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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Reach out and touch base. I need a drink.
  2. Showing your age there. I went for a modern band, cos I'm down with the kids.
  3. How dare you! It's not shitty Windows. It's wobbly Windows. Anyway, maybe. I'd think so, but I don't know enough about a) Windows management tools generally, and b) whatever their setup is specifically. I do know that they think they can't do it, and with the deadline as it is, that's kind of all that counts.
  4. Pretty much my first thought! Actually kind of makes sense though. They want more employees to be aware of and get involved with some of their social programs, so every unused screen will be a big repeating advert.
  5. They're all culpable. They're all so terrified, and he's so vilified by them because he has absolutely zero need to settle out of court. His motivation is twofold; to protect Meghan and to expose their wrongdoing. If he wins, and the evidence he's presenting is the same evidence that has caused them all to settle out of court *hundreds* of time at a total cost of more than £1bn, then their whole existence is threatened. All their previous defences of 'nothing to see here', 'nothing proven in court', 'just doing our job', 'in the public interest', 'nothing illegal'; all of this is absolute crap. They operate above the law, in their own interest and only in their own interest. To understand their behaviour, think of when a narcissist is called out on their behaviour and how they react. Only this time the person calling them out will not back down, will not be intimidated and will pursue and expose them to his last breath. The press see his actions as an existential threat. And they are right to.
  6. Like the look of those. Think I'll give them a go when the trust fund pays out.
  7. Ooh... Might do this. Where is the 10% discount for noobs? I can't find it
  8. Re Prince Harry and the press. You may love him or you may hate him, but don't for one second believe that the press aren't lying through their teeth. I have very detailed knowledge of the original hacking trial back in 2013 when I received daily first hand reports of everything that happened in court. Nothing, absolutely nothing Harry is alleging is surprising to me.
  9. Have to create a screensaver for a client. Simple enough, until I come to do it, then find that none of the software out there actually works. Key is that it displays on multiple monitors. So I choose software that does that. Except it doesn't work. Have been on this for two day solid now, and for various reasons. NONE of the (so far 9) software packages I've tried work properly.
  10. FSB has been obsolete for a while, to be fair. Seems par for the course with those crazy Ruzzians.
  11. First rule of having cocktails on the menu: Have table service. Even if there's nobody ahead of you it's still a good wait.
  12. Destroying militarily important objectives is a bonus. Morale busting: gone is your relaxing R&R away from the front line. Increased paranoia, whether based in reality or not, takes up resources that could be used to help the war effort. More guards in the rear equals fewer troops at the front. Perception in the general populace. What? You mean it's actually feasible and viable to fight against the regime without getting immediately arrested? Could become a big headache for Putin.
  13. To add, what they will do is slow down any advance. What's supposed to happen is that the defender then has time to bring in three and fourpence and/or attack the advance with artirelly and the air power. Often the Ruzzian defenders, quite reasonably, run when they're attacked, so there goes your point defenders. If what Bicks suggests does indeed happen then without point defenders or artirelly, all this construction will have been pointless.
  14. Proximity fused AA Gepard ammo comes only from the Swiss. Critical in killing drones. This is good news.
  15. Rob, have you got a special uberwanky hipster display stand for the album you're currently listening to? Wouldn't put it past you tbh...
  16. And yet, there's this from the BBC today: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65533192 What gives?
  17. I don't think this is true. They don't even play French cricket in France.
  18. Only Haribo worth having is Haribo Konfekt, which you can't get in this country. Like licorice allsorts, but not as sweet and not as brightly coloured. Awesome.
  19. There's going to be an animated series of Deep Space 9. All done and ready to be released. Minimal interference from studio bosses. Could be good. Could be bad.
  20. I'm enjoying refreshing the BBC News page and watching the tory losses clock up.
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