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Everything posted by terrytini

  1. An appalling phrase and equally appalling idea. That is the type of thinking we need to get past and thankfully will with Lambert. He will get us pushing Top 6 and above by a combination of shrewd buys - - not 'marquee' buys - and motivation, tactics, and the best of our youngsters, together with a pretty much united and reinvigorated fan base, and attacking football. Plenty to enjoy without silly signings. I like others get a sense of the Sir Ron Saunders about him, and where he can take us over a few years. (ok not quite that far !)
  2. Thats more than good enough for me. I have totally shared Richards concerns re Lerner over the last 3 years - and had the occassional chat with him about it. Whatever has changed his view must be (a) connected to significant money available ( 100% certain to happen. Put that together with a Manager who will fit this Club to a 't' (MON Plus Plus) and a near united fan base I am as excited as I have been for many a moon. Thank God. Footy is so important in so many ways and it has been an awful awful 2 years or so. What a great feeling.
  3. Welcome PL - after 2 miserable years I can enjoy football again, an attacking, tactically aware, agggresive motivating Manager with hunger and desire. Who cares he is not a 'big name' the current obsession with such things is plain daft. I see him driving us back to Top 6 in the short term, and completely reinvigorating the Club. After that, who knows ?
  4. Kit Lambert ? Produced The Who didn't he ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha we are getting Lambo-ghini I can enjoy football and thus life itself again.
  5. We seem to have a reputation for giving managers stick. Why is this? I know Houllier got a lot of stick (most of it unfair IMO) but McLeish hardly got any, and even the bit that he did get was well deserved. The media are to blame for this. They make out that we were on McLeish's back from day one. Look at the O'Neill incidents in his last year, a lot of fans were annoyed that, although having a good year, if he had made some slight adjustments we could have achieved more. and the fans pointed these out. But instead of the press highlighting O'neill's oobvious flaws they decided to criticse the fans saying we were being harsh and having short memories. . :? I think your statement shows EXACTLY why we have that reputation. Maybe if the fans had focussed on his positives rather than wishing the press would highlight his flaws !!
  6. WHAT!? First no OGS, now you are saying no Santa ??? I'm going to stay away from this site........
  7. On balance, OSG, but I think Lambert would be good fun too, and that is all that matters after last year.
  8. "Come to the fore......." BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :bonk: You really have to laugh.
  9. Indeed indeed, we should hope for another heysel and get our clubs banned for another 5 years stunting our development for a decade thereafter until we get rid of the rot at VP! Some people bewilder me, of the same ilk to those that boo the national team undoubtedly. We are still in big trouble. Why would a fan of any Premier Club want another to succeed in ANY competition - especially CL - it only widens the gap ffs :shock:
  10. I am never going to go and watch another season of this crap, so relegation is easily my preferred option. Don't care at all about the costs, plenty of lower league fans still enjoyed this season, whereas I have hated every last minute of it.
  11. If you can't get on the radio - write to a paper ! I wrote the following to the Guardian Sports desk last week, now this week we have a brilliant deconstruction of Mcleish from the paper. If there is enough stink it will get a momentum - write / rip scarves / stop going / whatever it takes ! Hiya, Writing to you as we are getting desparate that nobody is listening. Why is it that no paper has given a fair hearing to the Villa fans over the appallingly negative tactics of Mcleish ? There appears to be an unthinking consensus formed that we want him out because of Blues and have too high ambitions. Please look at his latest statement of abject negativity, that he 'has no magic wand'. Does Lambert ? Does Rodgers ? Is he really saying we dont have players that can play a bit of football and get some results occaionally ? What do statements like that do for players morale ? Look at his record with Blues then us, add them together and you get a 70's dinosaur Manager, who thinks only of 'not getting beaten'. It doesn't work in modern football. We don't expect to win every game, but his style is such I don't even WANT to watch us anymore, neither do many others. Please take a look at the almost total rejection by the fans of his negativity and embarrasingly dull football on the various fansites and at any game and give us an airing. The real concern is not only will he take us down, nobody will want to watch us either, and no flair players will stay. Bang goes a good Club. I know it isn't an issue for many outside Birmingham, but it is driving us mad !!! Thanks for a great read Regards Terry
  12. I'd shake MON by the hand for 3 top 6 finishes and shake Mcleish by the throat for what looks like being 3 bottom 3 finishes. No contest.
  13. Thank you to those who kindly pointed out that MON had won "NOTHING" (why the capitals ?), but I was aware of that, just as I was aware that we won 2 League Cups under Little and Atkinson. And, whilst handing out the 'most patronising person of the day' awards, thanks to the guy who said people need to 'understand' the various types of dismissal...knew that too. None of which alters the fact that quite a number of people had hissy fits at MON leaving when it was, is, and always will be clear that it was Lerner who was responsible for him leaving, and for where we are now.
  14. A helluva lot of people with egg on their never-satisfied faces as it grows more and more clear that MON did not walk out. It was pretty clear to a lot of us a the time, and the abuse our most sucessful Manager - bar Saunders (and Barton ?) - since the war has been a disgrace.
  15. Is it always down to injuries and transition and Ashley leaving then Mcleish ? An average of 1.07 points per game for 133 games ? At what point does somebody decide that is a big enough sample size to prove the guys negative approach is crap ?
  16. Mcleish has had 133 Premiership games, equivalent to 3.5 seasons. His average is 9 wins per season with apoints total of 41, and a goal difference of -15. Over that 133 games it takes him 6 games to clear 6 points. So he is being rather optimistic to say the least. Get the clearing in the woods out.
  17. Echo this. Utter Dross. Can't beleive there are people still paying to go and watch this. Thank God for the fast forward button on Sky Plus.
  18. I'm all for McLeish not being the manager of AVFC but what he said here is true. We have really missed having Young in the squad, had he been in the squad he could have been the difference between drawing and winning games. Does not having Young in the squad excuse McLeish for the style of football we play? Of course not. But in this instance he's not exactly lying. Though, instead of moaning about losing Young he should be concentrating on getting N'zogbia performing. the point is young was NEVER in his squad, it would be like saying of course without messi we are not as dangerous so if young was NEVER in his squad, why on earth would it be of any significance? a new manager with his own players, his own style of football, his own football mentality stamped onto all of the players young was NEVER part of his plans, NEVER in a squad he picked, NEVER part of any of his training sessions he may as well real out names like george best, pele, maradona, they also were **** all to do with this ginger gibbons plans this season. so he is pretending that young leaving has impacted on HIS squad, no it didnt, he was never in his squad hence he is lying Great Post that sums up the deep deep problem with Mcleish, his negativity and lack of self criticism. I really really hate the guys approach and would rather see us relegated - yes I know the issues - than have him here any longer, I simply can't abide our Club with this man in charge.
  19. I already know how we will play and why we will fail. The man is a defeatist, simple as that, and it has been reflected in game after game after game. See Norwich at Spurs ? Remember us at Spurs ?
  20. People stand all over the Country both home and away fans, we are only picked on because of some over zealous anti Villa fan at Birmingham City Council Environmental Health - those of you who pay your Counci ltax to them should complain - they are now duty bound to follow their publics lead in what they enforce. As for standing at Vp - and the fact that it would mean being all to be next to others who want to sing rather than moan, for example, it is probably the one thing that would get me back in the Ground, so a definite yes.
  21. Dull dull desparately dull. Not suprised it is half empty.
  22. A point. A stopped clock is right twice a day. Forgive me if I don't give him any credit at all. I'd rather we went down if that is what it takes to get rid of him and have us employ a Manager who sends his team, however talented or untalented, out to play football that I can bear to watch.
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