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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. Nzogbia deal has fallen through - couldnt agree personal terms.
  2. lapal_fan

    FIFA 10

    Honestly, if people play as Chelsea, choose Fulham I must have played about 30 games as Fulham and have lost only Twice against Chelsea.. People think they will kill you, but Fulham play a nice tight passing game and AJ and Zamora up front at more than good enough. (speed and power - good combo)
  3. thats beyond ridiculous.. Id say Im jealous, but im not..id be embarrassed and i certainly wouldnt brag about it
  4. Gorcuff is good..in 3 years he will be really really good. I like Niang but I think hes 30 now so slighty too old to adapt to the Prem..where did he go to anyway?
  5. Grayson? there are a few people saying a few of the mentioned managers not gaining the respect of our 'star' players. So I was pointing out that whilst bruce may not have won much managerial wise, he certainly was part of a great team and he learnt off a great manager.
  6. why though? because he accepted a job he was offered by a club who happen to be close to ours? I remember him joking with some villa fans when we sang sit down potato head to him..he's a really nice guy. Plus everyone on here seems to think we should get a high profile manager - 12 years ago he was part of one of the best teams in English History..how d'ya like dem apples? If we did appoint him, he would not get booed and if he did, 1 win would change that
  7. Are you saying that he wouldnt come out of retirement to manage Villa? I think you're wrong.
  8. COPPELL! but yea i stand by my views 8) Look at it this way, we got Little from Leicester, Taylor from Watford.. they didnt do too badly did they?
  9. I want a manager who will work his fingers to the bone for this club. Can you imagine Sven, Pelligrini doing that for Aston Villa? I can't.. I think the best method is to get someone who would really enjoy/want to work for this club to make it their own. I think there are two kinds of manager to do this; either give it to someone who has failed in the past, who has been a bit of a cast away, learnt the game somewhere else for a few years i.e. Hodgson/Mclaren or, give it to someone who has done well with a smaller club who probably wouldnt expect to get a phone call from Randy Learner asking to go for an interview I.e Moyes, Ince etc I think giving the job to someone who has come down in reputation like Pelligrini from Real Madrid would be a bit 'flippant' in his duty. I can see someone like him saying 'well if it doesnt work out, I can leave and get work off the job I did at Madrid'. My ideal candidates would be Mclaren, Cotterill, Bruce..I think Bruce would be the best for us, he's done a cracking job at Blues, Sunderland and his teams work very hard. Mclaren is a much better manager than the one England fans saw and just won the Dutch league with Twente for the first time in their history, breaking up the monopoly of PSV, Ajax, Feynoord etc. And finally Steve Cotterill because he did a splendid job at getting Reading up with a small amount of money and keeping them there for a couple of seasons where the lack of money finally put them back down again..plus they played attractive football.
  10. shouldnt be driving on 4 hours sleep fella, might be more than tiredness you suffer from! hope it sorts itself out sooner rather than later.
  11. Say what you want about MON but for every single corner of his 4 years here he always had a man on the front and back post which would of stopped 2 of the six goals. Warnock, Downing, Carew, Petrov, Clark were abysmal. Fair play to Newcastle though, they can only beat whats put in front of them and they duly did.
  12. prefer diego though! Brilliant Player, went to watch Inter v Juve in Jan for their coppa italia semi final and he ran the show. Balotelli on the other hand was the worse player on the pitch, but he did get the winning goal (2-1) in the 93rd minute.
  13. hob goblin, and plenty of spirits..i have one lazy eye right now.
  14. dont be blunt show us your...hmm..
  15. Didnt once say worthless but oh well..when has that ever mattered on here? Im saying, we as fans have absolutely no effect on the outcome of a football match except in exceptional circumstances. We as individual fans have never won anything past, present or future, so why is there always this 'retarded' argument on who is the best team? Its pointless beyond being pointless..until football stops and we have a trophy count, there will never be a 'best team'.. I mean some of the arugments on this thread about pre-season football matches is literally toe-curlingly embarrassing.. I enjoy going to the villa, but im not going to get arsey because another team beat 'us'. I go for the entertainment of seeing the 'best' players play football.. In my opinion theres nothing better then watching the kids come through and make an impression in the first team, because hopefully they're local lads and then they will be doing what most of the readers on this forum dreamt about doing as kids, playing in front of thousands, making thousands happy and earning a bit of money. I also like watching people who have wonderful ability, you know, people like Ronaldo, Henry, Figo, Morientes (one of my faves for some reason), Torres, Drogba, Crespo, Giggs, Keane, Beckham, Shearer, Gazza, Messi, Ronaldinho, Kaka, Diego, Eto, Milito and many others who I have been lucky enough to watch over the last 10 years both at villa and other grounds. Hell I was the only buggar clapping Hugo Rodegella (sp?) when he scored that screamer AGAINST us on the opening day of the season, because it was wonderful! Its what I pay for. I dont care what other teams have done or are doing. My eyes are only on Aston Villa - if we're not successful, so be it, but i'll still go and watch them because i've invested in them emotionally - the same as every single other football fan.
  16. This thread is making me rage to be honest. Theres lots of 'bragging' on both sides of the table here but at the end of the day what does it matter what a club HAS achieved or what a club WILL achieve? None of us lot have had one iota of imput into what goes on at our clubs success both current and past. Get the **** over yourselves. Unless you were part of the team or club at any point in history then you cannot claim anything. We're just supporters thick enough line the back pockets of these posh primadonnas and invest up £1000 (Season tickets, shirts etc) in a club that we basically get nothing back from except a seat to watch 22 men play football. STOP THE BRAGGING - its like 'my dads bigger than your dad'... **** hell. I hate football fans.
  17. ha. Toure isnt even as good as viera. but he has a hard shot though :drowsy:
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