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Everything posted by Strog

  1. Looked at the clock mate, mite have bin earlier mate. yep, reports of huge queues of pony and traps all along the A45 mate. sold their allocation and some mate 4000000 Zulus incoming mate.
  2. Rolling back the years, Uriah Rennie booking Leandro Bacuna for a bad foul
  3. Just seen a video of the blose owner, Tom V@gin@ I think - pic below. they said that the reason the picked Shrek is because high-press -possession-football is statistically the best way to get promoted by playing this type of football. Beyond deluded- mate. The only things they possess and press are their sisters, mothers, nieces etc..
  4. I think this will be our biggest test so far but if we play our A game we can win. This has added spice as my Son is coming with me and he’s an Arsenal fan, although he has a soft spot for Villa.
  5. Just an incredible performance. I pray we can do the same against Arse on Sat
  6. So we have the sotv derby on Friday mate. Sold out their allocation, taking 400000 mate. JLR production closed mate. Another 400000 drinking in town mate. No vile allowed mate. Gonna get tonked again…. mate.
  7. Fixed that for ya mate. They proppa brought 200,000 when theyz played that Auto windshield leyland duff cup final at wemblee MATE..
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