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Everything posted by bully

  1. Open your bidding low, piss takingly low, the market is still very fragile.
  2. General Last night at Villa Park proved if you put the 'talent' on the pitch the crowds will come................ Bully
  3. General What are the players being fed in the Bodymoor canteen as Stewart appears to have at least 7 fingers on his left hand? Bully
  4. General, Can we have a statement from you or the club about the whole managerial appointment saga to try and restore the good name of Aston Villa, which has been badly tarnished over the last few weeks, and also so that we can draw a line under the matter and get on with our lives again? And while you are at it, an update about the sponsor and kit would be nice too. Bully
  5. Sorry I forgot the! !!!!!!!!!!
  6. You're a mean looking bitch
  7. H and Corsica all points to one man....................welcome back Ged. Gobsmacked? 100%
  8. MM has gone out to a party tonight, I'm ITK :winkold:
  9. *tapping fingers on desk waiting for Dom*
  10. The adidas kits are spot on and the Nike ones are terrible, gawd only knows what ours will look like.
  11. Very interesting indeed from Kendrick as he is undoubtedly being fed snippets from within the club.
  12. I must have missed something with Jol as I cant see how he can be rated ahead of some of the other candidates. The more I think about it I am coming around towards Rafa. He has all the experience of where we want to be, my only concern is that he seemed to lose the plot towards the end of his Liverpooo reign.
  13. If she doesn't win then I demand to see a pic of the winner!
  14. General, Are you aware that the Lord himself, Paul McGrath, is in Birmingham at a couple of functions for the next couple of days? Have any plans been made, or can they be made, to get him to VP on Sunday? God at VP on the sabbath would be superb and trust me it would be something that Randy and yourself would not forget. Bully
  15. General, Firstly, welcome back, I was becoming a little concerned at your absence as I know that you are not one to disappear during difficult times. Can I draw your attention to my previous posting, see below, about the recent Villa golf day. You may be able to get an answer to my query whilst at VP over the weekend. I hope you are looking forward to this weekend as much as I am!! Bully
  16. The lack of respect and discipline as I highlighted above at the recent golf day is obviously clearly apparent in the first team squad also after Saturday's abysmal performance. There is a clear lack of discipline on and off the pitch and even senior players are stating that no one knows what is going on. We lack leadership, and whilst we all wish Gerard a speedy and full recovery, someone needs to take the bull by the horns and sort out the mess now, we have a big summer ahead of us........................
  17. Kev, tell Jack that everyone at Mitchels is proud of him and certain that he will make the grade. Good luck!!
  18. General, Perhaps you could enlighten me as to why at the Villa golf day on Tuesday, for which I paid a substantial sum to bring along some very disappointed clients, there were none of the first team squad in attendance either to play golf or at the dinner. It was very disappointing and totally unacceptable. I was told by a member of the coaching staff that the decision was made that the players would concentrate on football matters...... I would like to know who was coaching them as all the coaching staff were there! Unfortunately I have been unable to voice my disappointment to the commercial dept as my calls dont seem to be getting through. Please feel free to PM if required. Bully
  19. Hey Kevan, please tell Jack to never mind Ireland and Villa, Mitchels training starts Tuesday at Peter's!!!!!!!!
  20. General, I am still fuming after last night's cowardly concession of the game and lack of apology, or even an attempt at justification of team selection, from our manager but I think you have got the message loud and clear by now. I do not expect you to answer this but I will ask anyway, do you believe that in light of last night's debacle that our manager will be able to persuade our best player, who is rumoured to be wanted by every 'big' club in this country, to sign a new contract in the summer? Can Ash believe anything Gerard tells him after last night's lies? I really thought we were turning the corner when we signed Bent (please thank Randy for his continued investment, Christ knows where we would be without him) but Gerard has lost all the support and momentum generated with the sacrifice of the game and comments last night. Still dismayed and disgusted, Bully p.s If Ged has a family wedding in France the weekend of the quarter finals or even just fancied some time off in March, Cheltenham is fast approaching, can you let us know. At least we would be able to understand a little bit why he made his decisions last night.
  21. General, you better put the tin hat on. I cannot put into words how disappointed I am with the team selection and first half performance tonight. Why on earth do we need to make 8 changes to a winning team? We can't be tired, we just had a fortnight off! I cannot believe how out of touch the management at the club are if they think that the FA cup means less than the league. We have a fantastic draw in the QF and we are about to throw it away tonight. Put whatever spin you want on it but our season is about to end in 45 minutes. Utterly dismayed and disgusted, Bully
  22. I haven't read all this thread so not sure if this has been mentioned already, but why arent the FA looking into Pedersen's elbow on Downing? The dirty bastard's challenge was at least as bad as Rooney's. I guess because MOTD never showed it then it doesn't matter.
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