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Everything posted by villabromsgrove

  1. He would turn our first eleven into a totally competitive team. If we spend whatever it takes to get him, it will still be value for money in the long term. He's underrated by most people, except Southampton.
  2. I've said before that Luiz is not designed for PL football even though he is a technically gifted player. He needs to play in a league that will allow him a bit more time to express himself, rather than the 90 mile an hour combative stuff that highlights his lack of pace against even average teams. If we get back what we paid for him this Summer we should take it due to the fact that otherwise he will just run his contract down. No disrespect to Dougie as he's a professional and a decent guy.
  3. Cameron Archer is that rare striker .... an instinctive finisher who comes alive in the box. He's not a player who will add to the physicality, or possession stats, but if he's given the right service he will score goals. Gerrard will have to look at the amount of improvement that his signings this summer bring to our attacking play, before deciding whether CA should be part of the match day squad or go out on a good quality loan. The way we played last season will not provide the right service to Archer.
  4. In an hour and a half it will be two weeks three days until the players return for pre season training. That makes me think that with our professional, proactive CEO, Manager and Scouts, there will be another key incoming signing in the next few days.
  5. Talented player, but he lacks the pace and the discipline to be a key CM in the PL.
  6. where's the stat for "He's doesn't get stuck in"? Lovely skills but he's part of our soft underbelly.
  7. Spurs will be harder to beat next season with Bissouma and Bentancur in central midfield. We had the right scouting ideas, but not the pulling power imo.
  8. Do you not remember his Usain Bolt impression against Man City in December? The sprint back from their penalty area which pulled his hamstring. He came past a Man City player like the guy in light blue was going backwards. It was the most impressive bit of sprinting! I agree that there may be a problem if his top speed strains his hamstrings, but there is absolutely no question that he has" blistering pace" if and when he's fit enough to use it safely.
  9. I've seen a gossipy link to JWP and West Ham and Newcastle. I know it's lazy journalism, but I believe that JWP could be our missing link to considerable future progress. He is deceptively physical for a slim guy, and covers huge mileage over 90 minutes. His non stop aggressive pressing and accurate passing added to his superb set piece ability would be of real value to us, as would his positive vocal leadership (captain?) On the basis of only buying players who will definitely improve our first eleven, he should be a major Villa target imo.
  10. Absolutely, it makes sense given the close proximity of the two venues.
  11. It might have been said already but I've just looked at a side by side list of Bournemouth's starting eleven compared to ours, and arguably not one of their players would feature in our first eleven. If our attitude and self belief are right it has to be a three point start. I expect a lot of sideways and backwards possession from them, but no real confidence or threat. It really is our own hands this season with more than half of the teams we play against.
  12. When you say "the FA" you're actually referring to a rather large bunch of elderly gentlemen who really enjoy the quality hotels and hospitality that cater to their every need. The occasional committee meeting with tea pots of earl grey and cigars are an onerous but bearable part of the gig. "Let nice Mr Southgate get on with his job, don't rock the boat, life is totally satisfying".
  13. Don't knock it, lol. We got in to the top 2% of all schools nationally (ahead of 98% of all schools through out the UK) with both the value added to each pupil academically during their years with us and exam results. We also had a group of up to 100 volunteer student peer mentors who supported fellow students, which drastically cut down on the impact of challenging behaviour. We were a caring and sharing community that also matched the results of a number of very expensive public schools! There's a parallel to the way Villa improve youth players by celebrating strengths and targeting weaknesses, while totally supporting the growth and maturation of the whole young person. Rory Wilson will do well at AVFC as we have a caring holistic ethic when it comes to looking after and improving our youngsters.
  14. I was Chair of Governors at a successful High School in 2006 .... and I've still got a full head of hair and my own teeth! Age is only a number.
  15. Not a nice guy from what I've read but Richarlison will score goals wherever he goes.
  16. I thought this comment was a little optimistic until I had a good think about it. Our early signings will greatly assist selling our project of Villa joining the real PL elite to other players. We are on the verge of becoming an attractive club for ambitious players to join.
  17. The Premier League has a habit of finding out players who star in their own lesser leagues. Calvin Bassey appears to have the physicality and aggression that we've lacked in the past, but does he have the 90 minute stamina to move that big frame around? His technique seems solid for a muscular guy and his pace is excellent by the look of video clips. I guess our scouts (and scouting room) will have been working overtime on checking him out, because character and attitude are key attributes to Gerrard's "project". If we are interested in him, he will have to be sold the wider picture which will see him used as a cover/sub initially. The use of five subs this coming season should make the PL bench a slightly more attractive place. I see an opportunity in some matches to push Digne up to left midfield at some stage in the game when we could benefit from his pinpoint crossing,(he was effective for Everton in this position two seasons ago). Bassey could be brought on to sit in behind him as LB without weakening the system at all. I'll watch this one with patient interest.
  18. That's the way AVFC do their transfer business these days, in house and under tight wraps. Very professional and also much appreciated by the clubs our guys deal with. In the bad old days it would would have meant nothing was happening, but not any more.
  19. Somebody mentioned Usmanov sponsoring Everton's training ground, and then Fortress was mentioned as a sponsorship possibility .... I'd love it if Wes was able to give us millions in return for naming "Fortress Villa Park" after his investment company. It has a great vibe!
  20. Conor Gallagher would be a perfect fit for Villa. Attitude, energy, skill and an "in your face" persona that must p*ss off the opposition. I think he is is probably just out of our reach currently. If Gerrard is keen then he needs to take the crew round to Conor's and do a damn fine project selling job!
  21. The transfer window opens in just two days time. To conclude that Villa have no further interest in the window is extremely premature. I think for the first time in years we have players that other clubs will be willing to pay decent money for, so I expect our focus to be on selling decent players who don't fit Gerrard's requirements. Traore, El Ghazi, Trezeguet, Nakamba, Guilbert, Sanson, Davis, Hause etc will probably not be in Gerrard's thoughts for next season, and even Ings and Luiz may well attract offers that we wouldn't refuse. That's a possible ten players who have sales potential .... I can't remember a similar situation for Villa at the beginning of a Summer transfer window. If Villa sell several of these fringe players plus either Ings or Luiz, then that generates a fair bit of cash and frees up places for more suitable "Gerrard" type signings. With five subs allowed next season we're going to need the right kind of players on the pitch in each position and players with similar attributes on the bench. We need to remove the "soft underbelly" that has held us back previously.
  22. Matt Targett is a good defensive "full back", but he doesn't have anywhere near the pace to be the sharp attacking "wing back" that Gerrard needs for the way he sets Villa up. That's the reason he was replaced by Digne. 12/15 million is a good price for a player that doesn't fit our system. All the best Matt.
  23. I try to avoid saying anything negative, but tonight I will make an exception .... I'm happy for Tyrone and Ollie that they are resting well away from this awful manager. England got what Southgate totally deserves .... Nothing! Back on my positive pills now.
  24. I'm both relieved and excited by Critchley's appointment. He's a well regarded man manager and coach who will be respected by the players. You don't give up a successful spell of club management to return to coaching unless you're ambitious, so the fact that he sees coaching the Villa first team squad as a step up won't be lost on the players. Also he is a slim and fit guy in contrast to Beale who was always surprisingly overweight (imo). I felt that last season the squad still weren't as fit as it should have been. It must have been difficult for MB to insist on the players shifting excess weight when he visually presented a more sedentary image. I may be totally wrong, but to me perception is important.
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