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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. I don't want any villa players in the england squad. All for us greedy greedy greedy
  2. despise liverpool so so much, but letting me head rule my heart. Everton loss is better for us long term imo.
  3. How can anyone justify saying we don't miss one of our 2 strikers? Gabby is on his arse at the end of many games! ~He doesn't have to start to be missed, if we could throw him on wth 20 left, the pressure off the back 4 would be huuooaaggee
  4. I think 5th as well, but can see 4th winning this poll. We need players it's a fact. First XI is awesome, but as soon as we get injury to just one key player the team is weakened much more than any other team in the top 4. If we end Jan with +3 squad, we'll have a much better chance.
  5. fantastic band, fantastic performers, fantastic music.
  6. Tomaszk

    Top Gear

    awesome episode. Id love to know if they really do get pissed off at each other and leave each other in the lurch. Obviously for viewing purposes each member probably always has at least 2 or 3 other people with them at the time but do they now help them at all?? Very very funny.
  7. 1 in - striker 1 out - routledge cant see too much else
  8. MMON said he thought about long and hard, about 2.5 seconds I think he said.
  9. Hope you enjoy the game General. This is our biggest league game for around 10 years, since we were last top.
  10. Laursen was neve fully appointed, neither was Barry stripped. Well in public anyway.
  11. Only bloke I'd be happy getting if MON has to leave at any point.
  12. Will be Nige. I cannot believe people would give it to Barry, and I am a massive Barry fan, but he wasted so much in the summer. The arguments being made make sense, but still, he threw it all away. I'd give it to Petrov, I can see it lifting his game even more, he is the key to us winning against Le Arse, all he has to do is put in the performances he has been.
  13. Then you kind of missed the point of the poll. Did I? Or did I kind of just say it was pointless given the obvious pick of Heskey going to be the one we are buying? Yes. You missed the point of the poll. Doesn't ask who you think we'll get, it asks who you'd want.
  14. really like the show, havn't listened for so so long as I always forget/am asleep
  15. Fellaini was best player by a mile today for me, 2nd was probably Pienaar, Laursen 3rd. So so impressed with screech, can't believe he's 19, can hopefully help you push up the league.
  16. So much more in my life. But with more happiness, comes more tragedy at the same time.
  17. If Artetas girl reads this could she answer me this query please? What on earth happened with Marcus Bent at you lot?? He played brilliantly for a season in a 4141 formation, helped get you top 4...then you got rid a season later? Always wondered.
  18. Agreeing with those mentioning the reserve matches. I know changing it now is extra admin but there is going to be much fewer home spectators now, i think playing the occasional match at VP helps the lads lift their game and see what they can achieve. Keep up the good work Boss.
  19. I think yellow should be all round colour, its not as though its more favourable to certain ethnic backgrounds. I've never seen anyone yellow.
  20. Brilliant!!! Marlon and Brad are my fave's Genuine question, do lego already make black lego men?
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