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Everything posted by bully

  1. I have had enough. He spent the money, no argument but the management of the club from the top has been abysmal. He also charged us a nice rate of interest from the family fund which we can't repay. They blame MON for wage overspend but who allowed him to do it? Managerial appointments have been terrible, absolutely clueless. He has no idea about 'soccer'. We were told by the director of spin to see what these managers could do with the resources provided by our club. What **** resources? The new strap line is trim the wage bill. We are in desperate need of players and we can't find the funds to even have a go at staying up. How's this for a new strap line? Proud history shite future. I might have bothered to get a banner made but you won't be there anyway. I don't care what division we are in I will always love the Villa. You obviously don't give a shit so please sell to someone who does.
  2. They've broken me. I didnt give a **** about the game tonight
  3. I am worried about our midfield, which is Bannan atm. Hopefully Delph will be fit. But I truly believe its our year this year and Stan's destiny to go and lift that trophy at wembley.
  4. Yesterday really highlighted the difference that 2 new players would make. Please make it happen
  5. ^^^^^^^That post didn't work!!!!! Anyway what I was going to say was that whilst I agree about Holman the problem is that there were no other midfield options available. Please sign some midfielders. Our midfield vs Bradford is Barry Bannan!
  6. What was beckham doing at the QE today?
  7. Edgbaston is very nice and close to city centre. Don't know about fees though I would think not too cheap. Ask Johnny Giles he is a member there! Moseley is also a nice course, again not too far out of city centre. A bit further south you have gay hill, kings norton, ladbrook park. All lovely courses, gay hill used to have good social too. I could go on as there are lots of options but if I were you I would pay and play quite a few to begin with then go for your own preference.
  8. I just think that this link is a bit of bluff, not for the fans, but for the selling club(s!) of our actual targets, almost a threat that we will move on if they dont play ball. I think the Dempsey 'fee agreed' story on the last day of the last transfer window was a similar scenario to force Genk's hand over Benteke. All just my opinion of course.
  9. There are lots of options for you but as I said in the other thread some more info would be useful about where you will be working before I could recommend (I have played about 90% of the courses in the West Mids over the years) If you prefer not to say too much about your personal circumstances on the thread feel free to PM.
  10. Graeme Souness is available, just what we need.
  11. More importantly do you play Gaelic football or hurling? John Mitchels are the club for you! Great bunch of lads and ladies and great social too. P.s where are you gonna be working? Do you drive? Info would help to recommend best spot to live.
  12. I am just home from that debacle. we need players urgently who are gonna have an immediate impact. I genuinely fear for our safety. We are nowhere near good enough
  13. Leon has terrible injury record and is currently out for the foreseeable future. Def not him
  14. Bri, come to Sacred Heart per game for a nice, cheap, clear the head pint of genius
  15. bully

    Team Photo

    What's AVB doing standing next to Ireland??????????????????
  16. I completely disagree Stevo, we used to sing that song slower once upon a time and it sounded three times as loud. I hate that every song Villa sing is at 100 miles per hour or quicker.
  17. Bernie, will he be fit to play on Sunday?
  18. Dempsey signs for spurs, how stupid do the scallies look?!
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