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Everything posted by AntrimBlack

  1. Another game we should have won. We were extremely unlucky again. But how many games will it take before our luck changes. We are already, even at this early stage, looking to struggle into the playoffs.
  2. I am by no means a tactical mastermind, but my first thought when we went ahead was to sub in a second midfielder.
  3. It does not look very convincing, but it's the best we're going to get.
  4. I am 60/40 whelmed.
  5. It's very boring, now, Michael. Know when to stop.
  6. Basically just stats, but the important ones.
  7. Interesting comparison between Adama and Adomah on Sky Sports HQ. We seem to be getting much the better deal.
  8. Changed your mind from a couple of hours ago?
  9. Good. He could be trouble. We have had enough of his sort.
  10. Thank god for that. I was getting really bored.
  11. It's a bit boring, though. Same old, same old.
  12. Interesting claim, Useless. Why do you think that?
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