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Everything posted by Strog

  1. Surely the end of ETH. I’m hoping the implosion continues. If/when someone new comes in, it will take time to fix the rot. No pressure then!
  2. I expect both Mrs Rooney and Vardy would enjoy that
  3. I think the owners have done a fab job in gaslighting the fan base mate
  4. When going to games, I’ve noticed how much more patient and appreciative the fans are now of the way the team plays. There also feels like there’s a real belief that we are on an exciting journey and everyone is buying into this. I really can’t remember anything like it, certainly not since the early 1980s.
  5. I had completely forgotten about him
  6. Of course none of us know, but it’s telling we sold 3 prospects in the summer window. Appreciate game time might have been an issue but they may of been useful to help with squad depth. Maybe FFP played an issue then too
  7. Im sure we would if we could but FFP might be an obstacle here
  8. Can’t see us getting Eze, I’m sure he recently signed a new deal.
  9. Well, they are falling away in the Premier league and face a tough gam against Milan who will be fighting with them to stay in the race for qualification to the next stage. Of course the had a tough time with injuries but the owners are ambitious/expect success. If Howe turns it around then good for him. But let’s remember they wanted our current manager, who has a real track record of success. So the chance to upgrade the coach, if right person is available and wants to come, might be too good to refuse.
  10. Fair enough. Let’s see how this one pans out over the next few weeks.
  11. It’s only my opinion but the Saudi’s will expect continuous improvement as they want their trophy club to be regularly competing/winning in all competitions to showcase their country. Yes Howe has done great but he’s far from being the best coach in the world, so I think they will use loss of form as a reason to make a change. They won’t stop until they reach their ambitions sadly.
  12. He did leave it a bit late. No way back for them now.
  13. Spurzzzz should be out of sight in reality
  14. Nukearseh0le look terrible. Trippier done again
  15. Strog


    Yep, likely they will keep chucking money at the problem. Great if you can bend the rules of FFP..
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