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Everything posted by Xela

  1. Unfortunately champagne has a limited shelf life. Most need to be drunk in under 5 years with only a handful lasting longer in the right conditions.
  2. Never heard of him before now but sounds like he deserves to get shanked!
  3. The worse ones are the ones who release their fireworks at about 3 minutes to midnight. Haven't you got a clock you pricks?!
  4. Happy New Year bud! I hope 2019 will be full of meat filled goodness for you
  5. Happy New Year Keenan! Don't ever change
  6. Happy New Year all! Hope 2019 is a good 'un for everybody.
  7. I saw a few episodes of the marvel ones. Just dull. I did like the Punisher though, on that theme. Best one they did.
  8. Had a couple after work but truthfully, still feel a bit rough after my recent illness. Plus might pop to folks tomorrow so need a clear head for the journey. My days of seeing the new year in on Broad St then getting into a brawl are behind me!
  9. Quiet night in for me... films. snacks and a sober evening. Happy New Year you dirty dogs!
  10. Miami, Arizona and Cincinnati sack their HC's as well
  11. Texans / Seahawks / Ravens / Bears for me Some good matchups there though.
  12. Isn't the Pickem stll going through the play-offs?
  13. 4th will do as my team got progressively shitter through the season!
  14. Re-watching The Thick of It (again!) What a fantastic show.
  15. I texted everyone Happy New Year on the 4th December, in case I was too busy throughout the month
  16. I agree, I do my bit where I can but it needs a wholesale change from countries like China and India to make a difference. Plus Trump! Everyone should do their bit.
  17. True, not having kids does save me a lot! However I only have one income into my house. A lot of families have 2 incomes (not sure about your situation ) I'm different to you in that if I doubled my salary, I wouldn't change my lifestyle. Maybe a slightly bigger property. Nothing else would change. I'm not materialistic in that sense. To me, money is about giving me the freedom to retire as early as possible. If I can go at 50 or earlier, great. I don't want to be working at 65. Whether that happens I don't know, but it is the plan! I don't go without, i'm not some miser!
  18. This. For every bit of good an individual does (recycling etc) there is a new airport or skyscraper being built in China or a new factory pumping out smoke in India. Fart in a hurricane.
  19. I think you would have a safety net and he did say he had his Grandfather's business to sell and a remortgage. It isn't entirely clear how he cleared it but I was just musing really about how some people spend what they earn and some don't. I'm probably more conservative and I do save a lot.
  20. Fresh from 2 last year (George HW Bush & Stephen Hawking), here are my new 'victims' Paul Gascoigne Clive James Phil the Greek Robert Mugabe Kirk Douglas
  21. So, someone had to start it... again You get five names. Five. If you list more than five names then any names from six onwards won't count. 100 points for a dead celebrity. 200 points if that celebrity is below 40 years of age on the day they die. The number of points is divided equally between every person who guesses correctly. If you are the only person to name somebody who dies then you get the full hundred. If five people guess, it's twenty points each. Decimal scores will be rounded up, ie, if three people guess then they get 34 points each, not 33.333 I'll be generous with the deadline. Entries are valid up until 23:59 January 6th 2019. Editing your post after that time will invalidate your entry into the game.
  22. This is an article from 2013. https://londonlovesbusiness.com/deputy-speaker-nigel-evans-cost-public-416800-since-2010-including-8000-in-expenses/ So between 2010-2013 he earned over £400k yet struggled to pay a legal bill? I think @Dr_Pangloss was right!
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