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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Just sorted out some tickets to see Mogwai in a couple of weeks, at The Tyne Theatre in Newcastle. Happy days!
  2. Someone should start a thread about things like that...
  3. dAVe80


    I saw the Spike Milligan musical version of Adolf Hitler: My Part In His Downfall (I was given a free ticket), but other than that I've never really had any desire to go to the theatre to watch a musical. Saying that, I'd really like to see the musical of The Harder They Come (if it's even still going?), but then I love the film and the sound track.
  4. GoT returns April 7th. Winter (or Spring actually) is coming.
  5. Glad to see Weekly Wipe back on. Last night's episode was as spot on as ever. Also looks like they're giving Limmy (if you're not aware of him, you should check him out) a platform this sereis, which is great as he's brilliant.
  6. Someone should start a thread about things like that...
  7. Loop covering Can. Love both bands, so this is all kinds of awesome!
  8. Close, but nothing beats season 4 of The Wire imo.
  9. I watched Breaking Bad episode 5 last night Was it the one where... Yeah, it was good! As a stand alone episode, it was just about my favourite of the whole 5 seasons.
  10. Not quite "I have a dream", but I like your sentiment.
  11. You can not compare those two terms at all though. Calling someone "black" is not the same at all as calling someone "Der Butthammer". One is an acceptable term to describe someone's ethnicity, the other is a derogatory term to describe someone's sexuality. To say that it's ok because "it's what gays do", is a very silly view to take in my opinion. To assume that he engages in anal intercourse, just because he's admitted to being a homosexual is just ignorant. I understand what you're saying, but do not completely agree with you Let's turn it around... let's say this story was about Hitz going Tiger Woods on lots of women and someone called him "der pus*yhammer" etc, would you then respond: "...that's a derogatory term to describe someone's sexuality. To say that it's ok because "it's what heterosexuals do", is a very silly view to take in my opinion. To assume that he engages in vaginal intercourse, just because he's admitted to being a sex addict is just ignorant." If yes, fair enough. If no: I feel like the problem is that we make homosexuality into something special, when it isn't. Just like heterosexuality isn't. It's just different sexual orientation. If we are to accept it, it should not get treated any different than what it is. Meaning, something that happens before birth and is not a matter of choice. It shouldn't matter. Like skin color, haircolor, height etc. But somewhere along the way we have decided that it's ok to joke about X, but not Y. Haircolor, but not race. Height, but not sexual orientation etc. When none of these things should make a difference in judging a persons character, because they aren't a part of a person character at all. It's labels, "he is a gay man", "he is a black man", might as well say "he is man with DNA". If, and notice the IF, it's "OK" to make sexual jokes, then why not homosexual jokes? What makes the homosexual version cruel if the heterosexual version/counterpart is funny? Homosexuality shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of, it becomes that because it is not treated as something normal. I see the point you're making, and I think that you probably had good intentions. I think you're right in saying that in an ideal world, the humour / kudos should work both ways. That said we don't live in an ideal world, and the negative connotations that is associated to 'gay jokes' is not present in heterosexual humour (if such a thing exists?). Bigots and homophobes (again I don't think for a moment you are a bigot or homophobic) use such terms in order to demonise, exclude, and ridicule people based on their sexual orientation. On that basis I don't think it's appropriate language to use in this context.
  12. I saw these support Dirty Three in Gateshead a while back. I thought they were a bit meh, but I quite like this tune. Certainly their best.
  13. You can not compare those two terms at all though. Calling someone "black" is not the same at all as calling someone "Der Butthammer". One is an acceptable term to describe someone's ethnicity, the other is a derogatory term to describe someone's sexuality. To say that it's ok because "it's what gays do", is a very silly view to take in my opinion. To assume that he engages in anal intercourse, just because he's admitted to being a homosexual is just ignorant.
  14. Best thing about all this, is that they showed his last min winner against Bolton on the news! What a strike that was!
  15. As others have said, it's a shame that this is even a news story. Much love and respect to Hitz though. It doesn't change a thing for me. He's still Der Hammer, and he'll always be a Villa man!
  16. Did I imagine it, or did that Fungi bloke have a wonky ball and world tattoo on his arm?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTG_JA68Ee8
  18. See, I thought I invented / discovered that... No, I'm still the Champion. http://www.villatalk.com/index.php/topic/4144-paddys-things-that-cheer-you-up/page-186#entry916992 Fair do, I bow down to your faster discovery,
  19. See, I thought I invented / discovered that...
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