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Everything posted by AntrimBlack

  1. Tekkers was only interested in Team Tekkers. I have no problem with that, but that is just how it was.
  2. Good interview. I really like him and McCormack. our best two players by some distance.
  3. If you mean Gardner, I agree entirely.
  4. You are right, of course. But so many points have been dropped from winning positions that they feel like losses.
  5. I was not aware that he said that. If he did say that, and believes it, then he is making his job even more difficult.
  6. No. I don't agree for the reasons previously stated.
  7. Sorry, Mantis, I really cannot go along with this. Any baggage we have at the moment would be generated by this team this season ie.the losing mentality.
  8. Both are over rated and ineffective.
  9. We were discussing the mentality being with the club and associated with last year. You are talking about the managers abilities. Totally different discussion.
  10. With respect, Mantis, I cannot see how that could be. The club is the owner, the management team and the players, and they have all been changed. The club is not an entity in itself, with it's own mentality.
  11. It keeps being brought up, but with the changes we have made, it is inconceivable that there can be any connection with last year's mentality.
  12. He won't get a second year, in my opinion, unless we improve dramatically and miss promotion by a whisker. RDM spoke of 2 years, Xia never did.
  13. McCormack in before either Grealish or even Ayew.
  14. Let's not blame the fans. And this is a brand new set of players. No way last season can be infecting them. I think we have to look at RDM. He really is doing very badly.
  15. Surely he must be better than Gardner and Westwood.
  16. This is a new team, completely unfettered by the mentality of last season, and I am viewing them in that light. And I am worried about the results. Early days, yes, but it seems we are pinning our hopes on everything changing eventually. How long will that take? We cannot let other teams get too much of a head start on us. We also seem to believe that other teams will implode and we will then catch them. Will they implode? All of them? It's all very well to be unlucky, but we need to get results soon.
  17. It should have been Jedinak. He was on the bench and available. Difficult to understand that.
  18. It is virtually a new team. I don't think there can be any effect from last season, so I am not concerned about that. Teams will often sit back after going ahead. Our defence, particularly our midfield, invariably lets us down, and that would be more of a concern to me.
  19. Agreed. We also should have got a lot more points from earlier games. A combination of missed chances and defensive howlers has been our undoing.
  20. I like him. Very good player. I was surprised at the amount of energy he has.
  21. Their keeper saved them from a big defeat. Our keeper...............
  22. You really can only go with the `bad luck' thing for so long. If it persists then action must be taken to change things. How long to wait for luck to change - that is the difficult bit.
  23. I think it was aimed at the players. Perhaps the strikers?
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