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Everything posted by PieFacE

  1. The Beekeeper Expectations were low before watching and for that reason I guess I wasn't disappointed. The story is utter bobbins but then what Jason Statham film isn't. Kinda fun if you take your brain out. 5/10
  2. Yeah my experience of Xcloud was that it was fine for single player games but rubbish for anything online.
  3. NewDad - MADRA Quite enjoying this album atm.
  4. I used to absolutely love going to the cinema but over the past 5 years or so something changed with me where I'd almost have like panic attacks when watching a film in the cinema. Just feel like I can't breath in there and that i'm crippled with anxiety and feel really sick. Was never an issue in earlier life and nothing has ever happened in a cinema to trigger some type of trauma. Was weird, should probably see a professional to try and figure out the cause but it's easier watching films at home.
  5. Interesting. On game exclusivity I think it's probably a smart move. I don't particularly like exclusivity and would much rather the market went in a direction where all games were available everywhere. So I can totally see why they'd do that, especially with now owning Bethesda and Zenimax. It would also help future acquisitions too. Wouldn't shock me if they just stopped making consoles tbh. The real money is in software. On GamePass, if they remove day one releases then that's a massive fail. Would likely cancel my GP sub if they did do that. Would be a bit of a slap in the face. Imagine subscribing to Netflix but having to pay to watch certain movies when they release. **** that.
  6. I mean, it's not like he's a worse player now than he was before. If anything he will be better. Pep's system just doesn't suit him at all. Far too robotic.
  7. Would never happen but would happily take him back here if he would lower his wages.
  8. Great news on his contract. Has suddenly become an incredibly important player for us.
  9. Ramsey held him to stop him from moving. Harrison just stood his ground. Had Harrison held Vicario it wouldn't have counted I suspect.
  10. Yeah Spurs are very good. Annoyingly so. They can be got at but teams just don't seem to take their chances against them.
  11. Yeah he's clearly struggling with the transition to the role he's playing. But hopefully we'll only have some short term pain in that regard for long term gain. We'll see.
  12. https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1753435523270467979?s=20
  13. PieFacE


    Knowing how desperate Chelsea would be to sell I wouldn't be offering them anything like 30m for Broja.
  14. PieFacE


    Apparently they need to sell over £100m of players by 30th of June according to some "FFP Expert". Might be tough with the Euros on this year. If true, who is going to buy any of their players at their valuations knowing how desperate they will be.
  15. That's not a pen imo but I hope it's given
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