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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. He wouldn't if 99 Utd were managed by Steve Bruce
  2. Would you be happy going into next season with no new players? If not, I think you agree the squad isn't good enough. • Other teams weren't as bothered • We stopped pressing the game and held our positions more at the back • Watford and Bournemouth were terrible Incredible work from the manager and Jack Grealish to keep this team in the Premier League.
  3. Another thing. Their White chase is identical to our Mings one last summer. Not sure they'll get their man though, which is good.
  4. Depends on their start I think. Their confidence will dwindle if they win one of their first six. To be honest I can't see them much lower than 13th. If Bielsa goes they'll collapse.
  5. I'd rather sign a good player than one who can only take set-pieces. Don't fancy H. Wilson at all.
  6. Haven't seen him mentioned much. Tell me more.
  7. He's such a sneaky bugger Wilson as well. Loads of sly shoves and pushes. I'd love to sign him.
  8. Fair. I just mean from my own negative viewpoint. Felt a really strong league starting last season. No weaklings when Norwich and Blades had just finished above us. If we don't finish above West Brom and Fulham next season I'll be surprised and disappointed. Their mere presence over a Brentford or pragmatic Forest (before they exploded) is welcome.
  9. We came up as playoff winners with no keeper, defenders or strikers.
  10. I have big doubts and would have replaced him while still acknowledging a farcically successful two seasons. That's not happening and yes, he has earned a go. Good luck Deano. The various staffing additions can only be a positive overall and I think there's going to be few caveats (Grealish leaving would be a big one but it feels good atm, I think he's staying) to excuse him if we aren't noticeably better next season. We should be better. Plus there's definitely two sides weaker than us in Fulham and Albion. Going into last season there looked to be none definitively.
  11. I know what you mean but this is the sort of attitude Utd fans have in thinking they should get Grealish for £40m. There's a premium on their players because they're good You pay what the market dictates. And the market is ****. Are there better players out there than Watkins for £25m? God, yes. But there's risk taken out of that particular deal with him being English, knowing the manager and knowing the system already. He can also play the two positions we currently have absolutely no one good enough for Premier League football. Brentford being the smart alecs they are, I expect they know this and are asking for even more as such. I'm much more up for Watkins than Benrahma in our current situation. Wouldn't grumble at £25/30m, not my money. The Wes thread has taught me £20m isn't much for a PL player anymore.
  12. I expect he was struggling with plenty yes. New language, country, club, team. None of it is easy. It showed on the pitch with Wes much more than it ever did with Luiz. Including when Doug was attempting a suicidal dummy outside his own area 5 mins into his home debut. Hope he comes back and takes it back to basics, that's where he needs to start off.
  13. I would heartily disagree with that assesment as he's so short of fundamentals. Game of opinions of course. If the club see it your way they should definitely keep him yes. He'll be playing in a much better side (hopefully) next year so perhaps better players around him can bring something out of him.
  14. If I was him I'd want to see some transfer market intent. Not sure what action he'll take if he's not happy. We need to decide this week if we're selling him or not. Can't have him handing in a transfer request one game into the season.
  15. I don't even know if the bid is real but if it is a thought to throw in the hat is that we'll never get an offer this big again. Depends how the club see him.
  16. I would happily sell him for £13m if it means getting in two new first-team ready strikers. Wes could possibly turn it round, but he's got so much to improve on and that's after he's mentally over his knee. If I was him I would never ever sign for Lazio. Perhaps the most racist fanbase in a league with plenty of openly racist fanbases. Stay and prove your doubters wrong here Wes.
  17. This is really really good work. Terry rumours won't go away and he could easily go a month into the season. We're now fully stocked now. Good shout from Mat Kendrick who suggested this about a day after the season finished.
  18. The club have put some flesh on the bones if anyone wants more.
  19. Smith on Watkins I cannot believe Smith would say I don't want him for £10m. Yes, I'll have one Trezeguet for £9m and chuck in an El Ghazi for £8m please.
  20. I was wrong. These aren't decent, these are brilliant. We have a man here who is looking at things from a lot of different angles. Everyone read them.
  21. We can remove the 'New' when he's no long new. And the job title when he's signed his first superstar for 50p from Bolivia. Nothing can stop us.
  22. Good post from another thread. Wonder if Lange made early moves to get him in.
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