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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    Octopus are crediting the amount to my energy account in stages as you say roughly £66 per month. I'm not getting anything in my bank account.
  2. Started watching Slow Horses with Gary Oldman. Very good so far.
  3. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    This is what I'm doing. Octopus reduced my DD payments because the £400 from the gov is incoming, I immediately pushed my DD amount back up because that £400 isn't going to stretch very far if the heating has to go on. Building up the credit on my account to hopefully £400-£500 to last until March/April time is my plan.
  4. I see what you did there. Well played sir.
  5. I had a set of coils replaced on a 2003 Boxster last year that had the same juddering fault. It did cost a small fortune.
  6. Decent listen tonight for once. Squeaky Eddie and Fossilized vagina Polly have been good value so far
  7. I noticed the presenters didn't call it boxing but referred to the sport as "influencer boxing". They just need to drop the word boxing full stop.
  8. I saw this "event" too as my lad wanted to see it. Found a little river to watch it and couldn't believe my eyes. Chris Eubank jr was there as a pundit and he seemed embarrassed to be providing feedback on such garbage.
  9. Female Blooser on tonight says "at least I'm not a Bournemouth fan". Thick as pig shit.
  10. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    UK public being ripped off shocker!
  11. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    17p kwh, that's bloody cheap!
  12. Didn't he make some weird comments about having sex with your pet a few years back? Anyone bumming their dog should be castrated, not sure its a fit punishment for a knife welding coward.
  13. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    Octopus have offered various peak/off peak and even change by the hour tariffs for several years, IF you have a smart meter that can report back every 30 mins, its nothing new or groundbreaking (I used to be on a tariff that went into the minus when there was excess energy on the grid, excessive winds/storms usually the cause). The big 5/6 energy companies haven't really led the way on "smart" tariffs, instead happy to continue ripping off Joe Public for years. Problem now is that there really isn't a off-peak period, its peak 24/7 due to the rates hitting the cap. Greg Jackson the CEO of Octopus keeps saying the wholesale energy market needs rebuilding from the ground up as its not fit for purpose. THAT does need a functioning government to sort. I don't see this current bunch of Donkeys doing anything about it.
  14. Funnily enough I actually did get divorced for the exact reasons you mentioned.
  15. I've just finished Bosch Legacy & Lincoln Lawyer, I thought Bosch was better. Lincoln Lawyer just ran out of steam for me, felt a bit powder puff IMO. Could of been 2 episodes less, and I'm not convinced with the casting of Mickey Haller. 6/10
  16. That's something that SHOULD piss you off and has no place in this thread! VM keep cold calling me and try to flog me fibre broadband just because I once registered interest on their website 4 years ago. I keep saying no, but they keep on ringing. Vile company.
  17. stuart_75

    Energy Bills

    Shall I hold on to all those Pork Bellies I bought last week? I was looking to offload them sharpish and make a killing.
  18. I've been recommended this show by a friend (who has questionable TV tastes), so I've got it lined up. Would welcome a few opinions from the very cultured VT TV posters.
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