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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Surely it applies to all silence and interrupt spells though, which can only be a good thing I reckon
  2. Go away and never darken our thread again please.
  3. Just play the bloody game and see which you prefer, and try to be slightly less annoying. Anyway slightly ahead of my predicted time frame we downed Maulgar, Gruul, Maggy and Lurker in one night.
  4. Wowstats for latest Maggy and Lurker kill I reckon we'll e doing Gruul, Maggy and Lurker in one night from next week.
  5. Casters and healers still need their weapons for dps and healing though, just because they don't often phsically hit stuff with it, doesn't make it any less vital.
  6. Somthing like that yeah.
  7. I've still got the Full Effect vent details after I went to Kara with them.......
  8. I honestly don't know Michelsen. They won't be compulsory to have on you, so fail to see how they will prevent people giving the police a spurious ID if arrested. I also can't see how they will stop people using fraudulent credit cards in shops or over the internet. Any serious money launderer or terrorist probably isn't go to carry one at all, and if they do it'll be a fake. File under "expensive white elephant".
  9. Should have seen me and Tarj defending the FW graveyard in AV tonight. Us and a couple of others lasted bloody ages in a full on zerg.
  10. Leaving aside civil liberties, there hasn't been a single good reason FOR the cards yet. If they're of no use, and I fail to see how they would prevent terrorism or most ID fraud, then what's the point?
  11. GZ. 8) Aegis of the Vindicator A shield with over 5k armour, and it's mine you say!
  12. 2 mage/hunter chests (Gul and Shyrah). Imba healing shield for me, some leather AP gloves (Kytarx) Head to Noctus for ring. Think he went down on the fourth try. It's a bit like Razorgore, once you get past the slightly crazy first phase, the rest of the fight is cake. We had everybody still alive in the first phase, and had only lost a couple I think by 30%. It's good times in the Dashers again. I can see us farming Gruul/Maggy on one night, then clearing SSC on the two others at this rate. Get yourself back in Nays!
  13. Maggy down tonight, in the same week as the Lurker. Not bad going at all.
  14. Good fun in the arena with Si, and Tarj taking Mugsy's spot last night. Tore a few teams a new hole quite nicely.
  15. And ID cards would stop a fraction of that I suspect. The biggest proportion of that total (a total which is "vague" at best) is made of credit card fraud, ie people using cards that aren't theirs. How would an ID card stop somebody from buying goods fraudulently using a stolen or skimmed card?
  16. And as it won't be compulsory to carry it with you (initially at least) that will help how exactly?
  17. I've seen lots of attempts to disporove the arguments against having ID cards, I've yet to see a single good reason for having them.
  18. Dont lie! 8) Bear in mind that Si hasn't done an instance in nearly two years! The only thing Dan is good at is sprinting for the exit on a Maulgar wipe!
  19. It really winds me up these people who don't even live in the UK moaning abou...er hang on a second :oops: Not this again :roll: Blimey Nick, surely you can tell that was a joke mate? Point was that I don't live in the UK anymore, and was moaning about them. Ah, never mind, must be getting late over there eh!
  20. That's precisely right Bicks, "thin end of the wedge". They may be fairly benign to begin with, but once they're in, they'll never be repealed and then bit by bit they can do what they want with them, all the time hiding behind the maxim "If you've got nothing to hide....." Dangerous and unnecessary.
  21. It really winds me up these people who don't even live in the UK moaning abou...er hang on a second :oops:
  22. Has anybody actually come up with a good reason for having them yet? Depriving everybody of another chunk of their civil liberties, not to mention a huge wad of cash; there'd better be.
  23. :shock: Single White Nightelf!
  24. And for the class that actually needed the least amount of buffing anyway! Seriously, what the ****? That getting rid of the deadzone is the single biggest load of bollocks they've dreamed up yet, and completely **** pvp balance. The whole point of hunters was that they're ranged DPS. They use their tricks to keep you at bay, they win. You use your tricks to get in close, you win. Now they can just wing clip, get to the 5 yard (I think) limit and they still win. Insane. And now Arcane shot will dispell my earthshield, and aimed shot, as well as critting for insane amounts, will mean it's impossible to heal the victim afterwards. Maybe they'll introduce a new 5v1 vs hunters, could be a close run thing!
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