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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Nah saving up to go away Quoted to preserve drunken typos, next thurs will be my turn! Note to self, just go to bed after Christmas party next year!
  2. anyone coming uop for the wigan gane ovre Xmas?
  3. You've got to be kidding.
  4. Dashers about to implode spectacularly.
  5. Exactly. He's now beaten the golden oldie in De La Hoya, and the new golden boy in Hatton. He's proved he's the best in the business by a long way. Fair play to him, I thought it would be closer than it was.
  6. Why have you got the Argent Dawn Commission equipped in both shots?
  7. Couldn't one of you Midlanders just drop him the disks off?!
  8. Because it's a front page article. I look forward to seeing the headlines in the papers tomorrow "Villa fans say it wasn't a mistake after all!" edit: ace signature by the way
  9. Cheers for the advice Os. I have to admit my spec was a bit "off the cuff" and I could make improvements. The 3% chance to hit was a bit of an oversight, but I have to say I'd miss Nature's Swiftness more than the 41 point enh talent. All I've been doing are solo q's mainly, so NS has been a god send, with instant emergency heals and the odd ghost wolf and leg it. I could tinker with the build, (and improve my gear with enchants) but as I'm grinding purely for gold for my epic glying mount, it'd probably be counterproductive atm spending more gold to respec. If I want to start raiding again I'll probably have to switch back to resto anyway. Where can I get some good trinkets by the way?
  10. Great fun. I've gone from about 200G to 1500G in a week or so of doing quests I couldn't be arsed with before because killing things was so bloody hard as resto. Now I just stand there and let dual wield windfury do it's stuff, most satisfying. I can see how being enhancement in Arenas sucks balls though, but did quite enjoy AV, when I just randomly targetted Mages to 2 shot! Luckily I've managed to pick up a fair few enhancement epics over the last few months, so have got pretty decent AP, even without expensive enchants.
  11. So they made it completely dispellable. The 30 second cooldown is just one nerf too far, I don't think I'll bother with it if it happens, in fact, I may just stay enhancement!
  12. Aye, blind is a bit overpowered at the moment, to say the least. It seems a bit strange that they make a shaman's 41 point talent dispellable by all and sundry, then nerf it further by putting a huge cooldown on it, then make things like blind even stronger. Madness.
  13. That's absolutely **** retarded. If Blizz carry on as they are people are not going to bother with Shamans at all. A 41 point talent that can be dispelled by just about everybody, now has a 30 second cooldown. Good going.
  14. I predict much emo-sity within the Dashers in coming days/weeks. Noobeye wants to kick everybody who doesn't raid regularly!
  15. Well Strictly Come Dancing is a must watch in my opinion. Although to be honest I'd watch "Strictly Paint Drying" if Ola Jordan was in it!
  16. They're halving the mana cost of Earthshield as well, which means I'll only go oom half as quickly in BGs with people queuing up to dispel it!
  17. Sip a Noggenfogger and do it off that huge tree in Teldrassil (the one we all jumped off a couple of years ago).
  18. I'm more concerned with the bugged to buggery earthshield, hope they do a hot fix soon.
  19. Love the new patch. Grinding's a million times easier than it was before now that I have more spellpower in my healing gear than I had in my old elemental dps gear! Plus I trained 2H axes and a nice big windfury crit while using Gorehowl reduces most things to sushi!
  20. Italian! There, I've said it. He also told Tarj (rather forcefully) to go back to Norway. Which sort of ignores the fact that Outlands isn't a real place and that Tarj doesn't actually have to leave Norway to visit there!
  21. Perhaps you were on your break when the little nab was spamming the chat channel with the same inane nonsense.
  22. Have you ever been to Trafalgar Square Nays, and seen the signs that say "do not feed the pigeons"? Well I'm erecting the equivalent for this thread, "Do not respond to the 13 year old who is only here to wind you up".
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