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Everything posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. My first thoughts: Not sure i can see the point. I dont believe the club would look to reduce ticket prices alongside a standing section as they would be looking to maximise sales revenue. On this basis why introduce it, the top of the Holte is pretty much a standing area anyway, you may as well have the option of a seat. Can see it being a health and safety nightmare these days. Theres no way we would be allowed the huge crowds you used to see in a standing area, along with that people would be hurt by large movements of the crowd. This used to happen but that was in an age when it was deemed acceptable, the "no win no fee" bods would have a field day.
  2. My first game of the season shockingly. Villa sent me an offer as a former ST to attend for a tenner. Got 3 mates going with me and just sorted some passes for the Holte Hotel before the game. Just need a win now please villa.
  3. quick question about snap and go, can understand that its a nice little feature but as it uses wireless is it not possible to simple drag and drop?
  4. The HTC Magic (Vodafone Exclusive) I had was utter shite the HTC touch HD was also completely shit.
  5. dont understand the love in with Delph, can remember one of two good performances. The rest were very unmemorable. Bannan for me has been a lot more consistent than Delph ever was.
  6. enjoy your day, i would have been very upset if it was snow related.
  7. please say its not snow related.
  8. Id go with Bear Grylls given his ability to find a hotel for the night in the middle of his adventures and manage to evade all of the cameramen while safely returning to his cliff face in the morning. My theory is the stuff he does cant be that dangerous or difficult as he manages to drag a team of cameramen along the way. At least Ray Mears doesnt pretent to be something he isnt.
  9. you want our defence to go forwards yet how many times were we caught out by through balls or balls over the top. Part of the problem was trying to play to high a line.
  10. That decision went against us, but lets be honest. Clarkes first should never have stood. Carew was offside right in front of the keeper. Fabianski had to move to the side to see around him.
  11. Absolutely rubbish. I can take losing to Arsenal, they're a better side, what i hated was the lack of effort and the inability to pass a ball ten yards. Everyone guilty of it at time, both Youngs, Bannan, Carew, Warnock, Downing, Collins, Dunne. All of them either cost us efforts going forward or created problems at the back. Weve a team that are built to play fast, counter attacking football. If GH doesnt want them to do that then its pretty much start again. Our back 4 is one of the worst ive seen at the moment. How many times did Collins and Dunne want the ball threaded between them. Come back MON.
  12. Our defence is set up to head and kick. Unfortunately our midfield means more teams can play through us and leave us vunerable to any sort of pace, where as before, we always defended deep. It's why I can't understand why Cuellar don't play. Terrible first half, much better second. Anyone notice the improvement when Carew went off? He's absolutely woeful. Cost us the 3rd goal also. **** off. Seriously. Cuellers injured
  13. watched a bit and didnt get it to be honest. Looked like two blokes stuck in a car talking bollocks and doing impressions. Both trying not to act in character when in truth that is all anybody wants to see. Disappointing.
  14. has the royal wedding date and day off been confirmed now?
  15. Do you think Given would come to compete with another senior goalkeeper, you'd have to give assurances about his place i think. He would have enough options. Hasnt Friedel played a ridiculous amount of consecutive games in the prem, hardly suggests a chance would be forthcoming.
  16. if he starts mixing it up with a range of short passes then i couldnt be happier. Only criticism would be that he looks for the long ball a lot.
  17. main issue for me was Dunne and Clarke always looking to go long. Even Friedel had the message, always looking to throw the ball out wide and retain possession. Dunne and Clarke wasted a lot for me. Other than that it was about not taking chances, a good away performance, created lots but didnt score. Blackburn took their chances.
  18. if were worried about the battle then maybe Warnock in midfield. Lichaj or Beye in a full back role.
  19. Because of our injuries i was shocked that we extended Davies' loan. Now that is looking like a possible error.
  20. love christmas, cant wait for this one as it'll be my lads first and also as he was due on xmas eve last year the whole thing past us by. Cant even remember if we had a tree.
  21. while this is true i only think he is as guilty as every other footballer. Hes just a little more honest. For instance didnt he state at pompey that he saw them as a stepping stone, gave his all on the pitch and moved on to a bigger club. Compare that to the roles played by Milner and Barry, i dont see how hes any different.
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