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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Hasn't Drakki been a 10 man boss for a while now? But yes, was good fun, especially the Leeroy run.
  2. I attacked one the other night. Immediately wished I hadn't. To be fair I only did it as I wanted to attack him with all my pets (2 x spirit wolves, 1 x fire elemental, 3 x Barov peasants and 1 x Onyxia skeleton helper) but after the initial confusion ended, he killed me very quickly). Sero (retrdin) from BOTS practically soloed Onyxia last night. Mad.
  3. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a night in with Palm-ela Hand-erson.
  4. Sex with relations? Are you from Lincolnshire?
  5. Well I specced full enhancement just before the server went down, and my shiney new talent is two hunter style pets, ie two ghost wolves that will attack things for me.
  6. Noooooooooooo: /quit
  7. The money to buy Villa was loaned by the Lerner Family Trust. Family trusts from rich families usually have clauses in them that they have to lend money at commercial rates. I don't imagine that the trustees are in a huge hurry for the money to be paid back. If Randy keeps improving the club and its fortunes the way he has, I'd imagine we'll be able to repay it sooner rather than later without noticing it too much. As someone who knows a little bit about football finance, I'd say Randy's style of operating so far is about as close to being the perfect model as you can get.
  8. Just finished a bottle of Tesco's Finest Argentinian Shiraz - San Juan. Only bought it as it was half price and I needed warming up after walking the dogs in the pissing rain, but it turned out to be fantastic - smoother than a cashmere codpiece.
  9. I'll check out GW, but from the screenshots it looks a little like a basic WoW. What's the appeal with it?
  10. The only thing that would possibly make me renew was if all the old guard were to come back for WOTLK. But then I know I'd probably get suckered back into raiding again and I really don't want that. The most fun I had in the last few months was in the arena with Si (and a bit with Tarj as well). We started off unutterably shite, but actually got quite good.
  11. I remember the fist night I logged on to Wow and Si gave me a tour of the early places, I was absolutely knocked out by the sheer scale of the game. Then just finding new areas was an absolute blast, I remember being L40ish and falling of a ledge from Tanaris and coming face to face with that huge sodding T Rex. Once you lose that excitement, like you say Sie, it almost becomes a sense of duty rather than fun.
  12. Someone needs to bring out a decent new alternative to WoW. I don't miss the game itself, as it had got pretty stale towards the end, but I do miss the days of all the VT boys playing together. We had the early days of Nays, Si, Me, Dan, Tarj, Bicks and Sie all levelling relatively close to each other, when getting from L40 to L50 was a pretty big achievement and half the map was still waiting to be discovered. Then we had the later days with Limpid, Juju, Sam and Jay when we all got pretty good, and half the Dashers seemed to be made up of the VT contingent. The night me, Dan and Tarj were levelling in Ashenvale, and we attacked the allied gryphon master still ranks as one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
  13. New Order - Everything's Gone Green. (just sold the 7" on Ebay for £24! )
  14. I was a huge 24 fan, but the last two to three series just got more daft and full of plot holes as they went on. I love Lost, but sometimes it gets frustrating, so on the whole I'm going to plump for Heroes which both the wife and I really enjoy.
  15. Guess which one's my dad then....yes that's right, the chap on the far right, Imran Rissbrook! By the way, is this the most off topic any thread has ever gone?
  16. I'll be sure to pass on your regards! Strangely enough, there's a picture of him on the Chiltern Railways website opening the new toilet building.
  17. Haha, remember that well. One thing I definitely do not miss at all about WoW are the mental Europeans for whom the game was the most important thing in the world.
  18. Yep, just biding my time....!
  19. Well the way I see it is, a succesful transfer policy would be one of continuously trying to improve the players you have, and increasing competition for places. Hence the signings of Cuellar, Friedel and Guzan were very good bits of business. However, signing Luke Young was only filling a gaping hole that has been there for way too long., and hence I'm not giving O'Neill any brownie points for finally filling a space he should have two years ago, especially when if we'd bought Young last year he'd have been half the price and would have let us play Mellberg in the centre. We also have no cover for either full back, either wing, and up front we've only got Harewood. It wasn't a terrible transfer window, but it wasn't a brilliant one either.
  20. 4. All we've really done is address problems that should have been sorted months ago. Friedel and Cuellar are good buys, but I can't see where Sidwell is going to fit in. We've filled the holes but haven't assembled a side capable of a realistic challenge for the top 4, which in my opinion we'd need to do if I was going to give an 8 or 9 out of 10. Before anyone continues of me being negative, we still have no cover at left back, right back, left midfield, right midfield or up front (unless you count Harewood, which is pushing it!)
  21. That's a broken link Bicks mate - red cross only I'm afraid.
  22. Anybody planning to return for WOTLK? Don't think I will be tbh.
  23. Oh dear, more trouble for the government, that's absolutely ruined my weekend, I can tell you....
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