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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. That makes sense, thanks for the explanation!
  2. I'm fascinated by this stuff. When you say something is impossible to make, can you give me an example?
  3. We've been burned so badly by this club over the past half a decade, but I think belief is finally starting to overcome doubt for me. We've got a great squad of players I genuinely like for the first time since the MON era. We're getting results. UTV.
  4. I absolutely agree that clubs shouldn't be saddled with unservicable debt. We don't want clubs flying too close to the sun trying to get promotions or European places and then being at risk of being wound up if they don't get there. I'm all for FFP that stops clubs getting into bad debt. But if an owner wants to inject money into his or her football club, it's moronic that they're not allowed to. It makes it incredibly difficult for a large club to ever really make that step up to giant club status, regardless how deep their owner's pockets are. Chelsea and Man City get in before the glass ceiling and reap all those benefits but other clubs aren't allowed to because of Portsmouth? It's bullshit.
  5. I don't like the idea of a star appearing separate and above the crest, unless we're playing in Europe. Then the star represents something. Wearing it when we're playing away at Barnsley in the 2nd tier of English football is a bit meaningless IMO. I think the recent changes to the badge have been a huge success. The badge when embroidered is absolutely beautiful. I'm definitely open to change but i'm not desparate for one. If we were going to make a change, i'd much prefer a modern interpretation of the 1957 badge than something round. I feel like a round badge is quite generic really. I'd much rather have something where the shape immediately screamed Aston Villa.
  6. This badge would just be a bit shit if whoever designed it was banned from learning anything about Leeds United bar the name and colours. The fact that it's been designed like this given the history is utterly ridiculous.
  7. I think we'd have been far better off just going down in 2011/12 under McLeish. That shock might have forced some genuine change when we were still a half decent football club. Instead we slowly got worse and worse as Lerner got away with running the club into the ground off the back of Christian Benteke and a strong dose of luck until the bottom finally fell out and we went down with 17 points and a -50 GD. It's been a much bigger job to rebuild such a broken club.
  8. There were definitely issues beyond his control but ffs we just never looked like scoring at all. There would have been shorter odds in most games for the opposition to score 3 or 4 than for us to score 1. God what a depressing time that was to be a Villa fan.
  9. I'm fine with it, but i'd only use it to overturn really obvious errors with penalties and red cards. If there is a little bit of contact and someone goes down and a penalty is waved away, I don't want that sort of thing being overturned, just the absolute howlers, or dives. The nature of what constitutes a foul in football is a lot less clear cut than decisions video refs are making in Cricket or in the NFL. Unless it's a clearcut unquestionable error, leave it to the ref on the field.
  10. The knives you use for eating food, not for preparing food. Unless you're preparing food wrong I guess.
  11. Regular knives and forks go up. Sharp knives that might cut you as you unpack the dishwasher go down.
  12. I think the biggest failure of the Canto Bight sequence isn't anything that actually happened in the sequence, it's that Rian Johnson didn't do enough early in the movie to remind everyone that Finn's primary motivation is to save Rey and then get the hell away from the First Order. Remember that he's been unconscious since before the end of TFA. The whole sequence is to change him from a selfish Stormtrooper deserter to fully buying in to the Resistance and how important it is, but a lot of people watching the film seem to miss the point of the Finn and Rose section and so it seems really superfluous. It might also because the marketing for the film has Finn as one of the heroes so people naturally assume he's a hardened Resistance veteran at this point, but the lack of time lapse between the stories of TFA and TLJ mean everyone has forgotten he wasn't actually a member of the Resistance at all, and was only on Starkiller Base at all because he wanted to save Rey and convinced the Resistance leadership that he could deactivate the shields.
  13. A male African elephant can grow up to 14 feet, but most only grow 4.
  14. I'd be totally okay with them sending the prequels the way of the EU and completely redoing the story of the rise of Vader and the Empire. I'm fine with Anakin turning to the Dark Side to try to save a loved one, but he needs to be a bit stoic and strong about it instead of the whiny teenager we got. It also needs to line up with the continuity of the OT as well, like Leia remembering her mother.
  15. I love that you guys love it as much as I do almost without exception. I'm reading so much stupid nitpicking on this on the internet at the moment and I can't help but jump in and fight the good fight. My thoughts:
  16. I won't spoil anything until most of you have seen it but it was amazing. Really different from anything that has come before it. If TFA was too reminiscent of ANH, this isn't like anything else. Go see it.
  17. I'm actually fine with teams getting around the FFP rules because I think they're total bullshit. I just hope we do the same, and when this is eventually challenged properly it collapses.
  18. I'm all for it given that i've booked in to get a Star Wars tattoo next month! I have my first ever midnight screening ticket for Thursday at 12.01 and I can't wait. There are no reviews out yet but the initial reactions are building it up enormously.
  19. A bit ugly for your blokes at Adelaide Oval at the moment, so have a read of this: Jonny Bairstow blown away by gift of dead father's old gloves
  20. If you could bet on this, Man U at Old Trafford would be unbackably short
  21. Yeah there really isn't a super tough group. I guess that's what happens when so many big teams miss out.
  22. The National Rugby League over here has had a huge hit over several years with one-off superhero based jerseys (apparently from both DC and Marvel) which have sold to kids like hotcakes. I assume this is the A-League trying to capture the same sort of market, but i've heard nothing on Star Wars themed shirts.
  23. I follow Australian Rules footy over here and you always get the same "Oh it's a non-contact sport and they spend half their time rolling around on the ground" that i'm sure you get from rugby supporters. Every time I hear it, I can't help but fantasize about playing football against that person and kicking the stuffing out of them all game. I played years of both sports and getting body-tackled never hurt as much as getting kicked or slide-tackled hard in the shins/ankles/feet.
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