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Everything posted by Troglodyte

  1. I was thinking about this, but I'm not sure he'll get a job as big as us again (although admittedly, we have a long way to go before we're back where we belong and recognised more widely as a big club). It's not something I feel comfortable speculating on but I think his decision will be massively influenced by how he responds to the events in his personal life this year. And he's entitled to make his own decision about how he best responds to that, be it throwing himself back into work or taking a step back. If he leaves, I'll be nervous about what direction we take but at the same time it'll probably seem quite refreshing and I'd just hope we can take the opportunity to move forward. If he stays, I'll still have my reservations about his style of play and I'd be concerned at how well we'd do under him on more of a budget next year, but I'd still be behind him and support the stability - even if in an ideal world we'd be able to move on to a manager who can really get us to dominate and play more positively on a more consistent basis. Overall, just gutted about today. I differ from you in that - absolutely not over it at all. Getting increasingly used to being in this position but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
  2. So excited and nervous about this. Will be having the first drink of many shortly! The last time that we were in a match so important that genuinely felt like it could go either way (rather than us being clear underdogs) was probably the 2000 FA Cup final, so this is a strange feeling. I'm sure all the fans there will do us proud, and the team too - it's also been a while since we had such a determined group. UTV!
  3. John Bishop looks really confused in that picture.
  4. They're putting on a great show for him at the Camp Nou. Great to see and absolutely deserved. The man is an absolute legend. He's also everything that so many footballers aren't these days. He's won everything, and been at the heart of it all. Man of the match in Champions League, European Championship and World Cup finals, and he's so modest and humble. An unbelievably gifted footballer and an absolute gentleman too. I bloody love that man.
  5. Iniesta's last Barça game ? My favourite footballer. Gutted I never got to actually watch him live.
  6. I still remember during the 2010 World Cup him actually moaning - while commentating on a game - about how the viewers wouldn't realise how difficult it was to have to get up really early in the mornings to travel many miles to attend the matches to do his job. It sounded like he genuinely didn't want to be there. And his comments are often just so brainless. I'm surprised that a good defender like him, who played for such a strong Arsenal side under Wenger, can sound so moronic when attempting to analyse tactics.
  7. Looks like Lucien Favre is going to be the new Dortmund manager. Looking forward to that.
  8. I hate Martin Keown with a passion.
  9. I didn't think you could actually make a Roma shirt look bad but Nike, along with the Qatar Airways logo, seem to have had a pretty good shot at it.
  10. There were two sisters, one called Petal and one called Fridge. One day, Petal asks her parents, "Why did you call me Petal?" and they replied "Because when you were a baby, a petal fell on you." And then Fridge says "bllaaarrarararraraaarg".
  11. Bit harsh on James - he's been excellent this season!
  12. Has to be one of our centre backs, and although Micah Richards hasn't seen a single goal scored against him this season, I'd go with Chester.
  13. Jack Grealish running back 40-50 yards to win the ball when we're 4-0 up is great to see.
  14. I'm in the 'Onomah is really pissing me off' camp. The lad clearly has ability but half of the time it looks like he's unwilling to actively try getting into a decent position. Then when he's on the ball he often makes poor choices. Very, very frustrating at times. He'll probably score the next goal.
  15. Kodjia looks like he's getting sharper. Still not at his best but looking increasingly more so. Hope he can get a goal or three before the playoffs. Stupendous goal from Jack. What a player he is. Johnstone had a good game too, as did Chester - ever reliable. Jedinak never really looked challenged and we set up well to prevent that. Whelan may well have been a good choice there actually, although I'm still more of a Bjarnason fan in general. Thought Bree looked poor early on - perhaps understandably - but he improved as the game went on. And although I usually avoid talking about the opposition as I think it's done too much, I cannot deny I am really, really pleased that odious prick Warnock and his bunch of thugs have dropped out of the automatic spots. Fulham deserve it much more.
  16. Yeah Messi didn't do quite as well during his spell at Napoli, so you can definitely make that comparison.
  17. Napoli keeping the title race just about alive with two goals in the last few minutes to beat Chievo 2-1.
  18. The arguments around Maradona winning the World Cup and Messi not are probably even more tiresome than the comparisons to Ronaldo.
  19. **** hell Taylor. I don't know why he's suddenly ahead of Hutton at LB because Alan was quite rightly keeping him out of the side. Adomah and Snodgrass have both been ineffective as they have been in most matches lately, and that's why we don't look as good going forward. Hopefully we don't just take them off and play four strikers again - if Bruce hasn't learnt that by now then I have no idea what he's doing. I do think Hutton links up better on the left with Adomah and Grealish than Taylor does and I wonder if his re-inclusion would help. Kodjia is the big temptation but I'd probably rather see Davis on alongside Hogan. Not sure who I'd take off as Hourihane is always a goal threat and I think Bjarnason has played well and holds things together in the middle. However, we can't take a full back off or we'll get opened up, so it's either one of them to go, or we put Grealish on the left and take Albert off.
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