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Everything posted by terrytini

  1. How does he get away with it ? We are an identical course to the one he followed as he took Blues down, with a squad at least as good as over half the League, and yet it is all because Ashley and Downing left and we have a few injuries ? Incredible.
  2. Or just stating my opinion? It was not a reactionary post, I feel the exact same about it now as I did when i walked out of VP yesterday afternoon. Two of their goals would have been prevented by the referee getting the decisions correct. They would have just scored two other goals. We were poor again.
  3. Really? I'll always applaud the lad for that goal he scored against small heath. Never can 1 goal have led to such a long lasting love in of someone who as a young and pretty average centre half threw their toys out because they couldn't be guaranteed a starting place. Was a brilliant moment though.
  4. Same Managers in the same fight as last year Randy - well done for importing one of them......
  5. Crap again. You were warned Randy. Those ST prices will look pretty high for Division 2.
  6. A rare result for Chelsea at our place, following us giving Man C 1 of only 2 away wins for 5 months, following a run of results as poor as anyone can imagine. What does Mcleish have to do to get the sack ?
  7. Says it all for me. However much you dont like him walking out (I actually don't blame him) this is a perfect summary of where we were and how we got here. The rest, tactics, who he bought and the like, are just different opinions. I know which I preferred, and if a Billionaire isn't going to spend money, why have one ? Any of us could run the Club on a cost recovery basis.
  8. I could tell you the same thing. Doesnt make it true though does it? Why on earth would I lie ? How old are you, 2 ? If I didn't like 'where he was from' why wouldn't I just say so ? Do you think I would care what you thought of that ? Do you really find it so hard to understand that just asd you have a view of his skills and perfromancxe, I have a different one. Don't know whether you will answer as I really have so many bettter things to do than debate such a silly silly issue with someone. What a joke.
  9. Its not rubbish. Its the truth. And you know it Rather conceited to know so many fans thoughts, especially as so many have offered perfectly sound reasons for not wanting him. I am telling you I don't care where he is from, and neither does any mature fan, what a childish, childish idea.
  10. Yet more prejudice masquerading as facts. At the time hardly anyone had problems with these players, Dunne was seen as something of a coup, (City's fans Player of the Year), beye as reasonable 4th choice (Newcastle fans player of the year), Davies as probably expensive but a classy defender, Warnock who nearly got back into the England Team under MON, Collins (not a star agreed but well liked by Hammers fans - and the fact that some armchair critics don't like him isn't proof he was a bad buy), Delph was seen as quite a hot prospect, and Shorey appeared to be reliable, although uninspiring left back. And these are the bad ones ? When you then include Carew, Young, Milner, Downing, the other Young, Cuellar, etc, I am never really sur ewhere the myth of MON buying a load of crap came from. And it really is time that just cos a few people think he 'Should' !!?? have fineshed higher the fact remains it was as good, as consistently good, as we have managed for many many years. But yes, I agree, in any event what do the signings of these players have to do with the negative dross served up under Mcleish ? Surely we all agree that our best 15 are a match for, say, Sunderlands best 15 ? The thing that really annoys me about mcleish is he is a reasonable guy with a crap philosophy - had he been more adventourous overall (not all the time) we could easily be up with Liverpool as our first 15 (largely here since MON's time) are easily 10 points better than we have.
  11. I think that accolade will remain with a certain Ulsterman for many years to come. As will that Ulstermans record of 3 consecutive top 6 finishes, to the obvious discomfort, incredibly, of some. :?
  12. The kind of prick who has had thousands of people telling him he doesn't know what he's doing? It's frustrating to see people declaring that they will never warm to McLeish. I say judge him on results alone. By that measure the judgement is probably this: He appears to be a bit rubbish, but considering that we are only 4 points off 8th place after selling two of our best players, he deserves at least to finish the season. RL is NOT going to want to cough up another few million to replace McLeish. So Villa fans have two choices, as far as I can see: ACCEPT it and give McLeish the support he needs as Villa manager until results improve or he gets replaced by RL. or Don't accept it, and find another team to support. This third alternative of constant whingeing and second-guessing of every decision he makes is not going to help the situation at all. Would it help if I said I am more than happy to warm to him ? All I ask is some reasonably entertaining football - not Results alone as you look for - instead the dross we have largely seen so far, and a reasonable set of results rather than a load of crap. In fact I am so desparate I might even settle for one or the other !!! it is just that I doubt I am going to get that, so if it's ok I won't choose one of your alternatives, I will instead continue to support the Villa and moan moan moan about the Manager and owner.
