sack. Edit: there will be a 3rd person in the room, but its not someone i have a choice of, so its basically going to be either the assistant manager, someone from HR or someone from another store
  3. My letter said im not entitled to representation as its an informal meeting. I work in retail - for an opticians
  4. Ok, so, to get straight to the point - I had a letter arrive from work today asking me to attend an informal investigation meeting at work next Tuesday because of "comments i recently posted on social media" What does that entail? Basically, am I going to get the sack for being a dick and posting a silly message on Facebook about how wound up I was by someone's incompetence? (I didnt name the person) Had a quick google earlier, but everythig seemed to be from the employers POV Thanking you
  5. The founder of Oakley named the company after his dog
  6. Couldn't give a toss about "selling our soul" - if we get trophies etc out of it then who cares? Titles and trophies are usually always won by teams who spend a truck-load of money - Barca, Madrid, Bayern, the Milan clubs, Man Utd and in recent years Man City, Chelsea and presumably PSG soon enough. Even back in the 80s Liverpool spent the most money in England and were the most successful. If we as fans want us to be successful then we need to have the money. Dortmund/Atletico's stories are great, but they'll be short lived because the rich teams will take their best players - Dortmund have lost Gotz, Lewankowski and someone else im forgetting and Atletico will lose Costa this summer and probably one other because they need to sell big players to develop others. Bring on the **** money I say.
  7. Enjoying poland's work...
  8. In a car with some mates and as we drove past the Sty we couldn't help but wind the windows down and give them some Villa songs. The looks of rage on their little faces will stay with me for a long time
  9. The best work for losing fat is done in the kitchen, brother. Sort your diet out, add exercise to compliment it. diet is sorted - been eating much better the last few months, and i've lost most of my belly, but the moobs will not shift :-(
  10. Hasn't it been alluded to that a Targ raped Tyrion's mother? Would explain that if I remember it right... Tyrion's eye description suggests he has a purple eye and a blue eye (I think) - would imply he has Targ blood if so. As for Jon - melisandre reviving him would presumably a) free him from the Nights Watch meaning he can travel south and b.) make melisandre realise he is Azhor Azai and not Stannis edit; Littlefinger should never get any form of come-uppance - the guy is awesome
  11. Hello there fitness people. I have no intention of joining a gym, but I need to shift some moob-age - what are the best exercises to use in the comfort of my own home?
  12. agree with this completely - seems a bit obvious that Rhaegar is Jon's father, but its either going to be him or Aegon. The 3rd dragon will presumably be Tyrion
  13. Not playing tomorrow as they were due to play Wigan, and teams immediately below them all have winnable games...
  14. As much as im enjoying their slide down towards the bottom 3, I kind of hope they stay up - purely because next season their squad will be even weaker than it is now and their resulting embarrassing relegation will be even funnier
  15. Barnsley have a game in hand on SHA... ...against Charlton if charlton win their other game in hand and then lose to Barnsley, SHA are right in the brown stuff
  16. Dont really get why Given is coming back - Steer is our #2, Given has done well at boro and wanted to stay and Karanka said he wanted to keep him. I can't imagine it came down to finances as id assume we're paying 80% of his wages. seems odd
  17. I set the entire profile to private so it cant be viewed by anyone but confirmed friends, and I got the photo by googling the name id given her and picking the most realistic photo
  18. Number 3 is sort of out of hand at work - I keep getting asked about her, but I've gone too far to stop making stuff up now. im in a weird place of finding it pretty funny that they fall for it whilst being ashamed at myself for being such a loser
  19. 7) when I was about 16, it was fairly obvious that the 14 year old girl a few doors away had a crush on me. Obviously it got her nowhere, but I did "imagine" what shed look like in a couple of years time. She added me on facebook about 6 months ago, and i was a bit appalled that she looked pretty much exactly how I "imagined"
  20. 5) I once took a list of all of the staff addresses at work and google street-viewed them purely out of mindless curiosity 6) the first girl i shaggged went on top for a while and came on her period almost immediately. Put me off sex for about 2 years
  21. I don't post on here or even sign in very often so I have **** all to lose... 1) I once convinced a girl in college that men have a 'period' of sorts whereby a cum/piss hybrid dribbles out of the japs eye 2) when I lived at my parent's, I once wore some of my girlfriends er... "dressing up gear" that we hid under my bed just to see what it felt like 3) I regularly lie to work colleagues about my personal life to make myself look 'cooler' its gone as far as making fake Facebook accounts and posting messages on my personal wall posing as a girl i have completely invented and replying to my proper status updates under 'her' name to make it appear like she's kind of stalking me. 4) I am obsessed with the ginger teacher from Glee
  22. Thought Id pop over to a Sunderland forum (RTG) to see how they're taking to MON now he's had 6 months or so... And finally... In the interest of balance, Id like to point out that there are a fair portion of fans who seem happy with the results so far this season, (draws at Arsenal and Swansea and at home to Liverpool) but the quotes I've selected seems to be the general opinion on that board at least.
  23. whilst I agree with that, it's also wise to note that there'll be a host of other clubs whose budget will increase by the same proportion
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