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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. He was asked directly about Lerner. He can't say "no comment" and he equally can't start slagging him off. I'd worry more about the actions he is taking than what he is saying to the press. Fox did nothing practical to improve Villa and he came out with the same diatribe as those before him. Expect the same diatribe form Hollis about Lerner, but he has otherwise quite publicly chopped and changed and hired some impressive characters to the board.
  2. I genuinely don't think we will get any more points. This is our lot.
  3. Surely you have more than one mug? I have like 10. Unless that makes me an absolute baller and I just didn't realise.
  4. This is me with all my likes right now:
  5. I read all the chitchat about Pringles on the next page before actually seeing your post. So I spent ages looking for the Pringles reference which related to the salted potato snack but, alas, there never was such a reference. Your post was confusing and has caused unnecessary friction amongst an already sensitive group of people going through a lot right now. Think about it before you post next time, eh?
  6. I just saw this and thought "ha I'm going to post this to VillaTalk. They'd like this". Insomnia is now destroying my brain.
  7. When concede we always concede another one immediately after. Is there some rule now whereby if Aston Villa concede a goal it counts as 2?
  8. If he's bored of football and doesn't want to invest, fine, whatever. But I don't understand how any man could stand being so universally hated? Does it not bother him? I'd be perpetually miserable if I knew the things people were saying about me (including the very personal (and I should say totally unjustified) insults and threats to him and his family). I just don't know why he hasn't been desperate to jump ship sooner. He must be losing money from this regardless so why not cut his losses and sell to just anyone? It'll be a drop in the ocean at this point and he wouldn't be making any great loss in real terms. In his position I wouldn't care about who I sell to, I'd sell to literally anyone who offered at this point.
  9. Likewise. And I wouldn't even bother if I didn't. 6-0 Spurs. The most I can commit to these games now is to just check in with you lot once it's all over.
  10. Even if it has been moved we will find a way to lose the original fixture.
  11. UAE is thankfully only 4 hours ahead but that's going to make midweek games in the Championship difficult to commit to. I do think relegation is going to hit our overseas following quite hard.
  12. Cannot stand any of them. Would happily see them all released and replaced with our youth system (although if they're anything like Gabby or Grealish, I don't want them either). Just get 11 emergency loans from SHA for all I care.
  13. Tbh let Hutton do what he wants. He's the only one ever trying. I'd just make him captain and pay him everyone's wages.
  14. I really hope we just get smashed 10-0 in every game because that's no less humiliation than the players and board deserve.
  15. I blinked and missed it all. Oh well now I can go back to watching pointless youtube videos.
  16. I'm happier hoofing to Ayew. He has more chance of controlling the ball because he is able to use his legs.
  17. I'm surprised we haven't had more reds this season. I worry every time one of our players makes a 'tackle'. Perhaps we are just getting some sympathy.
  18. I can't believe we exchanged legal tender for a lot of these players.
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