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Everything posted by terrytini

  1. I like that a lot I would pay to see that.
  2. What planet is he from ? No real points difference between 17th and 9th? Created chances? :evil: :evil: Does he know what 'created' or 'chances' even mean? We were poor, against the worst. He makes me so so angry. I have never felt like this about my Club before. No, not even under Ellis worst days. We have totally f..d up when we should have been kicking on, the Board are clueless, and he is an appalling defensive, negative, deluded(to listen to that and other press conferences) man who is making us an embaressment.
  3. There is nothing that would get me behind that man . How can we hope to get RL to see sense if we allow ourselves to be described as the 'Silent majority who are behind me' ???......(his words).
  4. Utter crap, against the worst in the League. I just wish it would all end.
  5. Are you joking? He didn't say that? ..It says it all that you think he did. Er....he didn't did he ? :?
  6. Dire rubbish AGAIN as westruggle to an AWFUL draw with the worst side in the League.
  7. Glad it isn't just me - nearly put my fist thru TV after listening to that. Thanks for the link to Sky email, I have sent one.
  8. "Its not where you are from-it's where you are taking us"
  9. Or"Its not Blues that we mind-it's u only attack when behind"
  10. Or"Its not coz of City-it's the football's so s####y!"
  11. How about "Its not coz u came from Blues, but that you are scared to lose"
  12. makes me realise just how utterly miserable the whole thing has become.
  13. with heavy heart, i vote for doug. consistently failing to go the extra mile being better than flattering to deceive.
  14. Dont care he is from Blues. Dont care about his player preferences or substitutions - fans always think they know best. Dont really even care about the results or League position - which are crap. But I loathe his obsession of caring far far more about stopping what our opponents might do than about gettting us playing fotball and believing we can beat anyone. I have never hated watching the Villa like I do these days. It is incredibly dull, depressing, and embarrasing. So GO GO GO !
  15. Says it all for me - except throw a load of other games in aswell, we only alter this approach when behind generally. it IS cowardly, dull, and humiliatingly defeatist. We aren't Wigan for gods sake - we do actually have some talent, as is shown when they are given the chance. So not only is it all the above, it is unneeded and counterproductive. If, as some say, City MIGHT have ripped us apart, so they also may not have done. how about the reverse happened. One thing is for sure , under Mcleish we will NEVER know what we could do with proper attacking intent.
  16. Im not defending it - as Ive put I would rather lose 6 or 7 and have a go. But I see no reason to twist what he said and he definately didnt say we should only attack once weve lost a goal. That is exactly what he said, I have just watched it again. He said.... 'We could take chances -( near the end)-as City were sitting back trying to defend their lead, had we done that before we risked being ripped apart ' Therefore, 'we couldn't attack until they scored' - which amazingly is exactly the philosophy so many people have been complaining he has. And was borne out by the way we set up and played.
  17. He has stated his creed once and for all. For any who hadn't seen enough already. 1. Don't Lose 2. Take it from there - if you must. Not for me Mr Mcleish - not only is it not a succesful strategy, it is incredibly dull, and mightiliy embarrasing. Please go and take your 'excellent strategy' with you.
  18. 1. No, I wouldn't cross the road to watch Everton, and don't like Moyes. 2. Everton have nowhere near the quality of attacking players we have- unfortunately Mcleish will indeed soon see to that though.
  19. Thank God he saved it then if it would justify more of that dross.
  20. How do you put it right ? They asked -'win the next one' he said...How do you do that, they asked 'Cut out the errors' he said after a shellshocked moment. NO - you don't WIN by cutting out errors - you just may CONCEDE less- he really doesn't get it does he ? Great summing up by Yorke tho'. Anyone can see it.
  21. He has just said ' If we'd took those chances earlier (i.e. if we had attacked befor ethey had scored) we would have been ripped apart' I CANT BELIEVE WHAT I AM HEARING. Then 'I thought the game plan was excellent'. Does he really think so ? - Hey Mcleish we lost, and there was nothing for the fans. And that happens an awful lot with your 'excellent game plans'. I really despair.
  22. But maybe we wouldn't have lost 5-0? maybe if we had tried to win the game... we might have won the game! But setting up to play negative defensive bullshit for 80 minutes gave us zero chance. It was only once we were behind that we even tried to play football. This is exactly how his blues team played last year and we know how that ended! 15th place. Longest streak without winning at Villa park for 20 years. Clueless manager. We had chances to score when we attacked but playing defensive counter attacking against Man City makes sense - MON did the exact same thing when Sunderland beat them (with an offside goal). Our inability to defend set pieces and deal with David Silva cost us. No we shouldn't have sat deep for 80 minutes but it's a game we all expected to lose - the manner of it isn't fun. But lets be realistic the bigger games are coming up. Luckily they are away. We didn't play 'defensive counter attacking' football !!!! We simply defended- even after they went in front. And sorry, 'we all expected to lose' - only because of MC !
  23. People will always miss chances, but if you spend 90% of the game in your own half you considerably increase the need to score off everything.
  24. Hindsight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? :shock: He's been like it practically every game ! There is a world of difference between being gung ho and allowing your Team to Attack. I think your idea that 'it almost got us a result is EXACTLY the thinking of Mcleish. Its awful to watch, it is embarrassing, it makes no use of the talent we have, and it has left us hovering close to relegation.
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