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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. It's just a dog whistle word isn't it? Used to invoke visions of scary people waving red flags coming into your house and taking your stuff or emptying your bank account of your hard earned money to give to a less fortunate black family.
  2. Ah but schools aren't a factor in transmission at all, remember?
  3. Think I saw this morning that their daily infection rates are much less than hours. Happy to be corrected though!
  4. It's a one off game. It can be done and Italy certainly have shown some vulnerabilities. Think it's nailed on we'll revert to the "Germany formation" for that game to try and shore us up against their attacking threat. I feel like it should be a tactic for ours to let them have a bit of the ball to try and bring Chiellini and Bonucci out and exploit our pace.
  5. Making the roads less safe and having a bonfire of the drivers working conditions...top stuff
  6. Mask wearing going to be made voluntary apparently. On the one hand, I regard not wearing them on the ground of "it's freedom init" to the height of bellendry. On the other hand, I do really hate wearing them as I find them uncomfortable and it's a pain in the arse having to remember to take them out with you. It's just something we have to do to protect everyone around you. Not wearing one for frivolous reasons (i.e. not on grounds of a medical condition) is unebelievably selfish. I must say though it'll be nice to not have to rush back home to get one when you get to the shop and find you don't have one with you.
  7. Was in the stand that day. Mad how quickly everyone went from uncontrollable laughter to outrage. Still unbelievable the ref didn’t give a penalty. Did he honestly think helenius deliberately exposed himself to the entire holte end!?
  8. I remember watching them in the play off 1st leg against Swansea and I don't think I've ever seen as direct as that. They literally went long the moment they won the ball, regardless of the tactical situation. The rest of the team, which had been defending then immediately broke into full sprint to get up the pitch. It was like park football. I think one of my mates who was watching with me at some point made a comment that he hoped they got promoted because they'd be destroyed in the premier league. Easy points etc.
  9. I'm curious as to what you think Johnson could sack someone for? He surely can't sack for adultery, dishonesty, incompetence, disloyalty etc.
  10. I agree he'll go with something like this. He'll make the calculation that at least to start with he needs the experienced heads on the pitch.
  11. That's right, dude. It's all about Marx and Lenin and that we want to take all your hard-earned stuff. Nothing at all to do with the abuse and racism these guys have to take on a daily basis.
  12. They would need to completely detoxify the soil and groundwater first.
  13. At the reported 30m though? (pinch of salt required)
  14. He’s inconsistent sure but his goals and assists stats this year have been ok. He’s certainly better than trez and el ghazi. don’t get me wrong he’s not going to be getting into any top 4 sides and he is one footed but he’s a solid mid table premier league player.
  15. Buendia AND Pereira signing in one window!? Don't tease me! I don't think that'll happen now. I'm not sure we should either. We need to leave a path for some of those outstanding youth players, particularly Chukwuemeka to make it to the first team.
  16. Where do we expect him to play? Right side would see Traore drop out. I think it's more likely we'll see him start centre before all hell breaks loose and him Grealish and Traore start the interchanging. It's a mouthwatering propect!
  17. It wasn't meant to. There's a spectrum of outcomes that can't be predicted accurately. The rates of deaths and hospitalisations has come right down but the number of infections is going up and we still don't have any data on how bad those infections are. It's clearly not causing the deaths it was before but how ill are these people getting? Is it enough to lay most people up for days like flu and then your fine (something I think we could all live with) or are these people getting medium/long term breathing issues or long covid? I don't know because I haven't seen any data on it. Seems to me they've made a dumb decision today based not on the "data" they've always spouted to be following but the PM's wanky self imposed deadline that he's gone around parroting like the fool he is. I think the sensible thing to do is to leave everything as it is now with small, incremental improvements as and when we can make them rather than this crazy "freedom day" all or nothing crap.
  18. Should it? I know people who got the virus who were doing marathons and wolf runs etc before who now can't walk a mile without needing to sit down. None of them went to hospital.
  19. Nope. This is a desperate action to try to save 21st June. They know it's political suicide to not do it so they'll **** over and lie to whoever they need to to meet that date. We're 100% opening up on 21st regardless even if we have to do an about face a couple of weeks later when they realise they've massively **** up.
  20. The glorious leader is nowhere to be seen after dropping this **** bombshell either. Only wants to be seen when there's good news about.
  21. 100% agree. I thought it was becoming a bit of a tired empty gensture but the moment the fans came back in and started booing I changed immediately. The thing is, when it started there was almost universal praise for what they were doing but you soon started to see in the right wing press and social media lies about BLM being a bunch of communists wanting to pull down the capitalist system. As you said, the irony is that the systems these fools have been brainwashed into holding sacrosanct have failed them utterly but they're too foolish to see it
  22. Careful not to underestimate the Scots. I hear they've got a lad in midfield who's handy.
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