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Everything posted by rbcuk

  1. Bottle jobs, bloody obvious he would score all like Forlan years ago played us and scores his 1st
  2. Need some changes and quick, Diego and Ramsey need to be subbed
  3. Was hoping Leon was gonna shot instead of looking for a pass
  4. Glad to see Luton winning, esp after watching sheff utd play with 11 behind the ball against us, bloody awful
  5. Amar Dedić From Salzburg looks a bloody good right back, but nearly every top club and Chelsea are rumoured to be after him, Roma offered £21.5million last summer for him
  6. Glad he scored, hopefully that will help his confidence and get him playing like I know he can from his roma days
  7. 2nd game he’s looked rubbish in, should have been hooked for zaniolo earlier in the half and kept Bailey on
  8. rbcuk

    Matty Cash

    Weakest link in the team, ball watches, can’t cross for shit, that goal was down to him watching the ball and not getting back into position, slowed down every attack we had tonight
  9. Awful game, awful ref, cash is not good enough, should have kept konsa at right back with Diego centre, ramsey offered very little again
  10. Cash again down his side, the weakest link in our team
  11. I’d get Duran and zaniolo on at half time, not even troubled this back 5, awful half
  12. Pau is out injured for Friday according to Doug’s live twitch tonight so I’ve seen
  13. He’s said on his live twitch tonight pau is injured for Friday nights game so I’ve seen on twitter
  14. Finally voided that Bournemouth game, semenyo loses his 1 point for me and gain 7 with saliba off the bench
  15. Not seen many forest fans happy with that decision
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