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Everything posted by bully

  1. I cannot see this working, but it's sure going to be interesting.
  2. Wilco, where are you living? There are plenty of pubs both North and South side which be better than Digbeth imo. You might even meet some of the large Irish community within Birmingham. If you are def heading to Digbeth then the Irish Centre Connaught bar would be yer best bet.
  3. No stringing along required, they are on the verge already
  4. After doing some digging it looks like the Browns are scheduled to play at the Jags and Falcons next season............. pretty please Mr Commiss!
  5. Any chance of the Browns being involved?
  6. I am off to Wembley to lose my NFL virginity. Anyone been before? What can I expect apart from 2 shite teams (which will hopefully mean a cracker of a game)?
  7. Poor old Alan, who could have of course ripped his contract up had he wanted to play so badly. He is such a knob I wouldnt be surprised if he went after Benteke tonight
  8. Kev, have a word with Jack about the under armour please. Next he will be wearing gloves vs Crewe! (and I dont mean gaelic gloves!!)
  9. So funny reading the deluded assumptions of these clueless words removed. And even funnier still is that the one man in their one man team will be gone as quick as you can say he's staying at spurs.
  10. Do you think the player will be brought in before Benteke leaves? No imo, no hard facts either way Interesting. Did you get told this after the transfer request was handed in?? Yes
  11. I dont know who it is but I am told that a replacement has been lined up who is younger than Benteke and a different style of player. Feel free to guess away because I havent got a clue. And I dont do twitter so this is not from there.
  12. Benteke's replacement is younger than Benteke
  13. His replacement, if Benteke leaves, will be younger and a different style to Benteke.
  14. Wait another week and we'll get him for 8m
  15. that makes 2 of us 3 4... plus hundreds of others who dont post here
  16. I spoke to the ticket office earlier and I got the impression that we wont get any more. I hope I am wrong.
  17. Crowley is a Coventry lad so the London draw is not really a factor. Personally I would have thought he would be better off staying put.
  18. He's off to Arsenal. They have offered him ridiculous money for a 15yo and he's signing a deal in the next few weeks. It's not all about money as Man City tried to hijack the deal and offered double what Arsenal have but he had already made his mind up to go to Arsenal.
  19. Nice to see Arry has learnt from his Pompey days and would never gamble with a clubs future again Did someone really, genuinely suggest that they would like him on charge of our club?
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