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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. Just don't get how it can be anti-democratic to hold another democratic vote. We hold elections every 4 years (sometimes sooner) ffs. People change their minds, new facts come to light, politicians lie.
  2. Yep. It plays very nicely into the narrative that it's some "metropolitan elitist" bogeymen that are trying to "frustrate brexit and the will of the people". Lots of foaming at the mouth racists will lap it up.
  3. To the tories, DUP or to me? To the tories he wants to undo 30 years of Thatcherite policy of privatisation of pretty much our entire national infrastructure. To the DUP he's pretty much Satan-made-flesh because he dared to speak to the IRA decades before it became government policy to do so. To me, he's a relic of a bygone era. I like a lot of what he says and does but you can't just wish away the modern capitalist world. He's a fantasist but he's not entirely wrong.
  4. Got to wonder what the margin of defeat would have been if she'd gone for it in December. No wonder she pulled it last minute as she'd have definitely lost the party vonc with that scale of defeat. The only reason she'll be allowed to go on is because the tories are terrified if comrade corbyn. Hardly a ringing endorsement from your own lot.
  5. I miss the good old days where a loss of this scale, on the only issue the government has been looking at for 2 years would be enough to see a government fall. **** the fixed term parliament act.
  6. There's a multitude of different reasons why some of them don't like it. Some of them want to stay in, some of them want to have another vote, some of them want to force a no deal scenario, the DUP want to take out the bits about the backstop and the irish border, some of them want a deal but with a closer relationship, some of them want a deal but with a less close relationship, some of them want to force a general election, some of them don't like that NI is being treated differently to their part of the UK. When you list all the different view/factions/agenda's it becomes quite easy to see why May was always onto a fools errand and Cameron decided to ride off into the sunset.
  7. It keeps us tied in perpetuity to rules and regulations on tariffs and goods standards we'll have no say at all in making, made by those who might not have our best interests at heart anymore. If the backstop comes into force it'll essentially mean a part of the country has been economically annexed. We'll be paying £39 billion for no other reason than to enter "best endeavours" trade discussions. We'll potentially be unable to conduct an independant trade policy as we'll be tied to the aforementioned rules on standards and tariffs. Democratically-speaking it's awful. All the arguments from the (in my opinion) sensible non-racist Brexiteers about the whole thing being about "sovereignty of our parliament" will be completely bogus as we'll be less sovereign under this agreement. Edit: In defence of the agreement it probably will stave off economic armageddon, but imo the price is too high and it's a million times worse than the current arrangement.
  8. Jess Philips correctly pointed out that even the amended version is factually incorrect as the people of Birmingham rejected a city mayor and one was imposed by parliament anyway.
  9. She can't just ask the same question again and again. Parliament already voted. She's subverting the will of Parliament. It's anti-democratic. Shall we have a 'best of 3' votes?
  10. Funny that only a few days ago she was telling the other side that voting it down meant no deal, so which is it? She'll say anything she has to say. Pathetic
  11. A lot of right wing newspapers would have published articles denouncing him as a borderline communist who can't be trusted to be PM. Pretty much the same as every other day, except those of us who wanted to remain in the EU and those on the other side that want to leave but can't countenance "no deal" wouldn't have to waste our vote at the next time there's a GE.
  12. This is how I see it as well. If they have another vote and it goes against them they instantly lose their "will of the people" arguments overnight.
  13. That letter can't possibly be genuine, surely? It's atrociously written. He needs to fire his proofreader forthwith!
  14. If you want funny go and take a look at the Leave Means Leave facebook page. Lots of threats to take Bercow to the tower and [insert medieval torture method here]
  15. ...and the amendment passes. Surely this increases the likelihood that the meaningful vote will be delayed again. They won't want to have the vote knowing they only have 3 days to draw up a "Plan B"
  16. Looks like bedlam in the Commons again. Grieve has tabled an amendment that means once the meaningful vote happens, and is inevitably rejected, the Government has to return within 3 days to tell everyone where they plan to go next. Bercow accepted the amendment and a lot of the Tories are going mental about it. That about sum it up? Seems like a sensible precaution for the speaker of the house to take when it's obvious to all that the Government are deliberately stalling for time in order to make their dog's dinner deal look better, when it would see us either held to rules that we had no hand in making in perpetuity, or the economic annexation of a part of the UK. They're complaining about him not being impartial but it's difficult to be when his job is to uphold the integrity of the house and the Government are intent in sidelining it at every opportunity or holding a revolver to its member's heads.
  17. I'd be interested to know some of the demographic breakdowns of tory party members by gender/age/wealth etc.
  18. Standard government policy of awarding a tender to the lowest bidder and then act surprised when the project runs over time/budget or the company turn out to be incompetent blaggers.
  19. https://news.sky.com/story/david-davis-the-closer-we-are-to-no-deal-the-better-the-chance-of-a-good-deal-11597480 Entirely predictable this is going to be delayed again and again. Utter cowardice and maliciousness.
  20. They're calling the army in apparently. Been wondering all day why they didn't just get some snipers in and blow them out of the sky. I'd bet money this is some environmental group. News saying the drones they're using aren't cheap ones. Bloody hippies!
  21. That's some top-notch preparation for 'no deal' right there!
  22. Regardless of what he did or didn't say the tories have some gall pretending to be on the side of "women in parliament" when they restored the whip to 2 MP's under investigation for sexual misconduct so they could cast their vote for Maybot. Unfortunately, Corbyn is too gutless/useless to fight his corner and point out the huge hypocrisy in the whole sorry affair.
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