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Everything posted by stewiek2

  1. Well they've just said ginger jock has £20-40m to spend in January. That's put the asking prices of whoever they want up a fair whack. Good luck in trying to sign quality in January, the toughest period to make moves.
  2. Yeah cos they came in, promised to back Terry Cooper, then sacked him to get Bazza in.
  3. Hate to be pedantic but they were there when barrow boy Fry was manager as they appointed him. Shame really, he's the one sty manager who I don't mind, met him a few times and f he hadn't have managed them he'd be a legend. A genuinely funny bloke. Football by nature has a history where some clubs will always be up there (manure, scouse, us, le arse, everton, yids), the also rans who get midtable, flitter with dogfights, the odd relegation/promtions (spam, mackems for example), and the Small Heaths of the world, ie. **** delusional tin pot laughing stocks. (see also the geordie nation).
  4. Good to see Empire is running away with it. My ordre of good v bad- 1. Empire 2. Sith 3. New Hope 4. Jedi 5. Menace 6. Clones
  5. I presumed the "indian' in the title of the thread meant the region around the Indian ocean origination. So Pop some feckin Konnie Huq in the mix you pinicky git!?!
  6. This thread needs more Konnie Huq and the bird from Slumdog. Come on, get on it people!
  7. I thought Bellamy was their best player by a country mile. Us? Dunne was simply immense, Collins just does what he does don't he? An absolute bargian. Warnock had his best game for us. For me, Carew started great then looked so off the pace. He doesn't look fit imo!? Ashley Young hasn't been the same player since Capello wrote them that letter, his crossing is poor, and he constantly cuts back onto his right foot. I think the kid needs a rest. Play Delph there for a bit, give Ash a rest, get Delph's game up to Prem pace/standard, and that'll give him a bit of pressure to perform. I think a draw is a fair result, but we certainly had the chances to win it. After Citehh scored both teams looked happy for the draw, I expect more from Villa at home to try and win it. But hey, if Citehh are seen as top four contenders then we certainly are. They look a tidy team cos they don't lump it forward as much as we do. I wish we'd play more balls on the ground, we are better than MON has us playing at times. Still, decent result, especially considering the tonkings we've taken off them in past seasons! (apart from last season at home, generally we are shit against them!)
  8. Bad Lieutenant - Never Cry Another Tear (all you new order fans out there will know who this album is by)
  9. ^The Campbell is a legend!^ For you obscure film-nuts out there, my brother has tipped me off to a real old film called 'The Testament of Doctor Mabuse'. If you want a brilliant 'remake' try the Malaysian Bond-spoof 'For Your Height Only'. B-Movieingly brilliant!
  10. If you can find it, a rare gem is the british comedy film 'The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer'. Peter Cook is brilliant in it, and there's a couple of fit birds in it (Valerie Leon anyone!?)
  11. 'You have had 901,351 indirect and direct sexual partners. When going back 3 generations, you have had 1,186 indirect and direct sexual partners.' I wondered why I was knackered all the time!?!
  12. Editors new album - In This Light And On This Evening
  13. 2-0, job done. 3 clean sheets on the trot, 4 league wins, 5 in all competitions on the trot. 3 points off top. WELL DONE!!!!!!
  14. 3 clean sheets on the trot. When did that last happen?!
  15. Me too Rob! Ah Chelmsley seems far more safer with them c**ts off the streets. Watched the game in the Bell in Coleshill and christ you could tell noses from their tattoos, inbred looks,
  16. The Day Today never fails to get me chuckling... That's John Fa-shar-new tonight on BBC2
  17. The thing that majorly disappoints me, and saddens me too as it's exactly what I now expect from the man, is that when we needed to push for a 3rd goal to take us through, our manager seemed bereft of ideas, relevant substitutions, tactical tweaks or this famous motivational skill he apparently has to lift his team to push on. After Rapid's goal we had the look of a team that had accepted it's fate.
  18. Not sure what to put down for me as I was a season ticket holder but didnt renew cos of losing my job BUT will renew once I get a job. So I guess atm enforced armchair, or to put my stance properly... Stood in pub with pint in my hand supporter.
  19. Can't do anymore than a win at Anfield. 10 for everyone, even the subs, squad, tea lady, coach driver, kit man!!!!! Well done to everyone. Rode our luck at times, we all now that, but christ for the first time in a while this team showed a HUGE set of balls, some character and fight. See us who question things don't do so as we like to 'moan'. We just want to see some fire in the belly of the team. Show that kind of spirit, fight and growing belief and we'll do alright this season, and that 10 minute period after the first goal you physically saw us grwo in our belief where we played great stuff and really took the game to plop resulting in the 2nd goal. We showed tonight what I have asked for, which is to fight for the shirt. I don't ask to win every week, or to be guaranteed top six, just a commitment to the cause. Tonights performance deserves every plaudit coming. Well done boys.
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