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Everything posted by villan_007

  1. CH had a shocker. Landsbury did much more when he came on. Had energy gave them something to think about.
  2. Finished?? Pure cack fella. Pure fresh on the plate cack. Topped with cack, with a side of cack.
  3. Stoke preparing a new 2yr deal for crouchy. Described him on soccer Saturday as the best impact sub in the league right now. Doubt we can get him.
  4. He was the messiah to you a few posts back? Still can't believe some can't get their heads round him being a mental drinking mess and blaming Bruce for beef. He's finished and it's all his own fault accept it.
  5. How do you know he isn't one of the best round at the mo? Name some others? I can't. Nobody knows. He has created the role at Villa himself really and is said to be at the forefront of forward thinking in the game. He is earning rave reviews for how he has turned the club around. But because that isn't seen in the first team people struggle to believe it. I don't think it's out of the realms of possibility that arsenal are looking at him.
  6. What's the alternative? believing you? Unless you have an inside story to share the chances are the same either way of him staying or going.
  7. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Baker is a man, with a mouth and decision making skills. He was offered first team football at a place he was familiar with. He took it. It's not Bruces fault the club had Elphick & Richards on the books, and from what we know it was very much the 11th hour that the Elphick deal fell through and replacement coming in. Baker fills we with as much dread as Samba, Elphick & Richards anyway. He was a donkey with a lions heart.
  8. It's the way it's always been since the beginning of time. It's just because for 30 yrs we have been snobby premier league fans and never noticed. All half time and full time scores are read out from the Prem down. Now we're second division fodder you start noticing how the other half live.
  9. I thought Marseille made THE amavi deal permanent in october? we got 9mill i think. Should be a bit there if the right deal is about.
  10. lol Bruce the disgraced one! He'd be a disgrace to some if he stirred his tea the wrong way. Great to see the passion from snoddy, but he didn't high five ohare when he came off, that annoyed me. Cheeky slap on the shoulder would have done.
  11. I'll just have a go at these. 1. No. Leicester won the league averaging 34% possession. As Gary Neville beautifully says, stats are for people that never played football. 2. Davis had a shot saved brilliantly, a header saved, a shot wide. Onomah had a few efforts, adomah blazed over and set up a few. You're watching the game hating Bruce and missing all the action. 3. The club have said countless times that they budgeted for a 3 squads. Get up. Stay up. Challenge. First and foremost get out. I don't think for one second Bruce thinks he'll be there if we go up. Look forward to chatting again when we're back in the Prem and you come back from the wilderness.
  12. Nar - DC has a vendetta 100%. It's surprising he hasn't given him a bad review for warming up on the sidelines. As someone said above a perfect opportunity to see him in action with Davis and he get's thrown out wide left. Why?? so annoying.
  13. If he can get fit, sober and confident could be an asset for the second half of the season
  14. Agree Terry will breeze the pressure. But as for Derby days Arsenal Chelsea is nowhere near bring a proper derby. Not even for them supporters, sure thy don't like each other but they each have their own true enemy.
  15. Based on his ability to build things and integrate youth. Looking back now we probably should have really tried to build from scratch instead of throwing millions at proven players but with no really plan or style. Garde was served a premium turd sarnie. I would have liked to see what he could do in situation like this. Instead it looks like we're sitting on the edge of our seats hoping Brucie can drag us up.
  16. The agent hasn't created anything though has he. He's had the contacts in the game to get the players to come. It's a different story getting them to play. If you look at their first season then zenga was a disaster but nuno looks to have worked wonders in a small space of time. I always get confused when the pitch forks are pulled out for Round. From the small bits we hear he is working wonders with rebuilding everything that was left to rot under lerner, and most of which wont come to fruition for a few yrs. I'm not sure if he has much to do with the first team other than providing the first team staff with data / recommendations. What Bruce and his team choose to do with it, is a different matter. I think we can all agree that the team and style smacks of Brucie so maybe he is just doing his own thing. I think Round was quoted as saying I'm hear if the manager needs me, which would suggest 90% of his efforts are academy focused. We haven't found a nuno. But that part of the puzzle points more to Wyness than it does Round for me.
  17. Stick him in that wolves side he'd thrive. Yet we think blasting long meaningless balls into the corner flag is classed as service. I dont know what people expect. We create nothing.
  18. I'll end it for you both. Dave you spelt your wrong twice in the same sentence. You lose 10 points per spelling. Which means you now can't compare Cardiff to us.
  19. Mark Halsey said he thought it was very harsh. Doubt we'll win if we appeal though I don't think there is enough footage from different angles.
  20. It was more me having a dig at the level RMC is going to than a direct pop at the A-League. I've seen it lot's. I live here now But I'm one of those fans. Villa is my team. I don't do the whole two teams thing. I was a home and away fan, beers, lads, sing songs. Nothing will ever replace it for me. I went to an A league match and I was like....Meh. You'll never be England level and never be Villa. My interested ended there. But you're right to be proud of it. It's come a hell of a long way since I first arrived and it'll only get bigger and better.
  21. It would be weird....but think of the perks!
  22. How about his golf swing? 268yrds will that get us promoted?
  23. Could tell us he's having an affair with your mom? It is JT after all.
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