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Everything posted by Troglodyte

  1. Ok I've defended Watkins and stand by my comments but Jesus wept that was appalling!
  2. "There will be an a minimum of fifteen minutes of added time.'
  3. The views on Watkins are reflective of the binary society we live in. He's either brilliant or shit according to so many. The reality is he's an excellent striker who, even by his own admission (see the Guardian interview this week) needs to work on his finishing. Yes this is very frustrating, especially in the heat of the moment, but he offers a lot that other strikers don't. If we can upgrade him, great, but that's easier said than done given his all-round game.
  4. I wish Sky would **** off with all these replays. I get they want to capture the drama but your primary role is to cover the sporting event ffs
  5. That last one was on McGinn tbf, but Olsen looks like the ghost of a man who doesn't realise he's dead yet.
  6. I'm delighted to see them doing well, having grown up in Nottinghamshire watching football with my Grandad who was a big Forest fan. Obviously the incidents at the end of the game yesterday were disgusting but they shouldn't overshadow everything else. And I can't get my head around people judging a whole club based on the action of a single fan. Will be very much rooting for them in the final (pun intended).
  7. We're signing Philippe Coutinho on a permanent. And some of you lot are indifferent. And others are moaning
  8. Can you do that when you're actually onside please, Danny? Cheers thanks loveyou
  9. He'll be out for the next fortnight with headlice then.
  10. Agree with this but think he's also just looked remarkably tired and sloppy since ~60m. Our best player before that.
  11. Good positioning, reads the game well, interceptions, good short passing knits things together, decent energy, composed on the ball. But hey, he didn't bang a free kick into the top corner.
  12. An interesting update on his chant but I don't think it scans very well.
  13. Some overreactions on here - not that it's much of a surprise. Solid performance which was much needed after recent results. Good to see we can stay fairly solid - something to build from. Also some signs that Gerrard is willing to adapt while not deviating too far from his philosophies - he's trying to strike a balance. (Not saying his vision will definitely work, but I think we do need to at least give him time to see what it looks like next season - and it's good to see someone with an idea of how we should play.) McGinn with a few sloppy passes as usual but overall I thought he had a decent if unspectacular game in the middle. He's not world class but gets far too much stick. Glad to see Konsa looking decent again and sharp against Daka, who can be dangerous. He's been very poor this season but some clearly want to write him off which is a shame considering how good he's been in the past. Yes Chambers has looked good and has some attributes that are stronger than Konsa, but the shouts to sell Konsa and play Chambers are largely fickle. Well done Ezri on the clean sheet. As well as McGinn and Konsa, Young had a decent game. Plenty crying about him before the match but it would be mad to start Chrisene in front of him at this stage, despite the calls to do so. Overall yes, Young shouldn't be starting for us next season (arguably even as backup) and perhaps we can still upgrade on decent players such as Konsa, McGinn, Mings and Douglas Luiz as starters, but all showed they're solid Premier League players today. Considering where we were a few years ago, we're actually lucky to be in the situation where we're clamouring to improve on these sorts of guys. That said, it's of course a shame that we still seem miles away from the top few clubs, but that's the shit state of football as it is. Iroegbunam looked good - hope to see more of him in the remainder of the season. Seems to have all the right attributes, although we can't be expecting Patrick Vieira!
  14. Oh he's a bit **** special isn't he. Ooof.
  15. My brother is having his stag in Brum in a few weeks. Any recommendations for things to do based in and around the city? I'm relatively familiar from the odd ocassion we've driven in to spend a bit of time before/after Villa games and from one or two other visits, but there's probably a lot I'm not aware of and it's a good 3+ years since I was last there. We're pretty covered in terms of drinking (including from suggestions above - thanks!) but is there anything activity wise or in general that would be worth doing, especially in the day? Cheers
  16. Yeah but come on, how can you deny it's funny when it has THIRTEEN cry-laughing emojis. You just don't like the truth, do you? SNOWFLAKE.
  17. I'm no expert at all but think that's a goldfinch.
  18. Central midfield has been so poor today. They weren't quick enough in showing for it in the first half, and in the second they've seen more but been dreadful in possession.
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