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Everything posted by villan_007

  1. And how quickly it happened. I remember sniggering when they had lambert....then in one season boom. Amazing really. They're a prem team for the foreseeable future for sure. I guess it's just our time to be in the shadows
  2. Lol Bruce and the club still to blame in this thread I see. Wonder how many special brews he had this morning before missing training? I see Smith put him straight back in the squad and he's training really hard and will make his comeback this week!? You know because Smith isn't Bruce and the new owners and regime have bigger better Olive branches. Haha poor old Ross. Absolute joke he gets support still.
  3. Is this guy turning into a donkey before our eyes!? Don't get me wrong he started well, attitude is unquestionable, but the need to wrap the ball in a blanket, sing it a lulaby and place it gently into the goal is getting on my nerves. Very wasteful at the moment and has the first touch of a newborn horse
  4. Or gone on load to any club in the British isles, or europe or........arrrrr still not seeing the pattern Dave? Nobody wants the drunk.
  5. Whoever said it was a sell out at the club can't count. Pockets of empty seats everywhere
  6. Dean Smith was doing it but the other way around. Not an issue
  7. Not really true though is it. He's scored a few cracking goals for us. The header at Wigan was lovely, and that smashing volley...I think against wigan also in the cup. He can finish no question.
  8. Got to be honest fella, your post doesn't fill me with confidence. It seems deep down you're more than happy for him to leave. Hopefully he has improved again from the lessons he has learnt which he seems to have done everywhere he's been. I'm still a little unsure on him to be honest. Having said that it will be nice to not have to sit and watch hit and hope football every week.
  9. I feel like the owners have scrapped promotion this season with this appointment. And I don't mean that in a negative way. Having looked at it they've seen the monumental mistakes we've consistently made over the years due to a lack of a plan or philosophy, and have chosen to build something that may take a season or two to achieve. I applaud that. In a perfect world they would have been here from the moment we went down. It feels really sensible. Not something we're familiar with. The added sprinkle of JT I think is a master stroke. Let's see what he can do. Go on Deano.
  10. Yep and he finishes all that in time to cut up the oranges.....Jesus at least try and have a decent argument against his appointment.
  11. You keep saying this. But it's not remotely the same in any way shape or form is it? Both hired under an absent uninterested owner, with a poor board, and I just cannot understand how you can think garde was even given half a chance, completely shafted by the club, couldn't bring his own team in and wasn't allowed to buy any players.
  12. We'll it wouldn't. Guardiola gave a man's answer that made sense. He said I've watched Mahrez all week smashing in penalties, so I made the decision to let him take it. I was wrong it's my fault. Bruce didn't have the balls to watch Whelans penalty, turned his back. He also had no idea who was best placed to take it, and didn't do his job and make a decision. Good riddance
  13. He is scoring goals, which is a credit to him. But like most of the other strikers we've had recently, we give him no service, and have no set play to involve him in regular attacks. The crosses into him during the game are mostly embarrassing.
  14. Yeah but theres absolutely no evidence of us being connected with Mendes ?
  15. Is Collins still training with us? We desperately need to offer some free agent a short contract. Just to have an actual defender in the ranks would plug a hole till Jan window opens.
  16. Really? so he is already pretty highly regarded? Meaning an unlikely appointment?
  17. I think it was Thatcher on Twitter who said he thinks the next appointment would be a mendez client, probably Paulo Fonseca. I'd never heard of him. I've just read two articles on him and decided I want him more than anything else in the world. In my mind it also seems strangely possible.
  18. Olive branch, Olive branch wherefore art thou Olive branch! Brucey can I have another can of larger please? Yes you can Ross lad. I'll take the blame. Now off to sunny Australia you go.
  19. Just leave it Dave. We could post a picture of Ross guzzling a can of special brew at BMH spewing his ring up with Bruce holding his hair back, and you would still say, Oh but why aren't the club doing anything. Countless people who know the score, even our own Trent Villa has said Bruce has no blame here what so ever. The club has done everything and offered him everything. He's a drunk and a busted flush. He doesn't want help.
  20. He is still banging them away, it just happens to be cans of larger. Off to get pissed up again in the sun, and jog about scoring set pieces. Still getting a fat pay check. All Bruce's fault though. Grrrr Brucey!!
  21. Jose coming in last minute to steal him away? ?
  22. I'm not sure it'll make a difference. Checkout his instagram. The guys a freak. Never stops training. Looks in great nick to be honest.
  23. I hope you're right mate. It's about time we were.
  24. Exactly because we've never had any of it. Someone with a track record of running a club in the modern era. No the opposite. He was working at Cadbury then all of a sudden he's CEO of villa. There is your Rookie. I have no names. I couldn't tell you the name of a CEO at most clubs. My point is this guy has been around the track, with most fans having a bad view of him. Now he is also a minority investor with us and our CEO. With all that has happened to us over the last 10yrs it doesn't sit right and feels like more of the same.
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