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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. In any other time Corbyn would have gone or become dead man walking at this point. They should be stomping the tories but the anti-semetic pseudo-communist continues to fail us all.
  2. Would be interesting to see what they would do if any more MPs resign the whip today.
  3. In anticipation of the ascension of lord Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to the throne I think it's appropriate to remind everyone of this...
  4. I'm not sure. I'd struggle to believe that Johnson could command anything like a majority. I think he'll be announcing a GE within a week, maybe a fortnight.
  5. defacto confidence vote in Johnson before he's even in number 10...tabled by a tory MP who was in the cabinet only hours before... Amazing times we live in.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was my understanding the IoM isn't even in the EU.
  7. Reality is that it's even worse (for Johnson) than the result 'on paper'. Lots of Tories have abstained there and once they're no longer bound by any semblance of cabinet collective responsibility you'll find those that abstained will turn rebel on him. One wrong move by that mop headed fool will hopefully make him the shortest PM in history...here's hoping.
  8. Sky reporting that Bruce was 11th choice apparently. Not sure how they could possibly know that but if it's true that's so funny.
  9. I always quote this to my misguided leave-supporting friends who say that their MP should be enacting the "will of the people". It's an MP's job to represent the interests of their constituents, not be a mouith-piece for them. It's a key difference. Those who don't like the way their MP is acting are free to vote them out at the next election and if they feel they can do a better job, stand themselves. It's not hard, is it?
  10. After the complete abortion that was TLJ, if the next one is an avengers-style "time travel to the past to fix the timeline" plot device, I'm done. Literally done.
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-48908766 Surprise mechanisms, eh? SURPRISE! You're bank account is empty... Fifa's Pegi rating really needs to be raised. 3+ is a joke.
  12. Turned up at court in a shirt that read "Convicted of Journalism" Let's hope some of his fellow inmates give him a 'hard' time in the shower.
  13. It's at least a bit more respectful than that prick Levy's reported £2m grealish bid last summer...
  14. Has a championship player ever gone for that amount? He'll be down another year on his contract. Possibly might have a bad year. It's always best to cash in when a players stock is highest.
  15. It's not about whether they lie or not. We know they do, but there's always been elements of truth thrown in or word play to allow a "get out" down the line. There's no truth at all anymore. They're saying whatever they have to say one day and the opposite the next...Saying whatever they have to say to safely navigate today and then do the same tomorrow. My anger is for the previous poster calling people morons who's only crime was to trust what they were told...is that a fair comment? In a fair world people like Johnson and Farage would have been jailed, not rewarded. What they've done is electoral fraud. At the very least that referendum is void but as has been stated, it wasn't binding. That the government are treating it as binding is an indicator of how weak and self serving the political class is.
  16. I really don't know what to say anymore really. We're living in a world where a bunch of people can blatently lie and tell at best half truths to get the general public to vote a certain way and it's the public's fault for being gullible enough to fall for it. Are you sure that's a world you want to live in? You don't think that's disgusting? Doesn't it make you angry? I'm going to throw a wild accusation out and say the vote went the way you wanted so you don't care and doesn't that neatly sum up where we are. I don't care how corrupt the system is. How many lies are told. How much their actions undermine our system of democracy. Just as along as the people that "win" are on my side.
  17. People who voted leave but actually wanted to "leave with a deal" aren't morons. They simply believed what they were being told. I can cite manay examples of leave campaigners like Johnson and Farage getting up on stage and saying we can "be like norway" and "be like switzerland" with a bit extra added on because we're "bigger" than them... They were lied to, anyone can fall for a lie, even clever people.
  18. It's bizarre really. I know we're only talking about an electorate of 100,000-odd people here but I think he's treated them and the rest of the public with utter contempt. He's refused to be interviewed and refused to debate until after the ballots have been out for a week. He's fed them a bunch of lies and snake oil over Brexit. Sided with the petulant leader of a foreign power over his own government and civil service. Yet he's going to win. It's disgusting.
  19. https://news.sky.com/story/sir-kim-darroch-quits-as-uk-ambassador-to-us-amid-memos-row-11760290 Uk Ambassador to the US resigns. Sadly inevitable as he can't possibly have a relationship with the US president after the leak. Whoever did it needs to be found and jailed ASAP. Not surprisingly you've now got Johnson coming out and saying how much he regrets that he's had to resign and describing him as a "fantastic diplomat"...no acknowledgement of the role he's played in undermining the man last night (personally I think his position was untenable anyway). I genuinely think people like Johnson and Trump have figured people out. Most people aren't paying too much attention to politics or what people are saying and just vote for a familiar name/face. They can say whatever they want and then say the opposite the following day and it's fine. I genuinely think he's going to go straight to a general election and win.
  20. No it isn't...If it was a PR system then I would entirely agree it's the way forward...it's not. Our system wasn't designed for this. If you want remain who do you vote for? Labour? Lib Dem? Green? Change? SNP? Plaid? Presumably you're (correctly) against a "Remain vs more than 1 leave option" because you know that would split the leave voters and Remain would walk it. It would and you're right to be against it. The GE option does EXACTLY the same thing - I suspect you know that and it's why you're suggesting it.
  21. Dont worry. They are, so it won't. Money will be the king as it always has been. It's not like the thin skinned fool can let an insult like that slide though.
  22. It certainly does have more than a whiff of click-bait about it.
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