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Everything posted by Xela

  1. I'm still using an iPhone 3GS and its been a great servant. Over 3 years now and still going strong. I do feel the need to upgrade though... its a straight choice in my mind between Samsung Galaxy S3 and iPhone 5. Is there any other ones I should consider? Anything from HTC? How about Windows phones?
  2. I thought that was Lee Martin in an FA Cup match? :? Mark Robins scored in the 1-0 win in the 3rd round at Forest. I think Lee Martin scored the winner in the FA Cup Final replay that same year
  3. Awful news. Shows how dangerous the job can be.. two young officers went to work in the morning and will never see their families again. Tragic.
  4. Being ill. Today is my first sick day in 5 years. Some would say i'm due one but I don't being off (apart from holidays!) as I know I will have to go back to 3 times as much work tomorrow/Thursday
  5. Xela

    Middle Age

    I'd say around 40? If you aren't middle aged until 55, what are you when you are 50? Young?
  6. A four figure tax refund from HMRC :-)
  7. Xela


    If you're looking for a package then companies like Trailfinders and Travelbag are decent. However, I always find it easier and cheaper to book it yourself. Sort your flights out first (I've flown into HK and out of Singers on KLM before). Air Asia is your friend with pan Asian flights. Then once the dates are sorted, book the hotels through Booking/Agoda/Hotels.com etc
  8. Just the one career for me... Banking. Been doing it over 10 years. First few jobs were just that, 'jobs'. Trainee chartered surveyor, sales admin in an import/export business and plenty of short term contracts working through Reed.
  9. I watched Dallas... quite liked it! Also watching Person of Interest which seems pretty decent.
  10. The etap (or Ibis Budget as it is now called) is used as a bail/probation hostel by the authorities in Brum. Combine that with the general stag do / hen parties and you can see the quality of the clientele it attracts
  11. Aren't NFL 'role models' even more well paid and act like even bigger pricks? I think most big sports have the same issues. I'm not knocking your point, I feel exactly the same with football as you do.
  12. I can see where the OP is coming from... my love of football has waned over the years. I will always be a Villa fan but I don't dedicate as much time or effort to it as I used to. I guess I grew out of it as I got older and I realised there were a lot more important things in life. I still root for us, take an interest etc but if we lose it doesn't ruin my day like it used to. After all, its just a game.
  13. Very quiet for me this weekend... and I need it! Just going to sleep, hit the gym hard and watch films. Got a few jobs to do (shopping, need to buy a suit etc) but nothing too taxing. Last weekend I'm at home in a few weeks as in Bournemouth next weekend for a wedding, Egypt the weekend after and Manchester the weekend after that.
  14. Oh yeah Man City are to blame as well.. the whole situation is messed up. If City hadn't subsidised the wage, I imagine he would never sign for Spurs despite being offered £80k per week. He'd rather sit a home for 2 years earning £175k per week (which he's entitled to do) but in my eyes makes him a mercenary. Ah.. dunno why it makes me angry, it just does!
  15. The Adebayor transfer demonstrates all what is wrong with modern football. Greedy mercenary footballer on alleged £175k PER WEEK at Citeh and refusing to take a pay a cut to a paltry £80k per week to join Spurs until Citeh make up the difference. I sincerely hope football bankrupts itself and has to start again.
  16. I'd rather spend the money on a £16k honeymoon!
  17. Me too. I watched the opening ceremony again and was filled with a massive sense of pride. Even when it started a few weeks, I was, not cynical, just not bothered with it... however within a day or two I was hooked! I regret not trying for tickets now!
  18. I think it should be kept as an athletics stadium... a truly world class one. Although as LondonLax alludes to, I'm not sure how much it would cost to upkeep without a permanent tenant?
  19. When they panned across the athletes at the stadium there was a very attractive girl in the British team... looked mixed race (caucasian/far eastern). Need to do a bit of research
  20. Xela

    Gym Routine

    Just to give an update, now lost 11.5lbs in 6 weeks. Not as fast as I'd have liked but had a stag weekend and a few heavy nights in there. I can fit into work shirts that I couldn't do the buttons up on 4 weeks ago and I need to buy some new trousers as my current pairs are too baggy. Overall, reasonably pleased. Got to hit in hard for the next 3 weeks now before a holiday to Egypt
  21. Of course it is. If you're an athlete though then nothing compares to gold. You take the glory and you are the best if you win gold. Silver and bronze are for runners up. The fact remains that nobody remembers second and third... Anyway, sad that it's the last day of the Olympics. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that football gets going again next weekend. I just can't seem to get excited about the forthcoming football season :-(
  22. Another thing, I'm surprised given the size of the country that India are practically non existent in the Olympics. I'd have thought given the vast size of the country and the rise of them as a force economically, like China, that we would see a lot more medals from them.
  23. What a fantastic day yesterday was for the Olympics. I ended up being glued to the TV most of the day so nothing constructive got done! Delighted for Mo... what a race! Plus I don't understand the hate for Tom Daley. Really delighted for him especially as he has been through a very tough year. The difference in emotions in the picture above is that the Chinese diver was probably favourite for gold, while I'm sure Daley was an outsider for a medal. Its nice to see such emotion.
  24. Saw hundreds of cyclists when driving through the Surrey countryside yesterday (was trying to avoid parts of the M25). Majority were fine and abiding by the highway code.. there are always a few that jump the red lights though. I think I might have been close to the Olympic Time Trial course so a lot of people are cycling it.
  25. I feel your pain. I've been putting up with that shit as a user and support for years now. My company is in the middle of migrating to Outlook. I've never been so happy rolling out a Microsoft product. It's like IBM wanted to share their pain with the world. Still, you think it's terrible now, it could be worse, you could have to navigate the impenetrable maze that is Lotus Domino. It makes me want to punch myself in the balls. Wow, people still use Lotus Notes? Some massive companies still use it. HSBC use it globally (migrated from Outlook about 7 years ago) and Goodyear also use it.
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