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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Nail on the head. Most of his wickets have come from the mid to lower order. Root, and Bell have shown that you can bat against him. The English batsmen have got to find and answer for him in the next test. Even if the odds and history are against us winning in Perth, they can not lie down and die, every time he bolwes one up around their grills.
  2. He doesn't need to be. A sad but true statement.
  3. Yeah Mungo's Hi Fi are really great. Got that old school dub vibe down to a tee.
  4. As good as Mitchell Johnson has been, let's not get carried away. He's not as good as Lillee, Thompson or McGrath. This is the first time he's shown any consistency in an Ashes series. Devastating as he may have been, England's batman have helped him no end. Where do we go from here, is the question? How do we turn this around? I think we can forget any chance of retaining the Ashes now, but we need to at least show some green shoots of improvement. Do we stick with what we have now, and hope they can live up to past reputations, and regain some form? Do we blood all the new boys and give them some experience at the top level? Do we stick with Cook? Do we stick with Flower? All we can hope for is a better display in Perth, and that we don't give the Aussies the easy ride that we have. We need to show we're together (even with the rumours of discontent in the camp), and show some bloody guts. Start standing up to the Aussies, and play them at their own game.
  5. Thanks goodness for Ian Bell. Right, bed I think.
  6. Bowling bouncers at Monty? Come on man, what's the point of that?! He wants to be careful Monty doesn't piss on him!
  7. What has happened to Mitchell Johnson? Fair play, the bloke has turned it around. Showed more heart and commitment than the whole of the England team combined.
  8. This is going to be a white wash. If you can't bat at Adelaide on a wicket like this, then you shouldn't be playing test cricket. This is a disgrace. Pea hearted bottlers,
  9. Got a mate who is a Saints fan. I'm too embarrassed to take the piss! All I've got to say is, eh?
  10. Erm... That was an odd 45 mins. The goal aside, it's been pretty awful. I've often said I don't care how we play, if we're picking up wins, but... Hmmm.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r3TAG638Sw#t=144
  12. dAVe80

    General Chat

    Sad to hear of the passing of Reggae singer, Junior Murvin. Spent many an hour enjoying his music. Will post some of his stuff on the 'What Song Are You Listening To?' thread later I think. Most people will probably know him as the singer of Police & Thieves. RIP http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/dec/03/reggae-singer-junior-murvin-dies
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF3KYwxE0mw
  14. Tony in not a heartless Tory bar steward shocker!
  15. Not an album as such, but giving this free Guided By Voices download a listen. A gig from 1994. Shambolic, sounds like it's been recorded in a shoe, and brilliant. http://gbvdb.com/tenth.asp
  16. I buy the Big Issue, but only very occasionally give money directly to beggars (rather than Big Issue sellers). I have made donations to homeless charities in the past, and have no issues giving food. There was an occasion one New Years Day, when I gave a homeless guy a can of beer, while walking home from a NYE party. Possibly not the best thing to do, but my thinking was he deserves a beer, if he'd had to sleep rough all night.
  17. The rumour was that they didn't like touring too far from home in case the drugs dried up. Went to see Arthur Lee at Glastonbury. Mainly for the same reasons as seeing James Brown and Dylan, a box ticking exercise. Glad I did. It obviously wasn't going to be as intense as LA in the 60s, and everyone knew Arthur was dieing - But it was nice, a gentle farewell to a legend. I saw them at Newcastle Opera House in 2002, when they played Forever Changes in full. They had a string and horn section with them, and it was pretty damn special. I also saw them without Lee (a quickly organised gig by my mate. Lee wanted a rest and the band wanted a warm up for their next gig), in Darlington. Johnny Echols was the only original member, but it was pretty much the same band that played at Newcastle. Even without Lee, they were brilliant. I got in free as well, and got to meet Johnny Echols after the gig, which made it even better.
  18. Had a conversation tonight about seeing Love play live, which sent me to this track.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHL1A-Z4mWA#t=57
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