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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. Yes that's why I think they will stay up.
  2. At least that might put an end to deal or no deal.
  3. also Obama has been trying to shut down Guantánamo Bay, sorry this has digressed away Jimmy Saville and pedophiles
  4. His record in purchases have been very good so far. I don't think we need to sign as many players as we did last summer. Its about quality not quantity. We also need to keep the current policy of giving youth a chance. So maybe 2 or 3 quality signing in the summer,
  5. Cameron doesn't send drones to kill random people in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan. However shit he is, Cameron doesn't stretch to the war crimes of Obama. I expect it's lack of capacity, not total lack of any moral principle that leads him to this position, but still, let's recognise the facts. Obama kills many people every day while contriving to look like the good guy. He's a creature of the corporate state, a paid lackey. He's preferable to Bush and tried to bring in some good measures domestically but cant get anything through congress.
  6. You have Bill Wyman and Mandy Smith. I think she was 13 when he was having sex with her yet the police aren't interested in him. Bit harsh to say Obama is a war criminal peterms. If he is then Cameron must be as well.
  7. Yes that's what I was thinking, cant be just her word against his.. They cant have a dna match or anything. I am just thinking there must be another witness...
  8. Yes too many to mention really. Marrying the woman I am now divorced to. Not marrying the one I should have. Too many to menton
  9. PaulC

    Joe Bennett

    ??? it really isnt - he can whip a great ball in as good as anyone else in the squad. I hold my hands up to thinknig he was a bad buy and just not good enough - but he has really turned it around over the last seven games and I've been impressed. Had Johnson in his pocket. Very true we hardly noticed Johnson
  10. Its ridiculous, most people on here thought it was man of the match, lambert said he was the best player on the pitch by a mile. ...Rose played well for about 20 mins....
  11. Yes I agree, anybody can accuse anybody and then their lives are wrecked. Don't think its right abusing underage girls but nearly 50 years after the event......
  12. Yes Rogers's remit next season is to challenge the top 4, Lambert's if we stay up is mid-table?
  13. PaulC


    Yes we cant get carried away by our result against Sunderland. We must get something at Norwich.
  14. PaulC


    Not sure about too many points already. Is 37 enough to stay up?.... depends on Wigan. However I think they will win at QPR
  15. Yes credit to him for that!
  16. you were alive back then Yes I was one of the witches hung. The thing is what was acceptable behaviour in 60s and 70s isn't acceptable now. What Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter and the rest of the pedos did was sick and wrong but Ken Barlow has been arrested for something he alledgedly did 50 years ago. It is basically a witch hunt.
  17. 60 million tv rights in summer, 30 million will prove not to be allot for Bentekke quality. Invest the 60 and hold on to him. Clubs will be paying more for less quality IMO Yes it will just go on transfer fees and wages
  18. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-christian-benteke-not-3311429 "It is believed chairman Randy Lerner and manager Paul Lambert would even be prepared to resist offers of up to £30 million – more than four times what the club paid for him eight months ago"
  19. It's been recommended by myself and a few others in this very thread. A superb movie. Ok, Michelle Williams only played a minor role, but I also liked her in the movie Wendy and Lucy but not so much Blue Valentine, probably because Ryan Gosling was screwing her.
  20. I think Di Canio was deluded if he thought that would be over-ruled. I think Sunderland will get points from Stoke and Southampton so they will be fine.
  21. Yes me too we don't want to jinx them. Norwich have a decent home record so we can't take anything for granted. If we play with the same passion as we did against Sunderland then we'll be ok.
  22. PaulC


    Yes probably better to keep his mouth shut but wont make much difference to wigan anyway as they will be really fired up for this game. Hope Lukaku can do his fellow Belgium a favour. West Brom are looking for a top 8 finish so I'm sure they will be up for it.
  23. He's been a major part of our revival. There's nothing wrong with the front 3. We need to sign another young forward as backup though.
  24. Yes there's an undercurrent of racism. People don't come out and express their views any more but its there. I haven't read all the posts in this thread. But are people saying the UKIP are a racist party. I know they are at the extreme right side of conservatism but they are not the bnp.
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