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Everything posted by PaulC

  1. Arsenal showed they have far more resilience this season. Defended brilliantly.
  2. Not all the same people. I've been critical of Zaniolo and Luiz in the past but never McGinn or Bailey. Its not hatred it is wanting players to contribute more. Zaniolo is starting to perform now off the bench. Let's hope that continues, we need him for this final push towards champions league.
  3. Can you blame the.manager for players inability to stick the ball in the.back of the net. They create enough chances.
  4. I don't know, I thought first half was the best he's played In a villa shirt aside the first 20 mins when the whole team were crap. I think we have a real player on our hands going forwards. He's the future. I'd leave him in because he shouid continue to improve. If we can find a spot for Zaniolo then fine but has looked great coming off the bench and we need that.
  5. You can't unless you sign him permanently. You can't say he's done as well.as Diaby this season as its not true.
  6. I thought he did offer Moreno support but Moreno was shocking. It's different when you come on for last 20 minutes or so. Zaniolo has been doing well coming on as an impact sub.
  7. They must be the jammiest side around
  8. He's a monster. Thought he was the one that got the team going today after such a sluggish start.
  9. PaulC

    Jhon Durán

    Very impressed with him.todsy
  10. He looked really at it when he came on. That's what uou need in the run in. Everybody contributing.
  11. Looking at the fixtures in the week I think West Ham will be right up for it against Spurs. Not an easy game I don't expect anything at City but you never know.
  12. It was always going to happen at some point. Hopefully nothing too bad. Time for Duran to step up and he looked good when he came on.
  13. A good three points and clean sheet. I have motm to Carlos. Defence looks better with him in it.
  14. Yes I understand that, hopefully they will find a complete cure one day.
  15. So we need to pick a three tomorrow then.
  16. There's no free hits now. I think we blew that we our defeat against spurs.
  17. Hard to second guess what team Urai will pick. He's likely to spring one or two surprises.
  18. Don't know whats happened but Is it too late for sid to be given this new drug which slows the rate of dementia down? I know it's only effective if given in the early stages.
  19. I wish he could do it for us though.
  20. Oh well it doesn't matter anyway. England aren't winning the euros with Southgate and that defence. All the media seem excited by the performance yesterday but we scrapped a last ditch draw at home against a mediocre Belgium team.
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