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Everything posted by Strog

  1. If he’s banned, it’s lucky that two of the three games are against abysmal teams. I’m worried about Burnley though
  2. We must be well stocked with young goalkeeping potential
  3. As much as it would be wise to keep him around - I think he’s been excellent when selected - I would assume any loan agreement can be terminated by parent club, if a sale can be agreed with another club.
  4. He was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation after collapsing in the play off final. He had an op (not sure of the details but it generally what they call an ablation). Recovery is usually successful. But it can come back and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a relapse. It may mean the end of his career. Whatever happens I hope he can make a full recovery.
  5. Strog

    The NSWE Board

    Excellent. Reminds me of this.
  6. I thought he did great last night
  7. Strog

    The NSWE Board

    Of course they will get money back at some point. Who knows if ticket prices get pumped, hope not but these are business people. I suppose if we are serious about competing then further funds are needed.
  8. Strog

    The NSWE Board

    More about them here https://www.atairos.com/about-us/ It appears they are some sort of investment firm so maybe it’s a good thing.
  9. Far from a classic but job done. Good to see Zanilio score and the debuts for Marschall and Tommy
  10. To be fair, we have played a lot of games in the last couple of weeks.
  11. Marschall is young so he will make mistakes but nothing to get concerned about. I’d rather he makes them in these sort of games. Good save just now
  12. Getting his senior debut now.
  13. Yep., I don’t think Howe is good enough to take them to the next level
  14. Not for me thanks. It’s a rivalry based on their pure envy of our success. I don’t miss those games one bit, plus our ground needs to be fumigated after their “fans” have slithered their way out..
  15. Good point, maybe the league position will buy ETH some time too as they aren’t far off.
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