  13. Like the serial alcoholic who, after stumbling home blind drunk for months on end and regularly beating his wife to a near pulp, manages to stay sober for hte one evening she was ready and packed to walk out, ludicrously lives to fight - and drink another day. And some on here think we should suddenly start 'giving him credit' or whatever the phrase ? Some say 'the players haven't perfromed for him' - I would say that is the MAIN plank of his job, getting the players to perfrom at or, collectively, above their best. Some say he got some substitutions right. I would hope so !! The fact that it is even mentioned shows what a novelty it was ! Some say Fulham were a tough challenge - a sign of how low we now set our sights - have you seen their away record ? Some say it is anti-Blues bias. I read very little that suggests that is prevalent. nobody would care where he was from if he entertained and was reasonably successful. Praise where it is due ? OK, I'll give him 4 out of 10 for perfromance (thats our points percentage) and 0 out of 10 for entertainment. Fair ?
  14. Ah well, that goal has saved me a fortune, no need to worry about going to watch us next year, as he will still be here. Talk about mixed blessings :?
  15. Why ? he has already ruined the enjoyment of a season and left us further adrift than he had any right to. We could play like Brazil and win 10-0 and it won't alter that.
  16. I think the Board are living in a fantasy world. I have gone from attending home and away every game with my Son (or sometimes the Missus) to not even bothering to watch the whole of the games live on internet streams or the 'Football First' Show. They would have to do an awful lot more than a free pie to get our #3000 per year back, even if I could afford it, which I can't now. (And the first step would be the removal of Mcleish and his appalling negative football).
  17. I just wish it would all end.
  18. That was one of mine (It seems it will get a lot of use so have considered copyrighting it !)from a list of about 6, everyone seems to like it, and I have been busy putting it on the bottom of emails to the Guardian, Sky, Talksport, and all the others I can think of. Maybe if more of us did the same the media might catch on - they like a catchphrase. Get the banner done !!
  19. Yes I am sick of hearing that, as if Young and Downing were the two most gifted players on the planet. How is it that people seriously suggest that those 2 going accounts for the totla shambles we are in ? Of quality atttacking players we have lost Milner, Downing, Young, and gained Ireland, Nzogbia, and Bent, from the side that fineshed 6th. (The 3 we gained would walk into any side outside the Top 5 ) How the F'''' is that an an excuse to drop from 6th to a relegation fight ?
  20. Apart from a few isolated idiots he hasn't really had what I would call abuse. What he has had is an awful lot of people, far far more united in their views than normal, saying the same thing. And that follows an awful lot of people with whom we usually disagree (Blues) saying the same thing also. It totally baffles me how the wider media and a (obviously incredibly easily pleased) minority of Villa fans aren't joining in. He is like a mini version of the banking crisis - causing untold damage for years to come whilst getting a fortune and not being around later as the ordinary guys cope with the mess.
  21. You haven't been very generous to us though have you? 32 points? We have 11 games left and you think we'll only pick up 2 points? :| I know Mcleish is bad but I think you're being a drama queen here. Well 4 of our feeble 6 wins have been against the bottom 4 Clubs so there are likely to be very few wins to come ! (And a 1/3rd of our wins against Clubs who since sacked their Manager - is that a record ?) :winkold:
  22. Well apart from anything else it would show that just like in anyone elses job if you are incompetent and driving customers away you need to go. I don't even care whether we go down, I just want rid of a man who has made us utterly unwatchable. And, no, I don't care where he was from.
  23. If you really think that, you or I may as well Manage us then ? You may have had a point had this been a 'one-off' - but it happens game after game after game, and it happened to him game after game after game at Blues too. Don't you read his comments, or see his tactics ? He is so obviously a negative, defensive, manager it baffles me how anyone is left who can't see it.
  24. Have Blackburn ever come close to so outclassing a Team as they have this half ?
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