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Everything posted by trekka

  1. If I booked a holiday through Aldi Travel, am I likely to get value for money as well as quality?
  2. 2nd block of flats to the left of the tower (which is now complete). I've been here about 3 months now and I'm over the moon with it. If we're going into number of bedrooms etc, well it's a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom (one is en-suite to my bedroom ) and I have my own private terrace and beyond that landscaped gardens complete with water features and things. Not bad going seeing as I've only been working for a year (well I do only own 25% of it)
  3. well it depends if you think rates will rise over the next 5 years, if it is really bad we could see it at thsi level for years for me always a fixed rate at least you knwo where you are, I am on a ten year one I'm actually bloody glad I took the variable rate now (obviously he says!). Phoned up Woolwich at the start of the week to get them to adjust my interest rate and I've knocked £40 off my mortgage payments. Might not seem a lot but when I was only paying £250 for the mortgage anyway it's quite a difference. What fixed rate deal have you got, Risso?
  4. Money Saving Expert is likely to have some good advice. Good luck.
  5. As a buyer on a shared ownership scheme (currently owning 25% of the property), I'm hoping the value continues to fall. I'm in the fortunate position of being able to eventually owning 100% of the property and able to have it revalued every year to staircase. The way it's looking, instead of buying a further 25-50% in a few years (which is what I was intending to do) I can potentially own the property outright.
  6. I used to be a 36 and could get all sorts of funky jeans that I enjoyed wearing out clubbing and such like. The ladies loved those jeans -I'm a big lad (6'3" with size 13 feet and built like a brick) so that's pretty cool. Now, I'm a 38, can't get into said jeans and the ladies don't like it I feel it's time I started eating lentils for lunch and avoided all things evil on the waistline - it can't be that difficult, can it?
  7. The cynic in me reckons that I could have shoved it on bets for the weekend knowing full well they would want their money back. After all, they can have their money back but if I get a bit extra out of it then we're all happy (and happy to lose knowing the risk).
  8. you got a beefy daily limit or something I can only draw max of £250 in a day. Suppose you could get to Ibiza for that. Villa fans larging it up to "Panjoo" thanks to Nationwide. Well, I was thinking of sunny Bognor Regis
  9. I wouldn't. Sure, it'd be bloody tempting but it would always be in the back of my mind that one day, I'll get a letter asking me for the money back I just fluffed away on a holiday.
  10. Personally, I prefer a pint of... Has to be draft mind, don't like it at all from the bottle. Draft is a good pint
  11. Oh I love a keema naan! Bread filled with meat, can it get any better?
  12. If I'm with the lads on a night out and everyone else has a madras or a vindaloo then I'm quite fond of a madras (can't go "soft" by having a Masala, pride is at stake). Otherwise, I love a prawn Bhuna.
  13. Episode 2 is on tonight by the way, "Day of Days". 11:20, BBC 2.
  14. On a seperate note, it was bloody brill getting back into it last night (even if I was sleepy eyed at work this morning). For those who haven't seen it before...if you enjoyed the first episode, well, you haven't seen anything yet. You'll be in tears at some scenes and on others you'll be on the edge of your seats. Most of all, you'll feel like you know every single one of those brave souls inside and out by the time the series has ended. I thought Saving Private Ryan was good, but this is on a whole new level.
  15. I cannot find anything that they are involved no. Well Hanks and Speilberg are Executive Producers (according to IMDB) so they have some hand in it.
  16. First episode is a bit slow to get into (if you're an action freak) but it's, remarkable, remarkable TV. Do what I did and record them all to watch back to back I hated waiting another week for the next episode and methinks it's a must buy on Blu-Ray!
  17. In what is probably the greatest TV series ever made, it seems the producers are busy on a follow up, "The Pacific". Anyone heard any more on this? There's info on IMDB and a bit on wiki. OOORAH!
  18. 28. Sometimes I feel like 21 and on top of the world...other times (like this week when I've had a touch of "man flu") I feel like an old man. During the war...
  19. Apologies if already been posted. Silence!!! I kill you!
  20. trekka

    Smoking ban.

    Or even somewhere for us to meet a potential wife (not that I'm desperate or anything :oops:).
  21. Good point Connell mate, I have no idea!
  22. I'm a big fan of GrooveShark (as you'll probably know from previous threads ), also free and has a good database. This sounds very promising.
  23. Why does that sound awful? Czech beer is well known as being the best in the world. I've tried many, and never had a bad one. I can't imagine Coop buyers would select something awful. No I agree, Czech beer is fantastic...only reason I questioned it was because it was Coop branded 8)
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