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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. ^^ I think that's my favourite question out of 512 pages worth. Another light hearted one here fwiw: Villa's first ever game was reputedly against a Rugby side, one half football, the other half rugby. Do you think we'd get a pre-season friendly with the Browns along these lines? And if so who would win overall?
  2. Rodders

    Do you read?

    agreed, I love American Gods.
  3. Rodders

    Do you read?

    tried reading that: " A short history of ukrainina tractors" after I heard it got good reviews. A middle aged persons book if a book can ever be classified by age. It's ok and I can appreciate it but can't finish it. Starting reading: Flashman instead, which is far more amusing.
  4. Just a bunch of hyperactive over emotional spoilt teenagers being morons. Don't take it to heart, General, it will happen every window. We could sign Ronaldo, and some fool will claim it's a PR stunt. The frustration is legitimate, given the proximity of the season, but the abuse and random rantings is well out of order. Do your sanity a world of good General and have a break from here
  5. General, please pass on my best wishes to Wilf, what a tragic injury for the poor bugger. I assume that now means another player is added to the list, but as much as Im thankful we're through, Im gutted for Bouma.
  6. urgh, dislike most of them, from the odd time I've seen them on question time, bbc parliament etc. Alan Johnson is the only one I've seen a bit of and not thought was a slimey prat, so to give me more potentially electable choices next time, I'll go for him!
  7. at least two at any rate. Seems fairly obvious where the next GE is heading, labour chaps might as well prepare for Opposition as soon as possible.
  8. Hi General, Received the home kit today, and it's fantastic - thanks to all concerned!
  9. hmmm, back tracking? Sidwell is great btw, looking forward to the next few signings even if one of our targets has joined Spurs!
  10. General, Another thanks and thumbs up here for the way the Barry issue has been handled thus far.
  11. Rodders

    Do you read?

    finihsed To Kill A Mockingbird a couple of weeks back, without doubt possibly my favourite book i've read in a long time, written so beautifully. I hear there's a film version of it though, and I'm in two minds as to whether I should watch it Reading 'White Jazz' now ny Ellroy now.
  12. I've been to Readingh past three years but broke now so cant go this year as it's a shame would go and see Rage. Probably not going to bother with them in the future now, too expensive, full of crap everywhere, and I just can't stand the bellends who act the clearing in the woods all the time. I may be a misery guts but I wish all those **** who go charging through the campsites, people who chuck piss etc would just choke on their own vomit, hendrix style. Please - I want to listen to the music, maybe jig around a bit have a drink or two and then sod off back to snooze land - yes i know, obviously not my scene anymore!
  13. Hi General, Hope you're well! Fantastic post, cheers, that is all Rod
  14. can only listen to that and picture one eared cops in my mind :oops:
  15. I like Crouch, but again playing him and Carew up front? Or is this just stage one in getting rid of another dirty foreigner from our side?! If he comes I'll welcome him back but will be interesting to see how we play with them both. I know PC is better with his feet etc insert cliche etc, but he isn't fast. Neithe rplay off each other. If it happens I would have to presume we'd be looking at a brilliant right winger to complement Young. Someone with set piece ability and pace too..
  16. stereophonics - traffic, and now warren zevon - lawyers,guns and money
  17. brilliant effort BOF. great read, never knew joachim and vassell had scored so many and 43 for tayls too good number that! gary "fluff" charles?! paul marcellus elliot - best middle name of the lot, a proper roman one that although many of the greatest names are the oldies, nice to see a couple of doctors in the list! intrigued by who just "Young" is at 158 though I haven't read all of the thread yet so im sure it's been spotted already! Jimmy Dugdale sounds like quite a character - name rings a bell too - did he pass on about a year ago?
  18. General, I do trust you and the "team" to be standing firm with integrity over this matter and I am pleased that is so. If however, Barry won't sign a contract, I'd rather keep him here another year - he's professional enough to not throw his handbags out imo, though not sure the same could be said for his avaricous agent. Or if he must be sold, tell him to go overseas or simply "anywhere but liverpool"? Words cannot adequately express how irate their actions have made me, but, without meaning to sound condescending in anyway, I know you're doing the right thing.
  19. I doubt it for the reason that Derby have highlighted how great the gap will be without proper investment. It will be tough for either side who go up, and the squad will need alot of plastic surgery done to it, but I think being aware of the task ahead will ensure they'll be more competitive imo. They'll still down, but with maybe around 20-25 points rather that a pitiful 11.
  20. but turn out was down 2 % on the general election here, to be picky au revoir monsieur brun.
  21. I wonder that too - especially if you'd seen the dispatches program on last night on C4. Nadine Dorries' association with Andrea Williams and the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship is not the best of alliances. I watched that too, acting as a mouthpiece for the evangelicals in parliament, which is disturbing enough. That said, I was watching BBC Parliament last night ( I lead an exciting life me ) and on the keenly contested abortion debate she called herself pro choice, and pro stem cell research which was confusing. She was actually more articulate intelligent than I'd have thought after having seen that programme too. Still wouldn't trust her mind. But further to this debate, it is very easy to take the science position as a simple "bugger off religious people" angle, but from readings elsewhere the opinion of some in the research community that whilst no line of research should be closed off, but the iPSC's ( see my post above ) will eventually make the use of embryo's redundant, and they won't have to deal with all the opposition, however ill founded it may be, and will be able to work on it hassle free. Still glad it wasn't banned, but enthusiasm for embryo research will drop if the other research turns out as expected. on the abortion thing, mind literally so disturbing how many par liamentarians actually refused to take into account the viability of the foetus' based on current evidence. Also a ridiculous level of emotive arguments using single cases of a rare survival and using it as a stick to beat the 24 limit with, personalising politics on this just awfully irresponsible imo
  22. No idea, what's going on but I don't mind them at all.
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